

Chapter 4 – A Demon in Calima

Jiyong’s POV

I held Seungri’s hand and we ran along the deck hand in hand. I heard Taeyang shouted us to stop but we didn’t care. It was our first time to be in a ship and we were like little kids running side to side see the sea more.

“Your highness! Please! You are making me worry,” said Taeyang worriedly coming after us.

I turned to the wind and let it caress my face warmly.

“We are just enjoying the trip!” I said with my eyes closed.

“This is really a big ship! We have never been in a ship before sir Taeyang!” said Seungri excitingly.

Yes, Seungri came with us; actually I am glad he came but on the other hand I was just worried about him. I love him; he is my best friend so that’s why I am worry if something bad happens to him. But when I look around and see these people I know in the heart that they can protect us.

I was so nervous about this trip; even though I trusted these people I barely know them. Then there is also this king. I really feel strange when I am with him. The worst part is I don’t like his demanding side but on the other hand he was so kind and he was also right about the things he said back then. I admired his logic and this fact is making me angry.

I always want to yell at him, say bad things to him… but he is usually calm and kind and when he looks intensely into my eyes with his beautiful eyes… I get angrier!

Calima. In two days we will be in Calima! I will finally see the lands that I dreamt of! It was so exciting but it was so scary at the same time because I would decide my destiny in Calima.

I really don’t want to be the queen of this king; I don’t ever think that I can do that so I am so nervous about the conversation I will make with Amandil Jaejoong. I just hope that maybe we can find another way than this marriage.

We spent lots of time at the deck with Seungri and Taeyang. King was nowhere to be seen. I haven’t seen him since we sailed with the ship. He also didn’t speak to me and he kept his distance with me on the way to the harbor. He seemed like he gave up seeing me his little bride; he was not teasing me anymore. That means he really meant what he said earlier. Even if he makes me crazy I have to admit he seems to be a really good king and honest man.

We had our dinner all together.  Seunghyun only asked if I enjoyed the trip or if I needed something. He was too kind. At night, during two nights, there were always two soldiers guarding the room that I shared with Seungri.

First night I couldn’t sleep. I would like to go to deck but I really didn’t want to bother soldiers and make them worried so I just walked to the window and looked outside. Then I saw the king. He didn’t sleep either; he was also guarding us.

Nobody actually knows what will happen but everybody feels in their hearts that something bad is coming. That’s why they protect me. When I saw their devotion I feel really bad and ashamed. I should also do something; I should help them. In order to do that I should work hard and gain more strength so even if I need to cooperate with Seunghyun… I should do this.

Elf king is strong, talented and wise. On the other hand there is Taeyang; he is an important sorcerer. I can learn lots of things from them so I should do my best when I am in Calima.

After we departed from the ship we still had a way to go. Daesung said to us that we would reach to Calima castle before the sun set. I felt excited when I heard that. On the other hand Seungri was really afraid of Daesung since their first meet was a disaster but Daesung was really a nice gentleman. Now he and Seungri were chatting while we were riding to Calima.

We took a break for lunch and Daesung also said that we were already in Calima lands and we would be in the castle for dinner. I felt so happy with the news because I was really exhausted.

Calima is too beautiful; I have to admit that. I also felt something in my heart that I couldn’t describe. Maybe it was from excitement but… I just felt like… home. It was a feeling that I didn’t event feel when I was at home in Isilnore.

When I looked at Seungri I saw that he was so lively!

“Of course he is so lively! He slept like a rock last night while I couldn’t get any!” I murmured to myself.

While we were on the ship I barely slept. I don’t know the reason; maybe because I was nervous.

I stood up and walked to my horse but before I couldn’t reach it I suddenly felt that my eyes went all black and I felt like the ground moved under my feet. I was falling. But… I didn’t?

I felt that a pair of gentle arms caught me before I fall. I slowly opened my eyes and I came face to face with a pair of worried beautiful eyes. I was in between Seunghyun’s arms.

“Are you okay?” asked Seunghyun in very low voice as if he was even afraid to disturb me with his voice.

I just nodded and I tried to balance myself with the help of him.

“We can stay here for a while if you need. You can rest until you feel okay.”

“No, no… I am okay,” I answered quickly. I really don’t want anyone to see me as a weak person.

He smiled at me and nodded. Then he slowly reached out to my hood and gently, almost like a butterfly touch, put it on my head and covered my blond locks. Suddenly I felt my heart started to pound faster. He didn’t even touch me, he didn’t even say a thing so what is happening to me? Why? Why is this king making me like this?

I just looked at him blinking my eyes rapidly.

“Can I ask you to wear your hood from now on? We are already in Calima territory so it is better for you to cover yourself not to take attention. It is safer.”

I nodded again. Then bowed and thanked to him and then I walked to my horse fast with my heart still pounding.

We reached to capital city soon and now I could see the big castle on the hills. I felt the butterflies fluttered in my stomach because of the excitement. I adored Calima so far and I was so eager to see the castle.

I was so surprised to see almost everybody knows Seunghyun and the others. Everybody greeted them and Seunghyun greeted back one by one. He even sometimes made a little chat. He is a good king indeed.

Suddenly little elf children started to run around us; they were playing. They were so cute! Elf children!

I immediately jumped down from my horse and walked near them. Luckily I brought some of the jewelry and the toys with me that I made before. I gave gifts to them and talked with them.

With my sudden behavior everybody was surprised. Daesung and his men already formed a little circle around me just in case. Seunghyun and Taeyang were watching from far. I saw that Seunghyun was smiling. Seungri also came near and we talked with the little boys and girls. They were so happy with my gifts!

One of the little girls just reached out and touched my cheek with his small hand, “You are so beautiful!”

I smiled at her, “No, you are the one who is beautiful.”

She smiled back, “Come again and play with us!”

“I will try my best,” I said and caressed her hair.

Even after I said goodbye and waved, they walked with us for a while.

“They felt you,” suddenly said Taeyang riding his horse near with me.

“Children? How?”

“Actually they didn’t know what exactly this means or who you are but since they are so innocent they can feel you. Little elf children beings have a great sense talent. They felt the fire in you and they relaxed.”

“I don’t understand…” I was really confused because I was actually afraid that they wouldn’t like me since I am a demon.

“When demon kingdom broke down, the balance in Mareland has gone. There isn’t too much demon in Mareland so when they felt you, they relaxed and felt light in the heart. When you were so close to them they felt the balance again.”

I was so surprised and sad at the same time. I didn’t know anything about Anarnore or my demon family but they were so important for Mareland; for all of the people.

Maybe it was a punishment for what they did but what about those kids? They are innocent. They don’t have to suffer. We should do something to change this.

When we reached to castle even if I was tired I didn’t want to get a rest. Because castle was really making me exciting!

The castle was beyond my imagination; it was even greater than the stories that I have read in the books. There was a hidden beauty behind the great walls of castle. I felt like I was in a forest; there were countless of beautiful gardens and there was even a small lake.

But before everything, wondering around the castle or getting rest, there was something I should do.

“It was a long journey, you should get a rest now your highness,” said Taeyang but I turned my eyes to Seunghyun.

“There is something I should do before I get rest.”

Seunghyun just looked into my eyes intensely for a few seconds and then he smiled, “It is not hard to understand from your shinning eyes, you highness. Then let’s go to see Jaejoong first.”

I nodded calmly but actually inside my body heart was beating like a drum. I would meet an Amandil for the first time and most of all, I would learn the truth.

We walked to the temple side by side with Seunghyun without saying a word to see Jaejoong. I was getting more and more nervous with every step I took.

Two beautiful young elf girls welcomed us first. According to Seunghyun they were here to help Jaejoong. There were almost twenty young, girls who are responsible from the temple. They also called me as “Vanya” and I felt that I blushed with shyness.

Seunghyun said he would wait outside and then two beautiful girls took me to a room that I would meet with Jaejoong.


I turned around and looked at the owner of the soft voice. The most beautiful creature I saw in my life was extending his hand to me with smiling.

My breath was caught in my throat and I lost the sense of everything. I was just looking at his shinning, big, beautiful eyes. He took a small step towards me and I uncontrollably walked to him and put my hand on his palm.

He held my hand gently with both of his hands and then put it on his heart.

“I have been waiting for you, Vanya,” he said with his music like voice.

I couldn’t say anything and just smiled to him. I was just hypnotized so the only thing I could do was smile to this amazingly beautiful creature. I don’t know but I feel so relaxed with him even if I am so excited right now.

He leaded me to outside so we walked to the garden and sat on a bench near a small pool. He was still holding my hand gently like I was a fragile thing.

He turned to look at me and caressed my hair, “These beautiful locks…” then slowly his fingers travelled on my eyebrow then on my cheek like a butterfly, “These beautiful eyes…”

He smiled brightly and kissed my hand, “I have dreamt about you so many times my beautiful son. I am so happy to meet you now.”

I blushed hard and then bowed my head deeply, “I am so happy to meet you too.”

He smiled and held my hand again. I looked at our hands, “Why is everybody calling me as Vanya?” I asked.

“Because your name is Vanya, this name was given you when you were born by your mother.”

I looked at him in shock and gulped down hard.

Vanya… so it is my name. It was so unreal. I wondered what he knows about Anarnore and my parents.

I was dying to ask questions about my parents. So I just couldn’t hold myself.

“My parents… do you know them?”

“Yes, I know them. I have been in Anarnore many times before.”

“Can you tell me about them?” I asked in excitement.

“This is another story to be told another time. Come back to me later, my prince,” he said smiling.

I just nodded and bowed my head, “Now people called me as Jiyong.”

He smiled, “It is really a good name for a dragon master.”


I just tried to smile back at him. I was so eager to learn about Anarmore so I was just disappointed a little but I just couldn’t upset this beautiful creature because he was so nice. I have already loved Jaejoong.

“My good hearted, beautiful son Seunghyun finally found you. You will make a great Aran and Tari,” said Jaejoong in excitement.

“Aran? Tari?” I asked him curiously.

He frowned and thought. It was the first time I saw him frown. I guess he was trying to find the right words for “Aran and Tari” in common language.

“Seunghyun… didn’t tell you? A marriage between you and Seunghyun,” he tried to explain.

Something painful sank into my heart when I heard the words of marriage again and I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.

“Ah!” he said like a little child with happiness, “King and the queen. Vanya will be a queen.”

Finally he found the right words but those words were not right for me.

I looked at him and opened my mouth to say something but nothing came. I wanted to reject, I wanted to run away but how could I? Now I heard the same things from Amandil himself. What to do?

I guess he sensed my sadness. He gently caressed my hair again, “My son. What is bothering you?”

“This marriage… Do we really have to get married? Please tell me…” I was at the edge of tears now.

He put his hand on my face. I was relaxed a little with his touch.

“You are destined to be together from the start. You are even carrying an elf name.”

“But why? How?”

“Your name is given by your mother because she saw a dream. She was told to name you as Vanya and she knew that one day you would rule the elf kingdom.”

He took my face between his hands and looked deeply into my eyes, “My beautiful son. Your mother was an half Amandil. Aina sometimes spoke to her. Can you understand now?”

I wanted to yell; I wanted run away but only a silent tear dropped from my eyes.

“But… why this marriage blessed? What is the reason?”

“The reason? Only Aina knows,” he said and gently brushed away my tear.

“Can’t you ask to her?”

He smiled, “No. I can’t ask. I don’t ask questions; she only speaks and I listen.”

He gently raised my head holding my chin and looked into my eyes.

“My dear prince. You and the king both will find out the reason by yourselves. If Aina doesn’t speak any further then that means she can’t interfere. Now it is up to you.”

I nodded and turned my eyes to ground again. I was helpless and so sad. I guess I just hoped that Jaejoong could suggest another way; maybe we don’t have to marry.

“So… this is what Aina really wants?”


“There is no other way?” I asked again.

“This is what Aina wants Vanya; you can also choose not to do.”

“What if I don’t… choose to marry King Seunghyun?”

“If you don’t, slowly people will get more restless and unhappy because the balance has already gone from Mareland. Aina also warns us about the coming darkness so… another war is on the way.”

“Coming… darkness?” I asked and I was also shocked against my shaking voice

“Yes. There is someone who is trying to bring the darkness, our enemy. But… an unknown enemy.”

“What… to do then?” I asked in fear.

Then what I felt is true; something bad was coming and I shivered with fear.

“To beat the darkness, we all will need collaboration between elves and demons for sure.”

He held my hand and put it on his heart again, “Aina is here to help us, Vanya. There is something bad is coming and Aina just wants to guide us to the light. So it is up to you to choose her way.”

His words sunk into my heart like needles. This was the truth and… this truth was a knife cutting through my heart.

After I left Jaejoong and met Seunghyun at the entrance of the temple with a heavy heart. I was holding my tears and I felt that Seunghyun already sensed my sadness but he didn’t even say a word and just accompanied me to my chambers.

When we reached to the door I turned to him but I just looked at the floor.

“I will marry with you,” I said and bowed to him.

I couldn’t look at his face so I just realized that he bowed back at me.

I stepped inside my room and threw myself on the bed with the heaviness of the truths that I learned tonight and cried during my first night at this beautiful country called Calima; the lands that I will call as home form now on.


What do you think? I know the progress is slow (between Jiyong and Seunghyun) but I just need to explain other things first as you can understand. Thank you so much for reading! ^^

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I will update Mareland tonight so please wait a little bit more ;)


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