

so here I am, back at writing, not as passionate as before but it always been my interest. I just don't like leaving my business undone and I remember asking whether my readers want a sequel about Onew. Here I put up some preview (more like few lines from my drafting)...

Tell me, should I continue it?




Have you lose your mind so bad you've also lose yourself? the need to create the whole new you from the bleeding scratch?

I have. In fact, it was the very first and only time I'd ever went berserk that I don't even know who I am anymore.


I was thirteen then....




 Do you want to hear the story of a boy and the king casket,
and the angels surround?





How loud was it, his scream of denial?

Pleading the mad inferno to stop ravishing the expensive ivory to ashes?

How slow was it, the time moving so everything can end?




I remember when he died , I only have one thing in mind.
I want to die with him.









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hunhan_enthusiast #1
Chapter 2: Wow. *wipes tears* I've never read a fanfic where Onew was portrayed this way before.
Chapter 2: Yessssss ^^
Chapter 1: Its really touch... crying T.T
Chapter 2: YES!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: yes!! you must!!!
Chapter 2: Yes, please. I would like to know what onew's thoughts were
herpDerp_trollMe #7
Chapter 2: Now you've to give me the chapter!told ya, everyone wants to know what's going on in Onew'm mind :)
Chapter 2: I'd love to read onew's side of the history ♥
jinkiesa #9
Chapter 2: yeeeeeeeees please
Bluecassy7 #10
Chapter 2: yes please....upload the one from onew side ㅠㅠ