Apologizing To Her

My Special Holiday


Chapter 16


Naara’s POV


Peck. Peck. Peck.

Tringgg. Tringgg. Tringgg.

Uh- I feel something pecking on my cheeks. I can hear a bell ringing on my ears. Who the hell is distracting my sleep?!! I really will smack this person!!

I lazily open my eyes and a huge pororo is leaning on my cheek.

I lay up from my bed. Surprised.

“Ohai there, miss pretty face. How are you doing today?” That pororo is talking……to me? Hahaha no way. No one can fool me.


“What are you talking about? How’s your day-”

“Gongchan” I took the pororo to see Gongchan’s face behind it.

“Oh hai there Naara-chan” he smiles innocently. 8D

“Stop calling me Naara-chan”

“Why are you so sarcastic to me Naara-chan?” he frowns like a kid.

“Stop it Gongchan! Go away!” I shout and give him back his pororo.

“Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry Naara-chan” he refuses to go away. I wanted to push him away but then he grabs my hand and holds it tightly. Forcing me to see him in his eyes.

“What do you want?!” My voice tone became higher.

“Look. I’m sorry if I did wrong to you” His eyes are looking deeply into my eyes. He’s serious.

“You don’t even know your mistake. Why should you apologize to me? Just leave me alone” My eyes became teary so I looked away and bit my lips to prevent from crying. Gosh, why am I crying now!!

I’m tired. That’s all.

I’m tired because of Gongchan’s behaviour to me. He’s getting weird. Sometimes he’s kind to me then he’s cold like he doesn’t know me at all. So I try to forget about his behaviour and ignore it.

“Why are you here anyway? I don’t want your girlfriend to be mad at me again”

“Mwoh? What do you mean? I don’t have any girlfriend- Wait. Is this about Miyoung?”

“Who’s Miyoung?” Ukh- Why should I know her name?

“The girl who scolded you last week at the café. Is it because of that? You need to hear my explanation”

“You went away without explanation. Don’t come back to me with an explanation” I stand up and pull him to stand up then I push him off from my room.

“Look. You need to understand this!” He pulls my wrist but then I ward off his hands.

 “Yah-“ Suddenly Gongchan push me on the wall. He puts his hands on the wall and I’m trap between his arms, “Look at me!”

I freeze.

Gongchan’s POV


She really needs to listen to my explanation but she’s so stubborn. This is the only way. I know it’s rude but she won’t listen to me.

“Look at me!” I said it out loud. She keeps looking to the ground.

“Why are you like this?” she finally lower her voice, “You’re not like the usual one. You’ve changed”

“I’m sorry. But I really need to explain this. I really don’t have any girlfriend, okay?”

“I don’t care about that, Gongchan. I don’t care! Why should I care?” Then a tear drops on her cheeks.


“Yah. Don’t cry” I wipe her tears away from her cheek, “Pabo. Why are you crying?”

I cupped her face and saw her teary eyes. What is she crying for?

“Do you want to hear my explanation? Please. After I explain it, you can ignore me. You decide what to do. But I really have to explain it. Okay?”

She nodded and wiped her eyes. Then she went to her room and sit on her bed. I followed her and sit beside her. She hugged the angry bird doll and buried her face in it.

“Go on with your explanation. Stop looking at me” she said with the lowest voice I’ve ever heard. Still burying her face in the doll. Trying to avoid eye contact from me.

“I don’t have a girlfriend. Miyoung is not my girlfriend. She’s just my classmate and that day she came for discussing for the project. I’m sorry for being rude that day. It was because of…uh-“


“Promise you won’t be mad?”

“Just say it to the point, duh” she rolled her eyes.

“Uh- I saw your inbox message” I slowly look at her face to see her reaction.

“MWOH? But how- Oh gosh, I left it on the table! How dare you- urgh”

“I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to do it. I was just curious because your cellphone didn’t stop vibrating” I know it’s a lame excuse >_<

“Aish. Don’t you know that’s a privacy?”

“I’m really sorry. Please forgive me”

“What did you read?”

“Messages from Jinyoung”

“Okay, it isn’t important anyway. So why are you even mad?” she tried to investigate me. Maybe there’s no way I could lie.

“I’m- uh” Gosh, how can I explain this to her? I can’t confess to her now! It’s too fast! I need time to asure my feeling.

She suddenly gasps then looks at me with her wide eyes, “I know! Is it because you…” love me and you're jealous because I got close with Jinyoung? Oh please don’t say those words. I’m not ready yet to tell my feelings to her. Too fast.


Have you guys seen the Beautiful Target teaser?

aljdskalkdcna I'm so curious with it T__T

Can't wait OTL

And on that day if the MV is out I'd be like this after school is over


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Update man~! 8D love this
SluvJBiases #2
why betray Jinyoung.. lol.. JK :P
wah! Update please! I'm a new reader here also!
Update! Update!
keep on updating whenever you can! :DD
Just like in real life, I am devastatingly torn between Jinyoung and Gongchan in this fic!<br />
;~; FML.
OH lol <br />
The date was ruined awfully <br />
Lmao and Naara was extremely innocent<br />
jinyounglipseu #8
Ah OMG~~ their date is ruined. OTL I ship her and Jinyo. whaaaa! Channie orz idk
jinyounglipseu #9
JINYOUNG is mad. tsk tsk tsk. and isn't she aware that the guys like him?:)<br />
anyway nice story. update soon ^___^
LOLOL. Love this chapter~<br />
Kind of surprised by Gongchan acting like that... xD<br />
update soooon!