Chapter 5

I Promise


Chapter 5: (Eunhyuk's POV) (takes place a couple days later)

He was practically skipping with giddiness as he burst through the door of the living room that lead outside. It was adorable watching him like that, so happy and excited. The rest of us stared at him smiling, as he rounded the couch and perched himself cheerily onto my lap.

"Hyukkie!" he squeaked, squeezing me in a loving hug. Everyone else's eyes returned to the television screen as Donghae gave me a sweet, lingering kiss. He smiled at me and before I knew it, I was being yanked into our bedroom.

He sat me on the bed - or more like playfully tossed me on the bed - and beamed that adorable little smile I'd always loved, his eyes showing me every bit of happiness and excitement that was flowing through him.

"Why so eager, Hae?" I asked as he took my hands and sat down next to me. "I don't think I've ever seen you this excited!"

"I got you a present Hyukkie!" He was glowing. "Just like you got me!"

I smile and blushed, but I also felt a little bad. I didn't want him to think that he was obligated to get me a present just because I got him one!

"You didn't have to, baby!" I said, running my hands down his soft face. "All I need is you, and I'll be happy!" But I couldn't help but get excited myself when I saw him pull a small box out of his pocket.

He handed it to me, his smile so wide I thought it might rip his face. He didn't need to tell me twice to open it. What the hell, he didn't even need to tell me once!

I gently - but quickly - took the cover off the flat little box and my heart melted when I took out what was inside.

The two necklaces gleamed in the shallow light that the shaded window was giving off. I actually began to tear up when I squinted in the slight darkness to see our initials carved into the silver on each one.

"Oh, Hae…" I said, not able to keep my eyes away from these masterpieces. "You…how…I-I can't believe you did this for me! I love you, so so much!" I couldn't resist my urge and I wrapped my arms around him again, engulfing him in my embrace. I could hear him laughing and giggling with joy, probably half because I loved his gift, and half because of the physical contact.

When I finally got the strength to unwrap him from myself, I immediately took the necklace in my hand and chained it around my neck. Donghae reached for his, but I stopped him and took it myself. Without taking my eyes away from his, I chained the necklace around his throat, and once it was secure, my arms lay resting around his neck, my hands clasped together behind his head.

He smiled shyly and I wanted to tell him right there how lucky I was. That I could have him, that he would have me. I'd held in my feelings for so long, I hadn't even noticed them anymore because I was so used to feeling butterflies every time I looked at him. But then my feelings were multiplied that first time he kissed me.

He kept blushing, and I felt my cheeks warming up as well. I slowly leaned in and caught his lips just at the right time.

We both took in deep breaths as my lips claimed his. At first it was a simple kiss, and then slowly started to grow, and before we knew it, our tongues were exploring each other once again, like they had a couple days ago.

This was a bit different than the last time, though. Last time it was innocent, soft, careful. Now it was just a little more sloppier, a little more…heated.

I slowed down, just so I knew I wouldn't be forcing him into something. I wanted him, and he wanted me, but we wanted it to happen the right way.

He held me in place and grasped my hand lovingly. "Hae...are you sure? I don't want to force you..."

He smiled and kissed me again. "Hyukkie...I'm ready. I've always been ready for you." And then I knew it was the right time.

I knew Hae was shy right now, so even though I didn't want to, I knew I had to make the first move. I went as gently as possible as I slowly lifted the hem of his shirt up, up, then over his head. I ran my hands over his stomach and felt him giggle into our kiss. He didn't wait much longer himself, and just a few precious moments later, my shirt was lying on the floor next to his.

Just as I thought I would have to make the next move, I felt myself being pushed down more on the bed, until my back hit the mattress and he was laying over me. He smiled, and I smiled, and everything was perfect.

He planted a peck on my lips before beginning to leave butterfly kisses all the way down my neck and around my jaw. He started very lightly, and I let out a shuddered breath as he bit down slightly on the skin around my neck. He did it so gently, yet so heatedly at the same time.

He was kissing down my neck, down my chest, down my stomach (making me giggle) and finally his lips stopped at the brim of my pants. He looked up at me as if to ask permission, and I nodded with a smile.

In just a little while, all of our clothes were piled onto the floor next to the bed. We layed there together for a moment, cuddling , just taking in each other with kind eyes.

I felt so exposed, yet so comfortable at the same time. We had accidentally seen each other before a couple times, but not this long, and not in this way. Now we had a chance to take in each other's beauty, and after a few moments, I realized not to be nervous. He thought I was just as beautiful as I thought he was.

We leaned in simultaneously and kissed each other lightly once, then again, harder, than again and again until I felt him on top of me again. He smiled shyly at me again, and we silently agreed we would go easy, and gently, since it was or first time, not only with each other, but in general.

It happened slowly, and beautifully, just how a first time should. We tried to make it more about our love than being dirty, and I knew we had done it right. Together we had moved in sync, and in love. I wouldn't have wanted my first time to have been any better, and especially not with anyone else.

When we were finished, we snuggled up all close again, covering up our with the sheets. It was that content feeling that you couldn't help but love, where you could feel each other's heart beat, and hear each other's breathing pattern, and that just made you feel even closer. I don't think Hae and I had never ever been any closer than that, and I captured this moment in my head to remember forever.

"I love you, Donghae," I said, even though he already knew it.

"I love you, Hyukjae," he replied. I felt myself blush at him using my real name.

We snuggled up together and eventually fell asleep to the serenades of each other's heart beats and breathing patterns. I could feel Hae asleep on me, and just before I drifted off, I heard a giggle from behind the door and a snort.

"See?! I told you they'd get freaky!"


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Chapter 11: girl i gotta say nice story!
larrenlove #2
Chapter 11: this is an awesome and sweet story I love it I wish it would let me subscribe to it.
jancokmatamupicek #3
Chapter 11: i mean it.. this is very good.. thank you author-nim