

Genre: Angst, Romance, Fantasy

Characters: KaiSoo, Baekhyun

Point of View: Kim Jongin (First Person)

Words: 155

Part: Foreword

I should have realized something was wrong.

My blood ran cold as he mentions the date.

 I left Kyungsoo in the kitchen and raced through the living room where Baekhyun was comfortably seated, watching a soccer tournament. I snatched the remote from him and switched the channel into any news which flashes the date for today.


January 11, 2013.

Friday. January 11, 2013.

2013 11th of January.


This has to be some funny, twisted joke.


            I remained stoned in front of the screen. Baekhyun was able to catch the remote the moment it slipped from my grasp. “What happened?” He helped me sit on the couch. “Kyungsoo!!!” He called.


Kyungsoo hurriedly removed the apron from him and sat next to me. “Kai, what’s wrong? You look pale. Kai? Kai?”


Shock spilled down my face.

 I froze for a moment before I get the chance to shove the two away and ran out from the apartment.



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Chapter 2: why was kyungie sleep talking about Kai?
like, why?
and how did Kai come to the past..?
is it some kind of mystery?
please update again soon!
Chapter 1: oh oh oh!
I totally immersed!
this is great, the idea is amazing!
please update again soon!