Chapter 3

I Promise


Chapter 3: (Donghae's POV)

I still wasn't sure if what was happening was actually real. I cupped his jaw in my hand, just to make sure. I felt as if I let go of him, he would disappear and I would wake up from this dream.

Our lips stayed glued together until we both needed to stop for air. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes this time as I caught my breath, since I hadn't been able to all day because I'd been feeling so awkward.

He smiled that gummy smile again, the one I always loved so much. I smiled too as he leaned in one more time and kissed my cheek. I giggled, making him laugh, which just made me smile even more.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this," he said, placing his hand on top of mine carefully.

I smiled - of course I did. "Oh, I think I do, if it's anywhere near how long I've waited," I said, making him smile once again. I took his hand in mine and squeezed it, and we started to drift ourselves back out into the water.

We stayed in the shallow side, don't get me wrong. We did not need a recap of earlier to repeat itself. We talked and splashed and joked around just like we always did. It just felt great having that weird, awkward feeling finally lifted away, and I could tell he felt the same way.

After a while, the both of us got tired and we sat next to each other, leaning back on our elbows, staring at the setting sun through the high trees, our neck straining to see the last bit of sunlight.

I crossed my legs and turned to him, only to find him already looking at me. I smiled and he wiped the wet hair that was sticking to my forehead to the side. He gently reached and kissed my forehead lightly, a quick brush of his lips. He pulled out again, but not before I leaned foreword and pressed my lips back against his.

He wrapped his arms around my bare shoulders and I rested my head in the crook of his neck, where I seemed to fit perfectly. I sighed.

"Saranghae, Hyukkie," I said quietly. He gently took my hands in his and leaned back until he was laying on the ground, my back on his and my head on his neck.

"Nado saranghae, my fishy," he replied, making me giggle. I loved when he used my nickname.

I looked down and used my finger to write "Hae Loves Hyuk" with a little heart in the sand. I know, it was very cliché, but he liked it. He smiled down and me and kissed my forehead again.

I woke up to bright sunlight glaring through my eyelids, and I immediately wondered where I was until I felt his chest breathing underneath me.

I looked up and found him still asleep, looking peaceful and beautiful in the early morning sunlight. The events of yesterday replayed in my mind, a stupid grin on my face the whole time. I barely remembered the two of us falling asleep here at our spot, next to the water.

I sighed. Teukie hyung was going to kill us. We probably both had schedules today, and who know what time it was? My watch had stopped working yesterday after I had gotten Hyukkie out of the water, so there was absolutely no way for me to tell.

I heard him stir and looked back up to him, watching his eyes slide open. He saw me and smiled, placing a warm kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning, Fishy," he said, rubbing my arm lovingly. I smiled in response as I sat up to let him stretch. "We are so dead."

I nodded in agreement. Leeteuk always got mad when we missed our schedules, because he knew our manager would blame him. I mean, he was the leader and all. I felt bad, but I also thought, eh, it's only once.

"We should probably get going," he sighed, standing up, and pulling my hand, standing me up with him. "Before we're any later than we have to be."

We pulled on our shirts, sweatshirts, and shoes, and gave each other a quick kiss before hopping into his car and starting to drive back to the dorms.

"Wait, how are we going to tell them? Are we going to tell them?" I asked, suddenly realizing our situation.

He smiled. "I want everyone to know how much I love you," he said, taking my hand with his free one. "So yes, I want to tell them. As for how…I'm not really sure yet."

I smiled. I was glad he wanted to be so public. I was afraid he would be one of those guys who hides his gayness to protect his "image". I loved my Hyuk, and I was so happy to know he wasn't afraid to love me back.

When we got back to the dorms, we weren't surprised to be hoarded the minute we walked in the door.

Teukie hyung was, as expected, furious. "Where exactly have you been?! Why did you leave?! You didn't tell us you were leaving, you didn't leave a note! Do you have any idea how worried we all were?! I canceled all of our schedules for the say because I thought you were missing! Do you know how long it'll take me to get them all ready again?! What were you thinking?!"

Leeteuk kept on rambling like that, giving us absolutely no time to answer any of his many questions. Eventually, I saw Eunhyuk roll his eyes and, silently, he caught both me and Leeteuk off guard as his hand s behind my neck and his lips were pressed harder against mine than they ever had been so far.

I caught on quick as I kissed back roughly, my hands gripping his shoulders lightly. I smiled into the kiss - it was like I could feel Leeteuk's surprise, his eyes watching us and putting the puzzle pieces together.

This kiss seemed to last longer than the other ones we'd shared as well, which I really didn't mind. I giggle in the back of my throat. 'I couldn't have thought of any better way to break it to him' I thought as Hyuk's hand ran down my cheek.

When we needed air, we finally pulled apart, panting hard, our hearts racing, and not just from the lack of air. I couldn't suppress my giggle as Teukie's expression really sunk in.

I don't think I'd ever seen him look so surprised in my entire life.

"I-I-I-I…y-you and Hae…and…t-t-together?…when…?…l-l-last night?!…"

It was hilarious just standing there watching him stutter like an idiot (sorry, hyung). I think it was the first time I'd ever seen him really flustered, at a loss for words.

This continued for a few minutes - the two of us standing there smiling while Teukie-hyung stood there just stuttering, trying to figure it out without an explanation.

Finally, Heechul came in and saw what was going on, not to mention he'd watched everything since we'd come in.

"Oh!" he said cheerily, wrapping his arm around a still-shocked Teukie's shoulder, smiling smugly at us. "So that's what you guys did last night!"

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Chapter 11: girl i gotta say nice story!
larrenlove #2
Chapter 11: this is an awesome and sweet story I love it I wish it would let me subscribe to it.
jancokmatamupicek #3
Chapter 11: i mean it.. this is very good.. thank you author-nim