Chapter 10

Living with Danger

Just in case anyone gets confused, up till now I've been writing in view point of the characters but from this chapter onwards it will be in third person narrative.There is no real reason for the change, I just wanted to try it out.

Hyun Joong lay on the small bed blankly staring at the ceiling and trying to organize his thoughts. The past few days had been uneventful; they had mostly consisted of him patiently tracking his escaped target, the man he had failed to kill a week ago and today he had finally finished what he had failed to do.  Now he could continue his work peacefully without having the heavy burden of unfinished business on his shoulders.

He had got home somewhere around late afternoon and he had dozed off for a while before waking up and just deciding to lay in bed for a while, which ended up with him getting lost in his thoughts while looking at the ceiling. The house was quiet except for the soft buzz of the television from the living room where the landlady was probably watching her daily TV shows. Somehow without meaning to he had got used to the daily routine of the landlady and her granddaughter. Every morning he would wake up to the noise of the old lady bustling around her kitchen to make breakfast or going out to see to her garden. It was welcome change compared to silence he usually woke up to when he lived alone. A while later he would hear rapid footsteps on the stairs as the granddaughter, whose name he was yet to find out, came down to grab breakfast before leaving for work, the sound of the front door closing signaling her departure. Now that he was used to their daily routine he was more vary of what times he chose to go out, especially after the incident a week ago.

 He knew he was purposely avoiding her to avoid further complicating the situation and in the end he would have to come to terms with her if he wanted to continue living in her house peacefully. It was funny how one of Seoul’s best assassins, someone who had killed some of the most important people in South Korea seemed to be avoiding a girl. It may seem cowardly but he didn’t want to face the girl until he’d figured out a decent excuse for his actions since the one he gave her in the city had just been plain rude.

Lost in his thoughts Hyun Joong didn’t hear the knocks on his door until he heard the doorknob turning. He quickly sat up and reached for the gun under his pillow on a reflex but immediately took his hand away when he realized it was the landlady’s granddaughter.

“Um, sorry for the disturbance but halmeoni made some kimchi spaghetti today and we have a lot leftover so I was wondering if you wanted some”

Hyun Joong blinked, quite surprised. He had been nothing but rude to this girl since their first meeting, he didn’t even know her name, but despite his behavior she had actually bothered to offer him some dinner, even if it was just the leftovers. His mind quickly flashed back to the girl who had stopped to help him the time he was bleeding on the street and without realizing it he got lost in his thoughts.

Yejin had been nervous to knock on his door even though she was interested in knowing more about him, his cold attitude was still intimidating and there was still a little part of her that held some annoyance about his rude reply. Hearing no answer she had turned the knob to see him suddenly sitting up on the bed looking alarmed before relaxing after recognizing her. She had hoped her question would break the awkward silence but it only grew longer as he just sat there without a reply. Not being able to take the tension anymore she said, “I’m sorry for suddenly barging in on you, if you want the spaghetti later it’ll be in the fridge” Hurt that from rude replies he had just stopped talking to her altogether she turned around and closed the door. But only after the taking a few steps away she heard the door opening and a hand grabbed her wrist.

“I would like to have some now if that’s alright”


She watched him from her seat opposite him at the dining table as he ate . The scene was something she could have never imagined before this. Here was Kim Hyun Joong the guy who had rudely brushed her off countless number of times, sitting at her table having and enjoying her grandma’s spaghetti. To be honest Yejin hadn’t expected him to really accept her offer. She had expected another one of his rude replies.

Despite his blank face Hyun Joong was actually enjoying his meal. It had been ages since he had eaten a proper home cooked meal and he was savoring every bite. The girl had been wordlessly watching him for some time and he finally decided it was enough.

“I can’t eat comfortably if you’re just going to be staring at me”

His voice broke through her thoughts and she met his gaze, a blush forming on her cheeks as she looked away muttering a ‘sorry’. He watched her with interest as she picked up her glass and drank some milk , her cheeks still pink from embarrassment. Yejin looked back at him more composed this time and Hyun Joong had a rough idea about what was coming.

“That night in the city I know you were being chased by those men. I know it’s none of my business but you are living in my home and I think I have the right to know what kind of person is living under my roof. I won’t deny I was annoyed with you for randomly pulling me along with you but I won’t hold it against you. So I hope we can clear any misunderstandings between us.”

Hyun Joong listened to her carefully as he continued eating. She had a point but Hyun Joong couldn’t exactly explain his situation to her. Hey landlady’s granddaughter I was actually running away from those men because I was trying to kill their boss. Why was I trying to kill their boss? Well it’s just one of my missions as an assassin.

That would be a wonderful explanation.

Knowing that he had to give some sort of explanation Hyun Joong decided to make it as simple as possible.


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Jmjkjin #1
Chapter 21: Authornim, please continue soon!😊
iloveJiyongoppa #2
Chapter 21: Please update this. It's so good.
sgillan #3
When will this story be updated!? We've been waiting patiently. Please, update soon. Thank you!
ramesh #4
Chapter 21: thnx for update...waiting for next chap!!
Kimlover15 #5
Chapter 21: God I can't wait to see what happens next!love ur story btw! :)
adventuress #6
Chapter 21: I am glad you updated, I thought you weren't going to! Wondering what that someone has to tell Yejin.
Athrun #7
Chapter 21: hey. this is a nice story and what a wonderful update. honestly i have been waiting so long for the update. really glad you update. plsss update soon. looking forward to it
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 21: Oooh! Is it Kyu Jong? And what exactly is he going to say?
ramesh #9
Chapter 20: thnx for the update..
loved the chap!!!!
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 20: Oooh! Love it! But now I'm worried for Yejin. Hyun Joong you need to get out of that line of work!