

Cat’s POV

            Okay let me get the record straight I never agreed to do this whole ‘game’ as the company president likes to call it, I was forced. I was waiting for the manger like usual after I finished some editing of songs so Blue Moon and I could start to record them. The manger never showed up but these really nice people, with cameras, offered to give me a ride home. I never got to my actually home that day, I got sent to a hell that I would have to live in and that is where I met them. All the members of SHINee and B1A4.

They just seemed to stare stupidly at me as I walked in the door, I only walked in the door due to it starting to rain. It was really awkward and no one seemed to know what to do till one of them finally made a move.

“Hi I am Taemin of SHINee but you probably already know that.” He said using some aegyo.

“Nice to meet you.” I said with a bow.

“Wah, that was so cute.” Taemin said.

“Oi, Taemin don’t hog her. Hello I am Jonghyun of SHINee.” Jonghyun said coming up to stand right in front of me.

“Hello Jonghyun oppa.” I said with another bow.

“Well we cannot be shown up by the hyungs. Hello I am Baro of B1A4.” Baro answered easily.

“Hello.” I answered back bored since I already knew them.

“Guys she already knows all of you.” One of the nice men said from behind a camera.

“Well I guess we should ask you your name.” Minho said.

“Cat of Blue Moon.” I said with a bow.

“Nice to meet you.” They all said together with a bow.

With that the life I once knew vanished and was replaced with the new crazy life that would ensue.



            “So we are doing a reality TV show together?” I asked the people behind the camera.

            “Yes.” One of them answered.

            “Why?” I asked.

            “To boost the fames of B1A4, SHINee, and Blue Moon.” Another one answered.

            “What is it about?” I asked once again.

            “You falling in love with one of us.” CNU answered for them.

            “Funny nice joke.” I said using sarcasm.

            “It is not a joke.” Onew said.

            “Okay well um I will be leaving now and I will not tell anyone how crazy you are.” I said backing away.

            “No wait.”  Jinyoung said grabbing my wrist.

            Okay do not blame me for swooning a little when he did that I mean look at him he is cute and y.

            “Why?” I asked putting on a tough exterior.

            “Listen the reason they are offering this TV show is to boost the popularity of all the bands and to help us all out.” Jinyoung clarified.

            “Blue Moon does not need a popularity boost.” I said my stubbornness showing through.

            “You may not think so but think about what other people think.” Jinyoung said.

            “Who cares what other people think as long as we have one person supporting us we will continue to play no matter what.” I said thinking back on the promise Blue Moon made to each other before we debuted.

            “But we would you continue on if people thought you did not care about anyone.” Onew said.

            “I do care about them.” I said defensively.

            “Who are talking about though?” Gongchan asked.

            “My bandmates and the fans anyone who thinks I don’t do not know me.” I answered.

            All of a sudden my phone rings causing me to jump. I looked at the screen and saw it was Yuki calling me.

            “Yuki what’s up?” I ask into the phone.

            “Nothing just wanted to tell you to take the show offer.” Yuki answered in her usual chipper mood.

            “How do you know about what is happening right now?” I question suspicion arising.

            “Manger just told us about it.” Yuki responded kind of fast meaning she was lying.

            “How long have you know about this?” I ask.

            “What are you talking about?” She squeaked into the phone.

            “Yuki I know you are lying your voice squeaks when you lie.

            “See I told you we should never have let Yuki make the phone call.” I heard Nina’s voice from the background.

            “Yuki give me the phone.” Juan says. “Listen Cat we have all agreed that you need that someone in your life that will change you for the better.”

            “Juan-” I begin to say but she cuts me off.

            “You are one of the most distant people we have ever met and you do not open up easily but we believe this will help you.” Juan says all smart like, I have always hated when she does that because she always makes me give well anyone give in.

            “And the guys are really hot.” I hear Su-Dae shout from the background.

            “Urgh gosh Juan why do you have to be so motherly.” I say.

            I hear everyone laugh in the background than Juan hanged up the phone knowing I needed no further coaxing.

            “Fine I will do it.” I say exasperated to the bands and the people with cameras.



I will try to update at least every two days but we are nearing finals for school so I may be way too exhausted but I promise that on weekends I will be writing chapters for this story.




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Kiertje #1
Chapter 14: Oh my god!! Cat waking up the boys! I think that Cat's favorite animal is a cat or at least an animal that is a family of a cat? And i loved how Baro just laughed at Minho XD!! Update soon and when you can , Authornim!! :3
Kiertje #2
Chapter 13: AWW!!! That was sooo sweet!! I was smiling when "cat was on the couch with her head on Jonghyun's lap,...." kekekeke~ Anyway, as Always. Update soon and when you can, authornim!! :D
Kiertje #3
Chapter 12: Cat is such an umma XD I wanted to write here "It's been a while since you updated, but i will wait :3" But since you updated i don't have to :D Update soon and when you can!! :D
Kiertje #4
Chapter 11: HAHHHAHAAHAH Onew!! "some stuff shouldn't be seen by men" XD Omo, i knew Cat will like her new bedroom!! kekeke~ update soon and when you can!! :D
Kiertje #5
Chapter 10: Teamin! He and Cat! Are they going to be together? Mmmhh, oh well. I'll just read the story! Update soon and when you can, Authornim! :D
Kiertje #6
Chapter 9: ahahaha! I love cat! This indeed should be worth the wait ;) Update soon and when you can, Authornim!!
Kiertje #7
Chapter 8: Update soon and when you can, Authornim!! And thank you for the update!! :D
Kiertje #8
Chapter 8: mmhh... Did Onew also buy chicken? ;) kekeke~ and may i ask.. In your new story.. wich boyband is going to be in it?
Kiertje #9
Chapter 7: Aww~ your welcome! I love commenting on stories!! and aww~ B1A4 and SHINee are getting along!! Update soon and when you, authornim!! And thank you for the update!
Kiertje #10
Chapter 6: I bet Cat's bedroom is going to be amazing! Update soon and when you can, Authornim! :D