Running Inteference

Arrogance and Ignorance: College Daze

“I think Chanyeol and Mia should just kiss already,” Rae commented as she and Kaemi explored the general education classroom building. “It was painfully obvious that he’s crushing on her.” Kaemi laughed.

“Of course he likes her,” she responded. “I’ve known that kid for a long time, and I have never seen him so flustered around a girl. I mean, even when he had a teeny crush on Kai’s sister, he didn’t act this way.”

“He had a crush on Kai’s sister? Oh that’s marvelous,” Rae giggled. “Well, at least he’s better than that other guy. Dokyung, or whatever his name is.”

“Kyungsoo-Oppa?” Kaemi corrected. “He’s actually a pretty cool person. I don’t understand why he’s being so rude to you. He and Kai are really close. Sehun likes him a lot, too. But I figure that’s just because he can cook really well.”

“Are all of your friends guys?” Rae asked, giving Kaemi slight pause.

“Now that I think about it, most of them are,” she finally said. “But my best friend is a girl. Her name is Eun Chae. She would be here right now, but her parents are making her go to college in China. She’s off living with her cousin.”

“China? That’s so cool!” Rae exclaimed. “My mom’s been there before, but she wouldn’t take me with her…”

“I want to visit her sometime soon, so maybe we can go together,” Kaemi suggested. Then she paused, squinting to see another figure far down the hallway. “Who is that?” Rae and Kaemi walked closer, and a smile lit Kaemi’s face as she recognized Daesang.

“Daesang! What are you doing here?” she asked, drawing his attention from the schedule he was staring intensely at. He smiled brightly at her.

“I was just trying to figure out where all these classes were,” he replied, scanning the paper once more. “What about you and your friend?”

“I’m Rae, nice to meet you!” Rae stuck her hand out, surprising Daesang with her bluntness.

“Daesang,” he greeted. He shook her hand, but turned his attention immediately back to Kaemi. “Have you figured everything out yet?” Kaemi shook her head.

“Not even close,” she confessed. “I’ve mostly art classes this semester, so they should all be in relatively the same place, but the general education stuff is really all over the place, isn’t it?”

“Here, take a look,” Daesang handed her his schedule and she glanced over it. “Do we have anything in common?”

“Yeah, Techniques of Fiction with Lim Sangmoo,” she told him. At that moment, she realized that Rae was just standing there awkwardly. “It was great seeing you, Daesang, but Rae and I should go. Let’s get lunch sometime, okay?”

“Uh, sure. That sounds good.” Daesang was hoping to spend a little more time with her, but he could settle for a lunch date some other time. They parted ways, and as soon as he was out of earshot, Rae gave Kaemi a look.

“That boy is crushing on you so hard,” the wild-haired girl told Kaemi. “He didn’t even look at me twice.”

“Not you, too,” Kaemi sighed. “First Kai gets all jealous and protective and now you telling me he’s got a crush on me… I definitely don’t see it, but I guess I’ll take care of that problem if it ever becomes one.”

They talked and chatted some more before heading back to their house. They had been introduced to the other people living in the house yesterday night, but for the most part had stuck to themselves. They retired to their shared room; it was still way too early for lunch.

“Will you come with me to the store later?” Rae asked suddenly. “I want to dye my hair back to its normal color for a while; this pink is giving me a headache.”

Kaemi let out a little laugh. “Sure thing. Do you think I should dye my hair, too? I’ve kinda always wanted to dye it red or something like that.” Rae’s eyes sparkled and she clapped her hands together.

“Oh my goodness, that would look amazing!” She gushed. She dove off her bed and over to her closet. She rummaged around for a while and pulled out a hanger with a several items all arranged into an outfit. “You, with red hair, wearing this. Perfect.”

The outfit was definitely not something Kaemi would have picked out herself, but it was still pretty. A yellow sweater paired with a pink and white flowery blouse and a sea blue skirt. It was a tad bit on the business casual side, but Kaemi supposed it wouldn’t hurt to humor Rae and try it on.

“That looks good,” she complimented. “Did you design that yourself?” Rae shook her head.

“Nah, I just put the outfit together,” she laughed. “My designs are a bit more… I don’t know, fun.” She pulled out another hanger with an outfit Kaemi could definitely tell was handcrafted by her roommate.

A pink blazer layered over a neon paint-splattered white tee, coupled with a pair of cutoff jean shorts. It wasn’t the wildest thing she’d ever seen, but it was out there, especially with the starburst and smiley face legging Rae planned to wear with them.

“I think I’ll pass on that outfit, but the other one looks good,” Kaemi laughed along. Rae pouted playfully and returned both outfits to their places. They lounged and talked until it was time to meet the others for lunch and started heading back to the dining hall.

“Hey, we’re over here!” Chanyeol’s deep voice rose over the clamor, alerting Rae and Kaemi to the table. Kaemi took a seat next to Kai, while Rae just took the furthest seat she could from D.O., who glared at her.

“This place is so confusing,” Mia lamented, resting her head in her folded arms. “I’m going to get lost on the first day; I just know it.” To Kaemi’s surprise (and delight), Chanyeol placed a comforting arm around the girl’s shoulder.

“You’ll be fine,” he reassured her. “And you don’t have to switch buildings except to come here, so don’t worry so much.” Despite his encouragement, Mia just sighed.

“Kai, did you find the dance studio okay?” Kaemi asked her boyfriend, whom she had noticed looked a bit uncomfortable.

“Yeah, it’s nice I guess,” he replied, giving her a smile. Kaemi could tell something was up, but decided to let it slide; he would tell her when he felt it was the right time.

“We found all the Gen. Ed. classrooms,” Rae announced. “Pretty boring, if you ask me.”

“No one asked you,” D.O. muttered, rolling his eyes.

“No one asked you either,” Rae shot back. “Because if they wanted the opinion of a rock, they’d go out to a field to find one.” D.O. shot to his feet, eyes blazing in anger.

“Listen here, you rainbow-haired carnival reject-” This time it was Rae’s turn to jump up.

“Carnival reject? You’ve got some nerve, you owl-eyed devil spawn-”

“Hey, hey, hey! Knock it off you two!” Kaemi shouted about them, slamming her hands on the table to get their attention. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”

“Whatever,” D.O. muttered and stalked off to get some food. Rae flopped back don in her seat, face flush with anger.

“I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but you need not bring it to the group,” Kai reprimanded. “I’ll talk to D.O., but you can’t take his bait either.”

“Kai!” A voice carried over the din. At first, no one could figure out whom it belonged to, but then a girl flounced over to their table and flopped down in the seat next to Rae.

“You disappeared so suddenly,” the girl said, and the color drained from Kai’s face as he realized it was Sara, the girl from the elevator. Everyone else at the table just looked between the two, confused.

“Uh, yeah,” Kai mumbled, feeling extremely uncomfortable. “Sorry about that, I guess.” He really wanted her to leave, but as it were, she had other ideas.

“I’m Sara Ansel,” the girl introduced herself. “Nice to meet you all. Were you in the same group for MT or something, or did you know each other from before?”

“Well, Kaemi is Kai’s girlfriend,” Rae spoke up, much to the embarrassment of the couple in question. “And I’m Kaemi’s roommate. Who are you?”

“I’m in the dance program,” Sara explained, going on as if nothing was wrong. “I met him a while ago near the practice rooms.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Sara,” Kaemi said, giving the girl a comforting smile. “And good luck with the auditions this afternoon.” Sara smiled in return.

“You’re really pretty, you know?” she complimented. “Kai’s lucky! But I just stopped to say; I’m off to meet my friends. Catch you around!” Just as quickly as she had come, she was gone, leaving in her wake a table of very confused people.

“Well isn’t see just a ball of sunshine?” D.O. muttered, returning to table just as bounced away. “Who was she?”

“Sara Ansel, a girl in Kai’s dance program,” Chanyeol explained. D.O. glance quickly between Kaemi and Kai.

“Gotcha,” he mumbled and busied himself with his lunch. Following his lead, they all scattered to find their different choices in food. Just as she promised, Kaemi would be taking Kai out for samgyupsal that night. For now, it was whatever the different vendors in the dining hall had to offer.

When lunch was finished, Kai pulled Kaemi t the side and gave her a long, passionate kiss just before she and Rae left to the store for hair dye.

“What was that for?” She asked, a little dazed, but certainly happy. “Not that I’m complaining. I mean, damn. That was really nice.” He leaned his forehead against hers and gave her his trademark devil-may-care smirk.

“I can’t kiss my girlfriend like she’s the most perfect thing in this world?” He answered, earning a roll of the eyes from Kaemi. “After all, she likes a little cheese on everything.” This time, it was Kaemi’s turn to kiss him.

“That she does,” she mumbled against his lips. “But I have to go now, Kai. Rae’s not going to wait just because we decided on an impromptu make-out session.” She untangled herself from his hug and left him waving after her.

He almost lost his earlier when Sara approached the table. He knew he was being unreasonable; she was a perfectly nice girl, and he had no reason to feel the way he did. But after Kaemi’s little chat with him on the bus about Daesang and the whole jealous thing, he was extra conscious about it and didn’t want to do anything to upset her. From the looks of it though, she didn’t seem to feel one way or the other about Sara. In fact, she seemed to quite like Sara. It probably helped that Sara had called her pretty.

Kai sighed. Maybe he should relax. Yeah, he loved his girlfriend, she loved him, and there was nothing to stand in the way of that.

A/N: I am so lame. It has been far too long since I updated this. But as I promised before, I will not abandon this story. It’s like a treasured grandchild, and I don’t think I could let Kai and Kaemi’s story end without really ending.

I hope this sad excuse for a chapter will do for now. I’m creating a posting schedule so that I can keep up with my main stories. Once I get that figured out, I will post a link to the schedule so that you can now when this and my other stories that you have (definitely) subscribed to will be updated. Also, feel free to send me a friend request so that you can keep updated with anything else, and just talk to me if you feel like it. I promise I don’t bite :3

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Chapter 4 coming soon. Expect bungee jumping, an odd confession, and a bit of badly timed intimacy~


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Chapter 11: AH I MISSED YOu
Chapter 11: Classes! How I miss going to school too. :)
Update soon authornim! ♥
Daesang and Sara are making me uncomfortable, most specially Sara. Hmmm let's see what'll happen next
Chapter 10: Kai...tsss.tsss. be careful buddy. Daesang and Sara. Hmmmmmmm...
Chapter 9: That's really...greasy both of you. XD
Oh Kaemi...Kai has someone to mess w/ you two! Oh my!
Chapter 8: Oh Kai, beware baby. Seems like Daesung is not an easy opponent.
Chapter 7: Oooohh... I'm rooting for MiYeol couple! :">
Daesung! Spice 'em up. XD
Chapter 6: Awwwwww....and yes. In every relationship, one has to give way and lower their pride for the sake of each other. Because no matter what happens, at the end of the day, you'll realize how petty it was that you guys have fought for to just ruin the trust and everything you put in each other.

naaaaahh...don't mind me. I don't know what's gitten into me I keep blabbering nonsense. Well, been there, done that. Lol xD
Chapter 5: Yes. Please. Guys must really be understanding sometimes. Uggghh. Not all the girls must do the effort in understanding the guy in a relationship.
Chapter 4: Oh! How awkward must that be?! XD
Yeah...I found that hot too. Kyaaaaa~