You Were Always A Part Of Me --- Hyoyeon x Doojoon (DooHyo P2).

You Were Always A Part Of Me


|Hyoyeon's POV|


Hyoyeon quickly left the cake fondant she's carving as she heard the oven make its sound.It means her cupcake dough that she's molded earlier has been baked already.She quickly go on side of it and excitedly hold the baking pan.
"Ouch!".She hissed because she got scalded.She forget to wear a pat holder."Stupid of me!".Hyoyeon said to herself as she reached out the pot holder on the preparation table.
Then,she quickly hold the baking pan with full of  chocolate cupcakes then she closed the oven's door using her .She placed the baking pan on the preparation table and she put off the cupcakes on it one by one and put it on the cooling racks.She reached out for another baking pan with cupcake holes to fill it with chocolate dough that will turned into cupcakes once it baked already.After,she filled all the holes of that baking pan,she placed it inside of oven together with 3 more baking pans that already filled with chocolate doughs.She closed the oven,and make it's temperature.
Then,she go back to what she's doing a while ago.She was designing a four layered cake for a business matter.
She's now known in the whole country for being a baker.She's now one of the best and the youngest famous baker.Her names always on the magazines which is for different types of food,baking or other stuffs that her profession can involved.And there's a different tv agencies going to her to get her services for being their host on their baking channel but she's always rejecting all of them.But there's only home tv shopping don't want to surrender because they'd always calling her to get an appointment to meet their president but she's always rejecting them,just  like the others.
Like a month ago, the president of that home tv shopping go to her bakeshop and she looked for her to sign on their contract but again she refused their offer.
Because she's happy and contented to manage her own pastry shop.At the age of 22,she has it and it was her baby.And now it was running for 3 years and in that long it was now known and becoming more popular.It called Pop's Delight!.
Her real genre in baking--was cake.Designing and baking of it gives more pleasure to her.And she's the youngest cake designer in the country.
Suddenly,she heard someone whistling.
She suddenly smiled.She knew who is  that."You can enter n--Err~basically,you entered already.".She said as she turned around to face him.
She saw Sehun smiled to her widely and walks towards to her.
"You were so busy.".He commented as his eyes went around on the preparation table and shook his head.
Hyoyeon rolled her eyes."It's always like this,Oh Sehun.Always.".She said.
Sehun laughs out loud.
How did she know him??
To make the history short,she met him and her mom 10 years ago.They'd both helped her when her life put into danger again.As they knew that she was living by all herself,they adopted her--but not literally,that she'll going to used their family name.She's still using her dad's surname until now.His mom bring her to school with him,eat with them,laughed with them,talked with them and live with them.They never felt to her that she's not welcome to them--especially Sehun.In fact,his mom always teaching her of those different methods in baking.That's why,she get that profession of hers.Thanks to them--especially to him again,because all her bad memories in the past were now taking over with a good ones with them.
But 3 years ago,his mom died because of leukemia.Cancer in blood.She even felt--in third time round--an important person once again,gone.The pain that she felt when her  both parents and Doojoon gone were all the same.
And now,this bachelor on her front.Oh Sehun was his name,has a different kind of business but it was all under on the company he's managing--it was the OH Group of companies and was quiet popular in the whole country.And his always on her side.Protecting her.
"This is so good!".
When she heard that her senses back to her again."Really?".She asked with sparkling eyes to him as he chewing the cupcake she'd baked.
Sehun nods  as he chewing it and swallowed."Yup!I love how it moist inside.".He said as he looking on it.
"Well..I'm expecting that.".She said.
"Aigoo..".He hissed as he turned to her and poked her forehead softly."You're being boastful Ms.Kim.".
She chuckles."You know that I'm kidding..".
He smiled."I know.Since I'm gone  3 days ago..I want you to make seafood pasta and pizza for me later.".He commanded.
"Aish!This guy..".She rolled her eyes."Fine.Did you missed my cooked food,didn't you?".
"Well..".Sehun acted thinking."Not that much.It's just that I'm hun---Ouch!".
Because she pinched him on his side."You didn't miss it??But you are commanding me to do so??".She surprisingly asked.
He laughs."Hey!I'm just kidding!".He said and chuckles again."Ofourse!I missed it as well as I'd missed you.And I'll be sleep over there.".
Hyoyeon smiled."Fine!But don't forget to buy me a bribe,that will be your passageway so that you can get inside of my condo.".
He smiled again."Oh!Your lollipops again?".
"Ah huh.".She answered as she nodded.
A grin flashed to his handsome face."Shoot!".
Hyoyeon smiled.Then,she just continue watching him while chewing the cupcake.
Sehun always there for her.He's now her protector,bestfriend and her only family.Those nouns..that will be all for Doojoon if he come and meet me that night.She's greatful and flattered because Sehun never gone to her.But there's a part of her...missing something.
"Hyoyeon??".Sehun called her.
"Huh??".Hyoyeon asked dumbfounded.
"Are you okay?You suddenly become quiet.".He said worriedly.
She smile."I'm okay.You have nothing to worry about.".She assured."Its just that I wanna say thank you so much for everything.".
He smiled and hugged her."And thank you  for bringing happiness to my life.".He said."I love you."
Hyoyeon doesn't know how to response as she heard that.Whenever he's telling to her how much he loves her and feeling it to her at the same time,she always don't know what to say.How to respones to him.And even though she wanted to feel the same thing,she couldn't learn herself to love him back..More than a bestfriend.How she wish she could..
*Knock* *Knock*
They quickly released themselves as they're heard someone knocked on the pantry door.She looked to it.She saw Bora,her friend and one of her crew.
"Yes?".She asked but her forehead created knots as she saw her worried face.
"What are we going to do?".She asked worriedly.
"Why??".Hyoyeon asked curiously.
"Goodness Hyoyeon!Our client on the phone was angry as dragon because of his order.".Bora said then she looked on her back.
Hyoyeon wanted to twisted her lips because of Bora's description to their client.Angry as dragon...That client of them must be really mad and she even gets what his order.It's the cake she's designing now.
"Let me talk to..err~ him or her??".She asked suddenly.
Sehun wanted to burst laughout loud because of how bipolar she was.
Hyoyeon gave him a death glare,he just continued eating there.
"Him.Actually,he wants to talk to you.".Bora said.
Then,Hyoyeon quickly took off her apron and quickly walks on the counter and grabbed the telephone.
"Good--..".She glanced on the digital clock on the counter because she's not sure what time is it."--afternoon sir.".She greets sweetly.
"Are you the owner??".
Hyoyeon suddenly freezed as she heard that cold voice of him.A part of her suddenly become alive and her heart beats earatically.Only one guy can do such a thing to her whole system.Only one guy can affects to her whole system.And only one guy can make her heart beats eratically.Only..
Yoon Doojoon..Her mind said.
She heard he sighed harshly."Are you the owner,aren't you!?".He asked again.But this time,he is much angry unlike awhile ago.
Hyoyeon back on her senses."Ahh..Y-Yes sir.I-I am.".She answered stammering.She wanted to hit herself on the very nearest wall so that her tongue will starighten up.
He smirked."Where the hell the cake is?".He asked irritably.
She frowned."But sir,the cake is not yet done.".She answered.
She quickly put off the phone a far on her ear because his voice was too loud.
What the hell is his problem?
"The function meeting will be held in just 20 minutes.So,why that damn cake is still there??".He asked harshly.
She glanced on the digital clock on the counter again.It's 20 minutes before 1PM.
"But sir your secretary scheduled to us that your cake should deliver before 6PM.So,why it suddenly changed??".She asked curiously.
"My secretary called yours yesterday to tell that the time has been changed.".He answered."And now,I wanted you to deliver that within 15 minutes.".He commanded.
Her eyes widened.
What??Is he insane,isn't he?.She asked to herself.She doesn't know how to do a miracle.So,how can she finish it?
"But sir..I'm n--".
"I don't care!If you can do some miracle,just do it!Just deliver it here within 10 minutes!".
Hyoyeon cannot take it anymore.Hah!How rude he is??!."Wow!Big word!I am not Goddess to do that sir.".She said sarcastically."Thank you for ordering to us but I personally cancelled your order.".
"Don't you dare not to--".She didn't let him finish to what he's saying,she quickly hung up the phone.
He is not Yoon Doojoon.She said to herself.Because he's too rude to be Doojoon.The Doojoon I knew was so sweet whenever he's talking to someone especially me..Doojoon can recognize my voice..he can...She  took a deep breath and turn around.
"Hyo!?".Bora asked shockingly when he turned around.Her face was like saying,"Are you completely out of your mind?!He was your biggest client!!??".
Hyoyeon just shrugged her shoulders."Don't mind him.And besides,I can't do miracle..".
Bora frowned.
"He tol--no!Command is the right word.".She corrected herself then looked to Bora again."He commanded me to do such a thing.".She answered and she just went inside on her working station again.Hyoyeon laughed out loud as she went inside.Why?Oh well!She saw Sehun wearing an apron,hair dress and a plastic gloves for food.He has now icing on his face,a few flour on his face,on his hair and even on his long sleeve.
"This is not funny.".Sehun said with poker face.
Hyoyeon hold her laugh.She just walks towards to him and peep on what he's doing.She wanted to burst laugh out again.Because he's designing the small cake there.The fondant,icing and other cake designs were all on messed.
"Laugh.".He said.
As she heard that she burst laughed out loud.
"Aish..".Sehun hissed."Yah!I'm not a baker..".
She quickly stop herself laughing as she saw Sehun gave her a death glare.."That was so beautiful Sehunnie!".She teased.
"Just taste it.".Sehun said.
Hyoyeon pinched a small piece of it and taste it.It's not that bad though..
"Delicious,right?".He asked with sparkled eyes.
She smiled as she nodded,the she poked him on his forehead."Ofcourse it is!Because I've made that one.".
"But I'm the one that designed it.".He protested.
Hyoyeon just nods,because she knew this brat guy on her side will never surrender to her."Oh yes!It's so delicious!Magnifico!".
He laughs out loud then abruptly put an icing in her nose tip.
"YAH!".She shouts.
Sehun ran on the other side of preparation table while laughing and teasing her at the same time.She nods,then a nostalgic grin flashend on her face."This is what you want,huh?".She reached out an icing on her finger tip and ran towards to him.But Sehun can play that game much better than her.And they keep playing like children there.
Thanks to Sehun,her annoying feeling to that Dragon suddenly fades away and she suddenly forget how she's missing Yoon Doojoon right now--and again.
|Doojoon's POV|
   "Don't you dare not to deli--Hello?!Hello??!Damn!".doojoon shouted angrily as put the receiver down.
Dammit!.His mind shouts again.As he leaned his back on his ergonomic chair and sighed harshly as his both eyes closed.He felt his head was just like breaking apart.Too much things to worry for him this day.The board members that losing faith and trust to him,the sales on his tv shopping,that baker that he wanted to be the host on his pastry show--the one that he was talking on the phone a while ago--and plus that damn cake of hers.He ordered her cake to present it to all board members.To give them her sample,that how she works.
He's now the CEO of the YDJ Home TV Shopping that was kown in whole S.Korea.Yes!He was workaholic.He can do anything just for his business,but he knew some of board members of him were not satisfy on his works these past 2 years.They're all not contented to their sales and even to their ratings as well.So,if he get that Kim Hyoyeon..he knows their trust and faith on him will gain much better.His company courting her service for more than 2 years..but she's always rejecting their--no,his offer actually--even though her salary was now triple to its original one.
Kim Hyoyeon...His mind echoed her name.And her face flashed on his mind.
The youngest famous baker in the country.He doesn't know why his heart--argh!no!He's whole system actually,was so excited to see,meet or whatever he can do to's just that,a part of him suddenly become alive as he saw her picture over 2 years ago.And when he heard her soft voice a while ago.It's just that ..he suddenly missed someone.Someone that he doesn't know where or who it was.Someone that he knew was a part of him--his life.
He deeply sighed.
"I can give you..a soft massage..".A seductive voice whispered to his right ear.Suddenly,he felt her hands touching his shoulders as she giving soft massage..She touched his nape and blows it softly.He even smeeled her expensive perfume.Then after a minute,she turned his ergonomic chair softly facing to her front,and sat on his lap.He's eyess were still both closed.He heard her playful giggles.Then,she touches his nose line down to its tip.
Again,someone flashed to his mind and that someone always touching that nose line of him.He even heard she said this to him.
"I like--err,no!I love your nose line,really!".
Argh!Who the hell are you!?.His mind curiously asked.
Then,the girl who's sitting on his lap kissed him on his lips.At first,it was gentle  but after a few seconds,she's now being too seductive and yet agreesive.He couldn't controlled himself,he cupped her head,pushed it towards to his and kissed her back.Like her,seductive and agreesive.His hand playfully touches her neck,to her back and down to her .
But he abruptly stand up as he saw a face of a young girl,who's smiling to him lovingly--on his mind.Min surprised to him,as she catching her breath.
Doojoon closed his eyes.Goodness!What the hell is happening to me??
He massaged his forehead because it was now too much in pain..
"It's alright DJ.We can cont--".
"No!".He said as he turned to her with blank expression.
Min just looked to him with frowned face.He shook his head then he grabbed the telephone receiver on his table and called her secretary."Cancel the board meeting and my other stuffs for this afternoon.".He commanded and he hung up.He walks towardss the door.
If I can't get her on peaceful talk?I can harrass her..".He said on his mind evily.
"DJ!".He heard Min shouted it.
He just continue went outside of his office..
|Sehun's POV|
     Sehun is now layng on the bed with Hyoyeon on his front.He was just watching her sleeping peacefully.He put off some hair strands that covering her face.How gorgeous she wwas on his sight.The cute circled eyes,nose,her eyebrows,eyelashes,her cute cheekbones--especially that heart-shaped lips of hers.How he loved everything about her.
God knows,ho he he's feeling right now.But he's controlling himself not to do it.He has resspect to her.He remember how they meet each other 10 years ago..
      It was past 10 in the evening and both him and his mom were now heading to go home.The cocktail party that they'd attended was still not yet done but because of the heavy snow fall his mom decided to go home much early.Young Sehun started to closed his eyes because he couldn't controlled himself.How he wanted to lay his back on his bed and fall a sleep.
But suddenly,he shocks when his mom quickly stepped on the brake,the car's wheel makes hurt sound as it stopped.He abruptly turned to her mom and he was surprised when he saw how scared she was,because she got so pale.
"Mom,what happened?Are you okay?".He asked worriedly.
"T-The..g-girl..I-I..!".As she said that,she quickly get off on their car and wwalks infront of their car.He quickly next to her and he even get shivers as he saw a girl around 14-15 yearss old on the ground.
He saw her mom in panic as she looked to him."S-Sehun..L-Let's..hop her on the car and bring..her on the nearest hospital..".She commanded cowarly and he quickly go to their side to helped his mom to lift her up.They put her on the passenger seat at the back.And they quickly head off to go to the nearesst hospital.
"D-Doo...j-joon..".He heard she whispered.
He looked to her with full of sympathy.How he wwish he can protect her.He put his scarf to her body that was now shivering.He just looked to her as he hold her hands to give a little warm to her body.
And as they went on..his mom surprised when she don't have any siblings to go to.So,she deccided to adopt her but Hyoyeon don't want to use their family name.Then,they were always together.Happy moments,sad ones,unexpected ones etc.And even before,he started to love her.More than a bestfriend,protector and even a sister--secretly.He can do whatever just for Hyoyeon.If that will make her happy and that's fine with him.
Until now,God knows how he loved Hyoyeon so much.And he can wait for her--even on their after life.
"I love you..Hyoyeon.".He wwhispered lovingly as he hold her hand and gave her a light kissed on her forehead.And he started to sleep..with a smile on his face.
|Hyoyeon's POv|
Hyoyeon the other side of her bedd to get rid off that irritating sound of her bedside telephone.
"Hello?".She said lazily as she grabbed the telephone reciever while her both eyes were still closed.
"Who the hell is him?".She cutted what Bora's telling to her.
"Argh!That Dragon!".Bora answered quickly.
"Ahhh..".She answered without any emotion."Tss..what's the matter?".
"Ahhh..".Hyoyeon commented again but when her mind completely understand what Bora told her a few seconds ago,her bosy automatically sat up on her bed."WHAT!?".
"Argh!You heard me!".
"That man!Aish!Text me where the hell his office at and I'm going to tear him up!".She annoyingly said and quickly get up to ash and changed her clothes.After a few minutes,she went out of her room rushly.
"Goodmorning..Hyo!?".Sehun called her.
Hyoyeon closed her eyes.Argh!She completely forgot that Sehun was on her condo with her.She step back a few and peep on the kitchen.He was wearing her apron.She even saw the foods that he cooked for their breakfast and she saw his questionning eyes towards to him.Okay!Guilt feelings strikes to her.
Arghh!Damn that Dragon!I swear,he will pay for this!
"Errr..Sehunnie..I have an emergency on the bakeshop.Bora called me a while ago.I will just text you up later to lunch together,okay?Sorry.".She said as she gave her a quick kissed on his cheek and abruptly went out on her condo.
Sorry again Sehun..
*         *            *               *
   As Hyoyeon parked her car on the basement parking of that YDJ Home TV Shopping--owned by that Dragon.She immediately went tto the elevator to go to tthe ground floor.As she went on the ground floor,she walks toward the front desk.
"Good morning Ma'am.May I help you?".The fornt clerk assked her greetfully.
She smiled."Goodmorning.Actually,yes.Can I asked which floor Mr.Yoon's office at?".
The front clerk on her front flustered a minute,maybe she's actually recognizing her.The girl beside her, quickly nudged her."Wait a minute..Ma'am..".she said as she loook for it on their computer records."Ma' you have any appointments with Mr.Yoon?".
Hyoyeon think for a while.Yikes!She completely forgot that she the guy she wanted to meet and tear into pieces is the CEO of this company,which means you should make an appointment  before you actually see or meet him.Tss..."Ahh..ehh I don't have..".She answered timidly.
The fornt clerk nods."Hmm..can I ask your name Ma'am?".
"Hmm...Kim Hyoyeon..".
The two clerks surprisingly looked to each other as theey heard their name."Ma'am..he's expecting you,actually.6th floor,as you went out on the elevator.Just turned right and you will see his secretary table,,and beside of it was his office.".
Hyoyeon nods and smiled but she was halfted curious because of the way they treated her.Is she reallly a big deal on their company?Lol!she must be really dreaming..".Thanks then..".
"Have a nice Ms.Kim!".The two greeted in chorus.
"Oh my goodness!That's why I flustered a while ago because I recognized her.I was right at all that she was Kim Hyoyeon,but I looked dumb.".Ana said,one of the fornt clerk.
"You are!What is she doing here?Is she now going to sign up with us?".Tora asked.
Ana shrugged her shoulders."But I hope sshe will..because you know.Mr.Yoon courting her services for more than 2 years,but she's always rejecting him.".
"And if  she signed right now?Handsome  Mr.Yoon will not be obnoxious anymore!".
And they giggles,as they kept talking aboout all of it.
*          *          *          *
|Hyoyeon's POV|
    As Hyoyeon walks out in the elevator,she quickly turned to her left to what the front clerk have been instructed to her a while ago.But hell!Why on earth her heart pumping so fast?Why she was nervous right now?Why her knees becomes jelly as she takes her every step?She just shook her head,she's just maybe having her morning hallucinations..that's it.
As she get nearer to the secretary's table,she clears because it seems like the secretary didn't notice her presence because of the paperworks on her front.
"Yes,ma'am.Good morning..".She said as she looked up to her..butstood up quickly as she recognized her."Good morning again Ms.Kim...Mr.Yoon is actually expecting you.Please,proceed on that office of his..".the secretary said as she pointed Mr.Yoon's office.
He was really expecting me..Hyoyeon thought and she gave her smiled."Thank you..".As she said that she walks on the door where she the entitled Office of the CEO.She took a deep breath before she open the door.Her eyes immediately saw the spacious place of his room.It has a long colored-black sofa and two single white one.Then a mahogany tableon its center.It was over-all painted by white with black underlining on its every edge.
As she done observing secretly to his office,a man standing near on the panel window caught her attention.He has this broad shoulder and a muscular back as it was fitted on his office uniform,he's not wearing his was hanging on his ergonomic chair.
*Thug thug* Thug thug* *Thug thug*
Her heart beats more rapidly done earlier.And she doesn't know why her goddamn heart beats like as it has two feet and it was racing by all itself.Why?
"Good morning Ms.Kim..Isn't this day was too lovely,is it?".He said without turning his back.
Hyoyeon smirked."What do you want from me?".
"I want you..".
As she heard that,she quickly looked to him but she gasped when she saw his face.He was now looking to her with that intent eyes of him and with that playful smiled on his lips.That's why her heart was beating like it was before because of him..because he was Yoon Doojoon.Doojoon that she's been bestfriend,protector and only family 10 years ago.
She didn't controlled her tears anymore,it quickly fell and even herself.She just abruptly get near to him and hugged him tightly.For the past 10 long years,she's always hoping  to see him even in a distance,that will be fine with her.And now,he was here right inside of her arms,she knew he was the Yoon Doojoon she known back then.
"Is this the way you treat your new aquintance Ms.Kim?".
As Hyoyeon heard that cold voice of him,her nerve crumps.She frowned because of that Doojoon's attitude.She softly let go off him as she looked to him wondering.
What the hell?He didn't recognize me?But why?..
"Doojoon..Didn't you recognize me?".She asked,hoping that he'll gonna remember her."Kim Hyoyeon..the girl you helped out more that 10 years ago.Your bestfriend..the girl you're always hang out with.."".And the girl whose completely missing you right now..
Doojoon frowned as if he was thinking what she's talking about a while ago."I'm sorry Ms.Kim.This is the first time that I met you...".
Hyoyeon tears gained.She even felt a thousand of knives stabbed her heart.No!Doojoon will gonna remember her no matter whatyears takes over to their memories.He will never ever forget her.
She saw a playful smiled flashed on his lips."You will never ever get me by that hug of yours Ms.Kim.I think you should take a seat over there and let's talk about just a business and not nonsense oness.".As he said that he sat on his ergonomic chair.
She puffed.Nonsense talks huh?.She's just followed  what he've said.
"That's why you werre here is because that all your clients cancelled all their orders from your shop right?".He asked.
Hyoyeon nodded."H-How will I'm going to get back all of them,huh?What do you want?".He's not the Doojoon I used to know.
"Simple,you will going to sign on our contrat.Easy right?".He asked as he smiled playfully.Then,he grabbed a black folder on his front and placed it to hers."So,here's the contract that my secretary sent to you 2months ago.It's still the same.The salary price,years you will going to spend on my tv home shopping etc.Your signtaure was still missing..".
Hyoyeon looked to folder.If she'll going to signedit,she'll gonna be with Doojoon everyday.She will always going to see him.And if that happens,she have the chance to tell to him and proved that she's not having her morning delusionals.If that so,Doojoon will gonna remember her and she'll gonna ask to him why he didn't show up that night.It was like hitting two birds with one stone.
As she thought of that,she quickly get the folder and his ballpen and signed it without any hesitations nor reading again to it.She looked to him and she saw the surpriseness on his handsome face."I think you are man of his words.So,I'll trust you to back my clients on my shop again as I signed this.".
"I do have.".Doojoon answered quickly."Just call your secretary later after I tour you around on the studio that you'll going to use tomorrow..".He said.
Hyoyeon nodded.
Doojoon stood up and went outside first,she just followed him.
*                   *                *                *
   Hyoyeon can see the shockness on every employees eyes that they're passing by when they saw her.Ofcourse,they knew that their company courting her sevices for more than 2 years.And now,they can't believe that she's there on their building.Touring around with their boss and completely one of their family.
Doojoon is now on her front,he was walking seriously.He was really manly.the way he moves his shoulders,the way he walks,the way he nods when an employee greeted him etc.The 15 year ol Doojoon is no longer on him.Who is more cheerful and dorky.
She there anything happened to you in these past 10 years that's why you couldn't recognized me?.She asked on her mind,as if Doojoon will going to answer.
Then,they entered in one of the rooms there.It was maybe the studio that she'll going to use starting tomorrow.All the kitchen utilities,baking utilities and even other ingredient were all there.They were all completely organized there.Her eyes tour around the was lovely on sights because of its color palette..light blue with pink on it.She walks on the front of the preparation table and she smiled as she saw that it was nearly more class that hers.
Then,on her back.The cabinet were the different ingredients that she'll going to use were all of it.She smiled.
"Did you like it?".
She turned to Donghae and smiled
He nodded then he walks on the chair on the fornt of the preparation table and sit there."Can you bake cookies right now?".
Hyoyeon looked to him surprisingly.
"It's okay i--".
"No.I will.Just give me a bit.".She said and quickly tied up her hair into bun one.Get the apron and placed it on hers.And quickly get all the ingredients.How she longing this day would come.That Doojoon will going to asked her to bake some pastry for him.And now that he requested,she can't say no,because she knew that will make her happy.Doojoon will make her happy.Only him.
*Kruuuugggg~!* *Kruuuuuug~!*
Hyoyeon shyly closed her eyes as she heard her tummy makes sound.Oh no!This is so freaking embarrassed because Doojoon heard it..She already forgot that she's not eat her breakfast yet and that's why her tummy cried out loud because it needs food.
Doojoon get something on his pocket and she's surprised when he offered her an unwrapped lollipop.She quickly looked to wondering.
"This can be your food for now.It will help you ou.".He said seriously.
"Thank you..".She said and she shyly accepted it and put it on .Atleast,this habit of him never changed..
|Doojoon's POV|
      Doojoon was now quietly watching Hyoyeon whose now happily baking.He can't help but to looked to her.He can take his eyes off on her because the way she moves are makes him happy.And he doesn't know where thee heell came it form?Hyoyeon bringing happiness to him?What was that?This is the first time that a girll completely makes her a fool.
Well~as he saw her standing to his front a while ago.He can't help it but observed her secretly.Her eyes,nose,cheeks and that heart shaped lips of hers were really makes him a fool.And he doesn't know why his heart was about to jump out on his chest when Hyoyeon abruptly hugged him earlier.And a stranged feeling when he saw Hyoyeon tears peeps on her eyes..
Your acting weird Yoon Doojoon again..He commented.
"Doojoon..Didn't you recognize me?".She asked,hoping that he'll gonna remember her."Kim Hyoyeon..the girl you helped out more that 10 years ago.Your bestfriend..the girl you're always hang out with..".Her voice echoed to him again.Doojoon fall in his deep thoo
Who the hell she is?Why I have this feeling I knew her?I knew every single of her.Why suddenly my whole system gets alive when I saw her?.
Then,a alittle girl flashed on his mind.She was smiling to him lovingly.
"Ahhhhhh!".He shouted as he touched his head.It wa hurting again badly.
"Doojoon!?"..Hyoyeon exclaimed when she saw him."What's happening to you?".She asked worriedly as she patting him softly.She touches his forehed because he was sweating now.
"Ahhhhhhh~!".He kkept shouting.
"Help!We need help here!". Hyoyeon shoutd."Hold on.".
Then,the next thing he saw was full of darkness.
|Hyoyeon's POV|
     Hyoyeon is now quietly watching Doojoon who's now sleeping peacefully.They were now on the clinic inside of Almighty Yoon Home TV Shopping's building.She got scared earlier when she saw Doojoon,he was devastating because of the pain he felt on his head.
She can't remember before that Doojoon had that sickness.Whenever they were always together,he was so happy and like he has nothing to worry about of his health.Now,she doesn't know why he has this sickness.How he got that sickness.How she can cure it for him.
Is there anything happened to him inside of 10 years that they were a part from each other??
How she wish nothing bad happened to him.
Hyoyeon sighed.
As she saw Doojoon earlier,there's so many questions came to her mind.
Why he didn't come as he told so?
Why he never look for her?
What happened to him in these past years?
Most especially..
What the hell you will going to say to me that night??
Her tears gained when she remember that night.The pain is still on her heart.
Then,she quickly wiped her tears as she saw Doojoon's hand moved and his eyes opened.
"How are you now?Is there something hurt,wrong or whatever??".Hyoyeon asked continously because she was so worried about her."Do you want me to call the doctor to check if you were oka--".
She stopped to what she's saying because Doojoon reached out her face.She didn't saw the rude Doojoon,the one she's seeing was the Doojoon who protects her,loves her and her only family.The one that she fell into.The one that still on her heart.The only she loved before until now.
She saw on his eyes the loneliness that she's feeling to in the past years.She saw on his eyes how they were lovingly looking to her even before.How they looking to her as if she's the most beautiful girl in the world.Those pair of eyes of him.She knew her whole world stops for a while.And that touch of him,it gives comfortness and happiness within herself.
Doojoon is the only guy in this world can do that to her.
Are you already in a relationship?
That the question she wanted to ask to him right now.In this moment of them.
Hyoyeon and Doojoon quickly far themselves to each other as they heard that voice.
A petite girl abruptly walks on his side."What the hell happened to you?Are you okay?What you were feeling right now?Let me call Dr.Chua to ta--".
"You don't need to.".Doojoon stops that girl.
Hyoyeon closed her eyes deepen..
Funny,God abruptly answered her question a while ago.
Then,she opened it.As she paste a fake smile on her face but it fades because as if she was not existing right now.Her attention was only to Doojoon only.
The girl bend halfted to give a kiss for Doojoon but he quickly far his face away from her.
"Min,We're not the only one in this room.".Doojoon said seriously.
Hyoyeon saw that "Min" abruptly looked where she's standing and surprised.
"Oh!Sorry.".She said.
"I-It's okay.".
Then,Min gasped."You were that famous pastry baker!Kim Hyoyeon right?".She asked.
Hyoyeon nodded."I-I am.".
"I'm Min.".She said as she handed her hand.
She accepted her hand and smiled.
Min smiled too--but there's something on her eyes that suddenly crossed.
She wondered what it is.
Then,Min quickly give her attention to Doojoon.
"I am okay now.".Doojoon said with poker face as he sat himself.
She will going to help him but she stopped when Min quickly do what she wanted to do.She sighed secretly.
Goodness Hyoyeon!Stop this.
"I-I guess I am no longer needed here.".Hyoyeon said stammering."I gotta go.".
Doojoon looked to her--ofcourse with his pair of cold eyes again."Just be here on time tomorrow.".
Hyoyeon nodded and she quickly went outside of that room.She took a deep breath.She can't take to be with Doojoon and his girlfriend Min on the same room.She can't take either just to take a look or glance to them.She can't breathe.She abruptly put her head up because she don't wanna cry.
Hell!I can't be like this forever..especially she saw Doojoon now..
    Hyoyeon is now on her cake shop.She was sitting on the table where at the very edge of that shop of hers.She was not on the mood to make different kind of pastries right now.If she forced herself to do it,it will just turned out bad. And she don't like it either,so she decided to just sit there and watching all the people who are passing by on her shop.
Then,her eyes caught of a teenage girl and boy.They were both happy walking while laughing and talking.Suddenly,she remember both Doojoon and her 10 years ago.They were always going home together.Doojoon was always make sure that they will always a good time whenever they were together.After a bit,a rain started to fall.The teenage girl and boy quickly get inside of her bakeshop as they went inside and sat that they just laugh out loud.
A flashback came to her mind...
     "You're not angry right??".Hyoyeon asked to Doojoon who's now quietly walking on her side.They were now going home.
"I'm not.".Doojoon said seriously.
"Seriously??".She asked again and she go to his front while walking backward."Tell me,you were angry.".
"Can you walk properly,can't you?".He asked.
She shook her head."Unless,you will going to say to me that you're not angry to me anymore.".
Doojoon stopped walking."Why did you do their projects?After all that they'd done to you,you made those jerks projects?!Kim Hyoyeon,where's your mind?.".
A sheepishly smile flashed on her face and she walks towards to him."I knew it!You were angry.".She giggles.
"That's not funny.".He said with poker face of him.
She stood up properly."I guessed it will for everyone's sake.In fact,I don't even care to all what they'd done to me in the past or what will they're going to do to me in the future.I'd just wanted to ease everything that they'll know about me and I know in the future they will going accepted me for what I am and who am I.Like you,Yoon Doojoon.".She explained.
Doojoon took a deep breath."Fine.If that's really what you want."
"You're not angry to me anymore right?Right?Right?Right??".She said wittyngly to him.
"I'm not.It's just that I got suddenly annoyed when I'd heard about it.".He said.
She just nodded then smiled but she frowned as she saw him walks towards to one house there.She follows him."What you're doing?".She asked.
Doojoon looked to her with a nostalgic grin to his face."Just run so fast so that they will not catch us up.".
Her frowned deepened more but she gasped as she saw what he's done.
He push the button of the doorbell.
*Ding!Dong!* *Ding!Dong* *Ding!Dong!* *Ding!Dong* *Ding!Dong!* *Ding!Dong* *Ding!Dong!* *Ding!Dong*
"Yah!".She shouts surprisingly.
Suddenly,a fat lady opens the gate with angry face."You two!".
Hyoyeon's eyes widened.
"Run!".Doojoon shouts as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to run.
"Brats!Come back here!".The lady shouts angrily.
Hyoyeon looked on their back,the lady is actually following them.They just ran more faster.She looked to Doojoon,he looked to her.Then,he smiled.So,she smiled back.His craziness was one of the most she likes about him because in those simple but yet naughty works of him,it giving her so much happiness within herself.Whenever he's doing it just for their fun.
And a rain started to fall,he quickly pulled her so that he can cover her head.Those gestures of him towards to her was simply and yet sweet were overwhelming her heart.They stopped on the shed.
"Here.".Doojoon said as he offered his handkerchief to her.
"Thanks.".Hyoyeon said and she quietly wiped her wet uniform.
Then,she turned to him to return his handkerchief but as their eyes met they just abruptly laughed out loud like crazy ones.She can't explain how she happy to be with him.
"How many rain drops you already counted?".
As she heard that voice her snses back to present and quickly looked on her side.She saw Sehun walks on the other side of the table to sit there.
She just smiled.
"You didn't eat your breakfast together with me earlier.".Sehun said with sullen on his voice.
Guilty abruptly strikes."Sorry.".She said as she do peace sign."What about let's take a snack right now?".She convincing him as she glanced on her wristwatch.
"Let me think fo--Oh!Fine!".Sehun quickly changed what he'll going to say as he saw Hyoyeon does her puppy eyes.
Hyoyeon grinned."Go ahead..and take what all you wanted--but you should pay for it,okay??".She said.
Sehun laughs."You're so evil,really.".He said as he pinches her right cheek and walks towards on the pastries station.Their services on her cake shop was self-service,that's why he will going to get their orders.A minute later,he come back with a wide smiled on his face.
"You're not hungry right??".Hyoyeon surprisingly asked because she saw that he got so many snacks on his tray.
"Shhh..I'm on diet.".He said.
She laughs."Crazy.".She said.
"Now,tell me.".Sehun said then he bite his chocolate croissant.
Hyoyeon frowned as she stopped to bite her milky cheesecake."Tell you,what?".She asked wonderly.
"Tss~I know you.When you were staring far far away,you were thinking on something deeply.Now,tell me.".He convinced.
Well~Sehun is right.Wehenver she's like that,her mind was busy thinking or calculating something to her mind.She took a deep breath as I sipped her milk tea."I signed a contract to Almighty Yoon Home TV Shopping.".She revealed.
Sehun surprised a little bit."You mean..the home tv shopping courting your services for you to be their host??".
She nodded.
"I thought you don't want to be.Why you suddenly changed your mind?".He asked curiously.
Because of Yoon Doojoon..Hyoyeon giggles."I just got suddenly bored.".She lied.
But she saw on his face he wasn't convinced to her reason but he'd just nods."Is there any problem to their contract??".
My biggest problem is how I will make clear to Doojoon that I am Kim Hyoyeon..She shook her head."No more to worry.".She said and smiled.
"Weirdo.".He said as he bites his cupcake.
She laughs.
|Doojoon's POV|
      Doojoon is now silently watching Hyoyeon now.This was her first day for being her official host of the new segment on his home tv shopping--titled "The Heart of Pastry".As her debut for being a host,he knew she's feeling nervous but the same time she was confident to all her works.
And he even got surprised when Hyoyeon just working smoothly as if this is not her first time in front of the camera.She's bubbly and happy while she's working.She's always make sure that she has a beautiful smile on that heart shaped lips of her.
Even the crews and other people whose watching to her behind of those cameras were all happily and enjoying how she's working today.And now he was sure that this is become biggest hit to his part.All the board members will going to give their whole trust to him again because they'd knew how much he wanted Hyoyeon on their business.What she can give to him is undeniable success to his part.
"You're such a genius!".
He looked to his right to saw who is it.He saw Lee Junho,one of the board members.
"I know.".He answered and turned his sight to Hyoyeon again.
Junho laughs."Don't be boastful,man.".He said."Hmm..Don't you stared her as if you longingly wanted her beside in your bed.".
Doojoon gave him a death glare.
"Woah!".Junho commented as he raised his hands a sign of defeat."I'm just kidding..".
"That's not funny.".He said.
Junho patts his shoulder."Don't you worry,the feeling is mutual..".He laughed again.
He gave death glare again.
"But I heard she's dating..but for me,that's not the end of the game.They're just dating because even the wife can steal.".Junho said then turned his sight to Hyoyeon with admiration.
Doojoon don't mind the other sentences that he heard.Only this two words---She's dating.He doesn't know why her mind and soul become restless.He doesn't know why he can't take that she's dating anyone.Well~Junho noticed that he can't take his eyes off of her because if he do he felt he will going to lose her--again.
Again??.His mind asked.
Hell!Yoon Doojoon your being insane again!
He secretly sighed and decided to go back on his office.
"Hey Doojoon!I'm going to court her.".Junho said lastly.
Doojoon turned to him with poker face."Don't you dare.".He said seriously and went out.
Junho left wondering.
|Hyoyeon's POV|
    "Pack up!".The Mr.Chan commanded--the director.
Hyoyeon took off her apron."Thanks for your hard work!".She said happily.
"You're so beautiful in the front of camera.".Mr.Chan complimented.
"Thanks,Sir.".She said and smiled.
"So,tomoorow will be just the same.Just act naturally infront of the camera,okay?".
Hyoyeon smiled."I will.".She answered.Her hosting will always weekends.
She's smiled and bowed all the crews she's passing by.She will now going to Doojoon's office,she was sure that he's there.And she was excited to asked him what his commented about to her performance to her first day.She saw him watching her a while ago and after almost one hour of her busy doing baking,he gone.If she knew even before--back 2 years ago--that Doojoon is the CEO of this home tv shopping,she signed already back then.Maybe now,Doojoon recognizing her.Maybe now,they were happily together back then.Maybe now,he will always on his side.
She's going to get outside when someone blocked her way.When she looked she saw guy who has cute eye-smile--because he's smiling so wide to her right now.
"Hi!".He greets her.
"Hello.".Hyoyeon greets back.
"I'm Lee Junho.The president of finance and one of the board members of this company.".He said as he handed his hand.
She nods."I'm Kim Hyoyeon.Well~the new host here.Nice meeting you.".She said as she accepted her hand.
"Same here.".Junho said while he's looking to her with admiration on his eyes.
Hyoyeon felt awkward suddenly because how he the way looks to her.And he don't want to released her hand.So,she decided to pulled it back softly.
"I have to go.".She said and forced herself to smile.
"Wait.Let's take coffee for a while.".He offered.
Hyoyeon shook her head."Sorry.I don't drink coffee.".
"Oh!What about a lunch?".Junho insisted.
"Sorry again.I can't because I have some other stuff to do.".She said."Bye!Sorry again.".She said walks as fast as she could.She just don't like his presence because she felt that she was--oh well! playboy.
She was now waiting to be on 14th floor where his office was.As the elevator's door sweeped away,she quickly went out and walks right to Doojoon's office.She didn't saw his secretary,maybe she's taking her lunch break now.
What about Doojoon?.Her mind asked.Is he taking his lunch with errr~Min?
She looked on his office door.
"Well~It's not bad to take a peep even a bit.".Hyoyeon whispered to herself.Then,she walks right to his door and she  open the door smoothly.As she peeped inside of his office,she can't see if he's there or not.So,she decided to walks inside quietly,she walks nearly and she saw him right there on his ergonomic chair--sleeping.
She smiled she was right at all.He's sleeping here.Even when they were on middle school,Doojoon will just going to take a sleep whenever they're on lunch break.She asked him if he's always sleepless,he just said that he's really sleepyhead especially in the afternoon.
He never change.
She watched him quietly.She missed his head resting on her shoulder or on her lap.That was his position whenever they were together and he's going to sleep.And she even can live just by watching him sleeping.She was ure with that.
Hmm..Doojoon,don't you remember me for almost 2 years,do you??That's why you kept insisting to get my service back then,huh?.I want answer..but there's something in me that afraid to hear your answer.
She sighed.
And then she found herself, she leaned more to him and touching the bridged of his nose down to its tip.She's always doing that even before whenever he's sleeping.
Then,her eyes widened when he grabbed her hand and quickly pulled it towards to him.And now,her heart beating eratically because their face were a few inches away to each other.She even smlled his masculine cologne and the hotness of his breath,it still fresh as if he was not really sleeping a while ago.
Their eyes met again.
And her eyes widened when Doojoon abruptly,grabbed her nape and kissed her passionately.She couldn't controlled herself that's why she kissed back--hungrily.To tell you the truth,this was she's longingly waiting to Doojoon as she met him yesterday.
Doojoon stopped.She wanted to protests but when she opened her eyes she saw he was smiling playfully.
Is he thinking that I am an easy girl??
"I thought you're going to protest but I see you like it,huh?".Doojoon said with a grinned on his face."Are you reall that kin--".
Hyoyeon didn't let him finish to what he's saying because she abruptly slapped him."You were not really the Yoon Doojoon I'd used to know 10 years ago.".She said hurtfully and quickly turned her back because she doesn't like to see this rude Doojoon how she weak she was,if this was really the Yoon Doojoon she used to know he'll going to--.
She's surprised when Doojoon abruptly hugged her.
That's it!The Yoon Doojoon she used to know will going to hug her just to comfort her whenver she felt vulnerable.
"I'm sorry.".Doojoon whispered.
They were just like that for almost 30 minutes.Hyoyeon embracing that moment because she knew it will take so long to repeat this scene of them again.And she's surprised again when Doojoon abruptly grabbed her hand and pulled her.She was wondering where the hell he wanted to go.
"Goodafternoon,'am..??".His secretary said.
She knew she heard that it has a question mark on the edge of her sentence because Doojoon was holding her hand.And even the other staff and office personnels of that company,were all wondering because she saw their frowned faces whenever they're seen Doojoon holding her hand.She was just forced herself to smiled to them and bowed awkwardly.
|Doojoon's POV|
   Doojoon parked his car on the side of that small restaurant.He quickly went out of his car and turned to passenger seat to opened the car's door for Hyoyeon.She was now looking to him with questioning eyes.He felt that Hyoyeon knew this small restaurant.
And he don't know what forcing him to join Hyoyeon and eat here together with him.Something forcing him that she really know him.In fact,he decided to himself a while ago.To know more about her because he can't really remember the other memories of him in the past because of the accident that he even don't remember.
Hyoyeon is the only key of him to know what's his other memories and who the hell the teenage girl whose always bugging him on his dreams every night.
"Let's go.".He said and he went inside first.
Hyoyeon just follows him.
As he went inside he saw an old lady who's busy preparing the other customers orders and that he used to know even before.Whenever he's eating his lunch or dinner there,she's always asking to him that where was the girl he's always together going there.The girl who ahs a beautiful smile she had ever seen.The girl who has full of dorkiness and quirkiness whenever they were together.And she said it was his girlfriend because she always seeing the two of them together.
"Girlfriend!".He called as he saw she's done preparing the orders.And it was the named he used to called her whenever he's here.
The old lady turned to him and smile widely as she walks towards to him.
"Ouch!Why?".He surprisingly asked because she patted him again on his arm.
"Aigoo..stop calling me girlfriend.".She protested."Just looked for your true girlfriend 10 years ag--You already found her?!".She exclaimed.
Doojoon fowned as she saw her surprised face when she saw Hyoyeon on her back.
Then,she turned to her again."You mean.. you found her?Where?".She asked continiously and she pushed him away just to see Hyoyeon.
He shook his head but still he's wondering.So,the girlfriend she's looking to him and Hyoyeon were the same??
"Hi Lady Shee!".Hyoyeon greets to her and smiled widely.
Doojoon surprised so she really knew her.
"Aigoo..".The old lady hissed."You were still the same but you grown up to a beautiful woman.".She said.
Hyoyeon giggles."Thanks Lady.Even you,you were still pretty despite on your real age.So,what's the secret??A lover??".She jokingly said.
"Aish!Yah!You two were really never changed.Still you never fail me to smile.".She said."Just mind to search for your seats and I will going to take an order there.".She said and walks on the other table.
Doojoon was quietly looking to her.She has really a beautiful smile.Hyoyeon looked to him,she just shrugged her shoulders and walks first as she sat on the empty table on the edge of that small restaurant.He sat on the other side of the table.
"How did you know her?".He asked curiously.
"Well~As what I've told you yesterday.I know you.And this small restaurant is where I'm working after I got fired to other one..".She explained.
But Doojoon noticed a sad tone of her as she saying it.
"But that was on the past.".She said and forced herself to smile.
"If you were really know me as you'd say..How did you know me then?".Doojoon asked wondering.
He saw Hyoyeon was a little bit surprised when he asked it.
"Let me excuse myself lovers..".Lady Shee said.
"We're not!".They both abruptly said.
" an old times.".Lady Shee said as she rolled her eyes."So,May I take your orders??"
They said what they're orders."Wait in a bit.".She said and winked to them.
"Lady Shee never changed..".Hyoyeon said.
"So??".Doojoon asked again.
"Huh??".Hyoyeon asked dumbfounded.
"How did you  know me then??".He asked again.
"Ah yeah..Sorry.".Hyoyeon appologized and she drink her water."I-It's was rainy day back then..Hmm..I think you were waiting to the rain stop,but you you saw me that bullying our other schoolmates..".
A scene flashed to his mind.
      "Darn!".He annoyingly said as he wiping his uniform with his hand.

Damn this rain!This is my first day on this school.Look at the messed!

"Look!That girl is really ridiculous!".

"She was really stupidbecause she's walking in the rain??".

"That's right for her girls..".

Then,he quickly looked where they were looking at.

He saw a girl walking on the rain with her head down.

His frwoned face deepen more.

What the hell she's doing?Is she wanted to get a cold and kill herself??.He asked himself.

Stop being a jerk Yoon Doojoon!You don't have to care if she'll get a cold and die.That's not your business anymore!.His mind lectured him.

He doesn't know why a part of him wants to pull her and go to a shed.Care her.Protect her.And love her.

Love her??.His mind echoed.

Then,he's halfted surprised when someone throws a cup of orange juice.It came on upstairs.She stops walking but still her head down.All the students who saw it laughed out loud and even more.

He secretly clenching his fist as he forcing himself not to help the poor girl.He gritted his teeth when someone throws a cup of chocolate to her.

Doojoon couldn't stop himself for more.So,he quickly walks towards to that girl without noticing the rain fall,the cold wind and all the students who got surprised to what he's doing right now.

He quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her as they walked away...even though he doesn't know where to go.

"As you offered you handekerchief,you quickly ran away..".She explained.
Doojoon felt the same pain again on his head.Whenever a new memories flashing on his mind it's always hurts.
"Are you okay?".Hyoyeon asked curiously.
Doojoon nodded."Don't mind me.".He said.And a question came to his mind."If you don't mind me asking,why they were bullying you back then?".
Hyoyeon looked to him.He noticed the sad through her eyes.
Dammit Yoon Doojoon!You were so insensitive!.He yelled himself.
He don't know why he felt sadness too whenever her beautiful face has sad expresion.Like earlier--when she turned around,he noticed a tears fall on her cheeks.He doesn't know why it's like a thousand knife that stabbed his heart.Hyoyeon is so transparent,you can really clearly see all her expressions.
"I'm sorry,I'm be--".
"Because I'm Drug Lords' daughter..".She answered.
Doojoon quickly looked to her surprisingly.He doesn't know what he's feeling right now.
Hyoyeon smiled fakely."I know that will be the way you looked at to me..".She shrugged her shoulders." an old times.".She said and she abruptly stood up as she walks away.
Because I'm drug Lords' daughter..A teenage girl's voice whispered to his mind.
Damn it!.
"Girlfriend!".He shouts as he quickly put the money bill on the table and he wnet out.He saw her walking so fast,he decided to get in his car and drive it away.Then,he blocked his car at Hyoyeon's way.
Hyoyeon and other people whose walking shocks to what he'd done.
It was like like he doesn't like her to far from him .He can't take it,really.Funny thought right.But it was exact feeling he's feeling eight now.
"Kim Hyoyeon..I don't care if you were Drug Lords' daughter.I just wanted you to help me to back my other memories.Be my friend.".Doojoon said seriously as he handed the unwrapped lollipop to her.
Then,a scene like this was flashed on his mind.But that teenage boy and girl were both wearing their uniform then.
Hyoyeon surprised and she looked to him.And she get the lollipop as she sticked it to his."I'm willing to help you back your memories.We're now friends.".She said and smiled as a tears fell on her cheeks because of the joy she's feeling right now.
Doojoon wiped it."I don't wanna see you cry again.".He said out of himself.
Hyoyeon nodded."Thanks to this.".She said as she presnted the lollipop.
Doojoon smiled.
Hyoyeon surprised."Yes!I'd made you smile at me!".She shouts happily.
Doojoon shook his head..Well~This is his first time that he smiled genuinely and thanks to her.
   Since that day,Hyoyeon and him always together.They were going out just to take lunch or dinner--even weekdays.Or he will going to visit her to her cakeshop,just to take a break and to eat sweets that he likes but now she's controlling it because he might get a diabetes and she don't like that.
They were now in 2 months as they're friendship started again and Hyoyeon can't help herself not to fell on him.And she don't know if he felt the same towards to her.She was just hoping that he do.She looked on his handsome sleeping face,he's now sleeping on her lap and they were on their secret place.
Doojoon told to her that place.It was lawys on her dream and she thought it was this.And he confirmed it,it was really this.
She touched the bridge of his nose down to its tip.
Are you now fully remember me?
Did your memories completely back to you,didn't you?
Or you can't really remember me on your memories??
That sad thought make herself wants to cry..but she should keep her faith and help him to remember her--even they were just only friends.
And a thunder shouts angrily.
"Ahhhh!".Hyoyeon shouted because it was really so loud.
Doojoon quickly woke up and sat on her side."Are you alright?".
Hyoyeon smiled."I am..I just got shocked because it shuts loudly.".She said.
"I guessed we should go home.".He said."Because it will going to rain.".
"Y-Yeah.".She said and quickly stood up.
As they walks out to that tunnel,they were just walking not-so far from it,the rain started to fall.
"!".Doojoon said and he quickly pulled her towards to him as he hugged her and covered her head.
Like an old times..her mind said.
Even before,Doojoon doesn't like she'll walks in the rain.He never fail to protect me even on the rain.
She smiled secretly.
He opened the car's door on the passenger seat and she quickly hopped in.Then,she thought of something.Doojoon immune system was so weak when it come to this.
Hyoyeon turned to him as he get inside,Doojoon frowned."You should changed your clothes as you get home.Just do a shower with warm water and took a medicine.If you feel something bad or weird within yourself,call me.Do I make myself clear?".
Then,Hyoyeon serious face turned to a frowned one as he saw he was just smiling like a fool.
She annoyingly patted him on his arms.
"Ouch!Why?".He asked.
"I'm worried here to death because I know that your immune system was so weak and you're right there smiling to me like a fool??Who will not get annoy--".She stopped to what she's saying because Doojoon shut using his.Yes!He's kissing her--again.
Doojoon released her.And now,she can't take a look to him because she felt her face was now color red and that because of the embarrassment she's feeling right now.
Argh!Just be thankful Yoon Doojoon because I love you so much!
"So,are you still annoyed to me?Or should I kiss--Ouch!".
He shouts because she gave him a tiny pinched on the side of him."Just shut up and drive!".She commanded.
The car filled of his laughed.
*                   *                  *                  *
    Hyoyeon get inside of her condo as she put off her shoes,she saw Sehun's shoes there.
Sehun knew her password,so she does.
She quickly go to the living room and she saw him right there sleeping.She get the remote control on his hand and turned off the tv.
"Aigoo..this guy is really.".She commented and she walks inside of her room and grabbed the comforter on her cabinet and go back to Sehun.She put it to him.She sat on his side and she watches him sleeping quietly.
"Yah~Oh Sehun..".Hyoyeon started."Remember,my old bestfriend that I'm telling to you before??Well~I accidentally met him,3 months ago.I'm so sorry if I couldn't tell you about this because you were so busy in your corporation and me on my new career--you know hosting..".She smiled."He was now quietly recognizing me because on our first meeting,he told me he don't know me..but as he asked my help to back his other memories I grabbed the oppurtunity to helped him to back it for him.You know what,I even found myself that I was still loving him without his knowing.But I will keep helping him out to remember all and I knew when that day come I am willing to confessed to him about my feelings because I know that I used to know him was loves me too.".She forced herself to smile.But I don't know when it comes...She sighed.And she felt her eyes heavily closed and because she's tired,she fall asleep quickly.
|Sehun's POV|
    Sehun opened his eyes as he doesn't heard her anymore.He looked to her.She was now sleeping tiredly.He heard all of it.In fact,he knew all along that she was going out with Yoon Doojoon--always.He has his own sources to know more about him.He was one of the famous bachelors--like him.He was the CEO of their home tv shopping called 'Almighty Yoon Home TV'.He was the guy who insisting and courting Hyoyeon's services for almost 2 years that now yoyeon signed up.And he was right all along that her old friend and him were just the same.He secretly background checked him.And he even knew that they came from same middle school before.They have their secret place that he found 3 days ago,and he saw them earlier there.
Alright,he was jealous to death because that Yoon Doojoon is really lucky.Because the girl,he loved the most loved him.
How he wish that Doojoon didn't insisted Hyoyeon to signed that contract.
How he wish that they'd never come back to Korea.
How he wish that Hyoyeon felt the same towards to him.
How he wishing all of it.
But now,he never come back the past and start all over again because he knew Hyoyeon's happiness is Yoon Doojoon.Even though she's happy with him,they're part of her missing him and he doesn't want to see her beatiful face a happy mask.He wanted all her happiness that he can give,and he knew it was giving up his love to her,just to give way the love between them--even though it was really pain on his heart.
He smiled bitterly.
"I will do all just to see you're happiness..and if its him,I give up.".He whispered lovingly and kissed her on her lips.
I love you,Kim Hyoyeon.
|Doojoon's POV|
      Doojoon is now going inside of his condo after he brought Hyoyeon on the building where her condo was.He's tired and not feeling well at the same time.He knew he might have fever any minute because to what happened to them earlier.
After for almost 5 months together,he knew,he comepletely Hyoyeon even before.And he even knew that she was part of himself.In fact,he was so happy whenever and everytime they were together.Especially when he's always seeing the way she smiles,laughs and talks.They way she moves every part of herself..her hand..the way her head moves..the way her hair flips and most of all her heart shaped lips..
I like they way it moves..they way she curved it to smile.He thought.
He smiled like a fool.He just shook his head.
"Oh!I see that my boyfriend was so happy together with her.".
Doojoon's forehead created knots as he the lights.And he saw Min on his sofa with a curved smile.He noticed that she was drunk because of the bottle of whiskey on the table.
"What are you doing here?".He asked seriously.
Min stood up and she put her arms around on his neck."I'm just missing my boyfriend.".She said and she will about to kiss him but Doojoon quickly put her arms and step back.
"Dammit Min!Don't act as if you were my girlfriend!".Doojoon said irritated.
Min smirked."Is this because of that Kim Hyoyeon??".She asked.
Doojoon got annoyed."Don't you dare call her like that again!And please,I'm sick that you're always telling to all the people around us that you were my girlfriend or fiancèe!Because you're not and will never going to be!".
Min smiled evily."Fine!Fine!After almost 10 years together..I am the one who's always on your side.But I guess I'm now worthless to you.".She smirked."Let me clear one thing will never ever get Hyoyeon ever again!".As she said that she quickly get her things and went out on his condo.
Doojoon sat on the sofa there as he closed his eyes.He was tired and yet was grateful because Min finished their arguementation.He don't have energy to take it with her for too long.
He sighed.
|Hyoyeon's POV|
    Hyoyeon is now happily walks inside of Doojoon's office but she stopped on the middle because she didn't saw him--it was Min sitting on his ergonomic chair with a fake smiled on her face.
"Hi there!".Min greets her.
Hyoyeon smiled awkwardly and bowed."Hello.I guess Doojoon and you are go--".
Min shook his head and stood up."We're not going out.he's absent.".
Hyoyeon frowned."Why?".
Min shrugged her shoulders."I guess the rumours were all true..".
Her frowned face deepen more."What do you mean?".
"That your seducing Doojoon.".
She was surprised as she heard that.
"All people here thinking that to you,you don't know about it?".She asked."Oh!Now,you know!".She smiled evily.
"But they were all wr--".
"Come on..even you denied it.People thinking about you will never change.".Min said harshly."And plus Doojoon is happily playing with you..a fling was the right word.You're just one of his flings and still I'm his girlfriend.".
Hyoyeon shook her head."I'm not going to believe you.".
"Okay.If that's what you want.".Min said and walks right on door's way to went out."Thanks for giving a time to my precious boyfriend.Good day!".
Hyoyeon shook her head again as she closed her eyes deepened more.
Doojoon will not going to do that thing to me!.Her mind shouts.
Then,her cellphone rings.
"Hello?".She asked as she answered.
"I-I... need your... help.".
She was surprised when she heard Doojoon's weak voice."Where are yo--I will be there in 15 minutes!".She said as she quickly went out on his office because a thought flashed on her mind.She quickly drove her car as fast as she could.
*                         *                   *                *
      Hyoyeon get inside on his condo.Doojoon sent the password to her a while ago.She quickly go to the room there.She saw Doojoon on his bed shivering to death.
"!".As she felt his forehead.He has high fever.I knew it!
She quickly went out on his room.She grabbed a bowl there and quickly put a water on the kettle.And she back on his room,she opened his cabinet and drawers to looked for a face towel.As she saw it on his drawer,she quickly grabbed it and back on the kitchen because the water is now boiling.She off the gas stove and quickly put a little bit hot water on that bowl and a cold water.
As she done to all of it,she quickly back to his room and sat on his side.She wipes a warm towel on his face,down to his neck,down to---
Oh!Jesus..I really have to do this.She silently prayed,so she put off his comforter but she quickly back it because he was just wearing a boxer shorts and top.
Goodness Yoon Doojoon!You were really get cold because of what you wearing right now.She scolded him to her mind.And she quickly go to his cabinet and grabbed a two jackets.She helped him to wear all of it.And she placed a towel on his forehead,just to ease some hotness on his head.
As she glanced on her wristwatch,she decided to cook a soup for him since,it almost lunch time.
Stop making me worry Yoon Doojoon..
*                                          *                         *                              *
    Hyoyeon wake up,she glanced on her wristwatch.It's already 9PM and she was sure Sehun is waiting for her on her condo.She didn't noticed she fell asleep because Doojoon don't want her to go home or even to stand because he kept asking her not to leave him alone.And like now,he's holding her hand.
She reached out to her bag on the side table on her side and get her cellphone to send a message to Sehun that she will not make it tonight.As she done sent message to Sehun.She looked to Doojoon,he was quietly sleeping.She stared to his handsome face.
Doojoon,when the hell you will remember me??. She asked on herself.
And then her cellphone rings.She quickly reached out of it.
Sehun was the caller.
"Where are you?".He asked curously.
"Err..hmm..".Hyoyeon don't know what she's going to answer to him.
Sehun sighed."Okay..just go home much early.".He said."Call me if you already got home.".As he said that he hung up.
She took a deep breath as she placed her cellphone on the side table.And she leaned her head on the head rest and she closed her eyes.
"You can lay beside me.".
Hyoyeon opened her eyes and quickly looked to Doojoon as he heard his voice.
"Oh!I'm sorry if I disturbed you.".She said.
Doojoon shook his head and smiled."You're not.".He said."Come.".As he pulled her to lay herself on the bed.
Hyoyeon just obeyed him and laid herself on the bed beside him.She was now looking to his eyes,so does Doojoon.A silence came..they were just looking to each other eyes for a while.She doesn't want to blinked because if she do,Doojoon was no longer on her side.An emotion filled within herself,she doesn't know what it is.It was a new feeling to her.She can hear her heart beats eratically,she can't breathe clearly because of Doojoon's presence.And plus,they were on the same bed.
"Are you okay now?".Hyoyeon breaks the silence.
Doojoon nods."Because you were here.".
As she heard that a happiness filled her heart.How can she stop loving this man despite that he's gone on her side for more than 10 years?.
Hyoyeon saw on his eyes how he wanted to amke love on her.As she thought of that,her heart filled of anticipation and longingly wanted to.How she love she would do that to him?How she love to share the happiness with him?How she love to share their love to each other for this night?.
Doojoon reached out something on the right side of her eyes.It was her scar.Doojoon always touching it whenever he's seeing that scar of her.
And even before,that touch of him was washing all away the pain,sadness and hatreds that she's feeling.It bringing happiness and contentment to her within.
"How did you get this?".He asked curiously.
"I-I accidentally bumped myself in a wire..12 years ago.".Hyoyeon answered.
He looked on her eyes."You're not going to have this anymore..".
She smiled."It was like the old times..".
Doojoon frowned.
"Because you even said that before.".Hyoyeon said as she pinched his nose.
He cupped her face.And stared to her eyes lovingly again.And his face go down towards to him and their lips met.As his lips touches hers,a magical feeling comes form her within.a spark and she was new for that feeling.Doojoon was now kissing her passionatelt,hungrily.She was just going with the flow.He put himself  above her.He kissed her on her forehead,on her eyes,on her nose,on her cheeks and on her lips again.As his hand moving on her body.Touching every part of her.
She gasped as Doojoon unhooked her bra.She moaned.She knew this is not right.Not at all!But she couldn't stop herself for wanting Doojoon to share his love to her.
You're just one of his flings and still I'm his girlfriend.Hyoyeon heard Min's voice.It was like a bomb on herself but she couldn't stop herself.She was longingly wants this.
Just for this night..only for this night.Her mind thought.
She doesn't want to think what will going to happen tomorrow.For now,she was with Doojoon and that's the most important to her.
Doojoon looked to her lovingly.He cupped her face."Tell stop Hyo.Please..".He begged huskily.
Hyoyeon put her arms around his neck and she pulled him closer to her."I to do..this...with you.".When she said that Doojoon and her lips met again and this time it was more passionate than a while ago.A fire coming from their bodies burst out.
And they share that night with full of passion,happiness,hope and love.
|Doojoon's POV|
     Doojoon is now going to the studio of  "Heart of Pastry".Today is sunday and he was sure that Hyoyeon is now working there.It's almost 10 in the morning,her working time starts at 8:30AM.Earlier,he was surprised when he didn't saw Hyoyeon on his side.He was sure what happened to them last night was real.He was not dreaming at all.He was sure that he kissed and touched every part of hers.And he was sure Hyoyeon said to him she's in love with him.
But a thing he wasn't sure about,if he told to her that he was in love to her.And he knew that..a part of himself wanted to burst earlier when he didn't saw her.And when he thought that she go here and worked much early.
When he get inside his forehead created knots automatically as he saw no one was there.He quickly get back on his office to talk to his secretary.As his secretary saw him,she abruptly stood up and greets him.
Doojoon nodded."Where the hell all of them??".He asked curiously.
His secretary,Jane get something on her desk and gave a white envelope to him.
Resignation Letter.
His frowned face deepened more as he was get it."What the hell is this?".
Jane can't look directly to his eyes."Ms..Ms.Hyoyeon..gave that to me..a while ago.".
It was like bomb to his ears.Hyoyeon submitted this damn resignation to her a while ago??.
I thought...we're okay...I thought..we have now relationship..I thought..Damn those thoughts!.He shouts frustated to himself.
"And..sir.She told me to give this to you.".Jane said as she was handling a medium-size box.
His mind automatically pictured something.Some scene..some happenings that part of himself 10 years ago.
He get that box and quickly get on his office.He quickly opened the letter.
Dearest Doojoon,
        Before anything else I would like to thank you because I've been part of your life--10 years ago and plus,almost 5 months that we've been together.Thank you for bringing happiness again in my life.For the past 5 months that we've spent together,you brought so much joy in me.You know what You're the only guy that can do that to me.Even before,back when we were  both teenagaers--I am 14 years old then and you were 15 years old.You become my protector,my bestfriend,my only family and yeah..the one I only love.Funny,right?I've been in love with you for almost..11 years.I thought that feelings of mine towards to you was already gone.But I found myself--again--in love to you,deeply,because you came and insisted me to worked with you.To tell you the truth,I was hurt when you didn't recognize me or even what we spent together 10 years ago.Ironically,I decided to helped you because you told me and my heart so.But that was all!I'm stupid for falling myself to the guy that don't know me.To the guy that don't want me.And now,sorry for not saying these stupid things in front of you,because I know to myself that I couldn't handle.I'm sorry for bugging you..I'm sorry for being hard-headed.Funny,right?This will be suppose a resignation letter but I guess a goodbye one.And whatever your reason is,for didn't come that night,(hindi ko pinagsisihan na hinintay kita sa ating secret place).And as you were reading this..I guessed I'm no longer on this country.I wanted to look for stand on my own..But this is a promise Yoon Doojoon,I will never forget you.You will always part of me..always be.I love you.
P.S:I hope you can remember me by those little things on that box.I'm so happy to see you again,Doojoon.
Doojoon's eyes were now both blurry because of the tears that any minute will fall.He's hand was shivering as he was putting off the cover.And his tears automatically fall as he saw those little things that she was telling about.
Those little things were the wrappers of lollipops that he was collecting when their friendship started.He even put some notes attached to it one by one.Actually,it was like his diary before.
He gets the color yellow and printed wrapper.
Date:November 13,2002.
Kim Hyoyeon--the famous girl in our school,accepted me as her bestfriend!:).
The color green wrapper.
Date:December 1,2002.
Hyoyeon and I played happily on the rainfall!:).
The color red wrapper.
Date:December 20,2002.
I'd do a magic infront on her.And I'm going to confess to her ;) <3.
And a memory flashed to his mind..
December 21,2002..
   Doojoon is now going to their secret place.He was sure Hyoyeon is now already there and waiting for him for almost 2 hours.He can't escape to his stepmom because she was on the downstairs with her friends.And he can't go on the back of their house because the small gate there was locked and the key was on his stepmom.And he'd just escape after they're done chatting with each other and decided to go home.And good thing that his mom was drunk that's why he escaped easily.
And he decided to run as the snow fall.He smiled the christmas getting nearer and they were going to celebrate it together.How excited he was.So,he started to ran but he stopped when someone blocked his way.He can't clearly see the guy face because he was standing on the dark side of that street but he was sure that they were both on the same age.
He frowned.
"Yoon Doojoon..".He said.
Doojoon eyes widened as he heard his voice.
And the guy walks more paces--he was Tim--the guy that he'd fought 1 month ago because they wanted to bully Hyoyeon with the pail of red paint!
He smirked.
He will going to walks back but one classmate of them quickly hold his arms on the back.
"Ahhh!".He shouts as he felt the pain because of it.
Tim smiled playfully."I told you we're not yet done!".
"Where's your girlfriend huh?".The other asked on his back.
"That's not your busine--Ahhh!".he shouts in pain again because Tim punched him on his jaw.He puked the blood that aroused on his mouth.
"We both don't care about your girlfriend...".Tim said as he pulls out something on his pocket.
Doojoon got shivers and his eyes widened when a thing shines because of the lightpost.It was knife!They were going to kill him.And before he was going to ask for help,Tim  quickly stabbed it to him.A 3 times..The pain registered on his face.As his body dragged on the ground.They both quickly lifted him and get on the side of the Han River..they throwned his body there..and quickly escpaed.But his head bumped on the big rock on the side.
Doojoon quickly wiped his tears as he back himself on the present.He was now remember Hyoyeon completely.She was the girl that being bullied by their classmates before.She was his only friend when he get back in Korea.She was the one who's bringing happiness to him especially when he has a problem to his parents.And the only girl that he was adoringly dreaming of..the girl that've been part of his life..all himself..the girl that he will going to love a million times than yesterday.
He was now driving his car as fast as he could after he asked to Jane if she knew where the hell Hyoyeon is.
"I think..she will going to leave in this country based to what she've said to us earlier..".Jane voice echod to his mind.
Dammit!Hyoyeon please..don't leave me.
|Hyoyeon's POV|
     "Are you sure about this?".Sehun asked her.
Hyoyeon forced herself to smile and she looked to him as she nods.They were now at Incheon airport because she insisted him to be with her for the last time.She was now going back to US.After all,they have their town house there.And she'd been there for almost 8 years back then.
"Just wait me there,okay?".Sehun said to her."I'm just going to finish all my works an--".
"No.".Hyoyeon said as she shook her head.
Sehun frowned.
"I mean...for a while,I guess I should stand on my own.I should try not to take advantage--if that's the right word..".She laughs fakely."..anyone anymore.I should help myself to stand as I wanted to search myself.".
"But I'd never thought you were taking advantage my kindness towards to you,Hyoyeon.".Sehun said sadly.
"I know.".Hyoyeon said as she nodded."It's just that--oh!Please,Sehun just trust me.I can take of myself.".
Sehun sighed and looked to her eyes.Hyoyeon saw the sadness on it."Is this because of that Yoon Doojoon?".He asked.
Hyoyeon surprised when she heard that from Sehun.She blinked her eyes.
He knew all along..??
Sehun smirked."Yes,I'd knew all along that you and Doojoon--your old bestfriend that you're telling me back then.".He answered what was on her mind."You can't hide anything from me.You knew that.It's just that your hide it to me.I'm your bestfriend now so why you keep it from me,huh?".
Hyoyeon tears gained.Guilty strikes her."I-I'ts because..err~I though--".
Sehun laughs softly."I'm not going mad at you.".He said.
Hyoyeon looked to him surprisingly again.
"You know that I can't and never be.Yeah..I will going to get hurt or jealous,maybe.Because he can take you away from me.".He sadly thought.
Hyoyeon smiled bitterly."Thanks..but I guessed it will never happened,Oh Sehun.".
Sehun frowned."Why?".He asked."Is he done something bad to you??".
Hyoyeon quickly shook her head."It's was too long to tell you here.Remember,I will going back to US.Let's talk it on the phone as I get back there.".
Sehun forced himself to smile.And he pulled her towards to him and hugged her tightly."I'm going to miss you.".
Hyoyeon hugs back."Me too.".
"Promise me..that you will going to take care of yourself.".
Hyoyeon nods.
"I'm giving you a year to be with yourself.I'm going to call or chat you everyday,to check you.And please,always remember that the one you're going to use when you're going to buy some groceries was the big basket not the small one,okay?".Sehun said to her.
Hyoyeon laughs."Ah huh.".She nodded.Because everytime that she'll going to buy what their needs on the grocery she'll just going to get the small one because she was lazy to look it on their cabinet.That's why it was always full after she buy what their needs.
Sehun released her and he kissed her on her forehead.
"Bye for now.And see you soon.".As Sehun said he walks away because he doesn't want to see Hyoyeon leaving  and because his tears will going to fall any minute.
Hyoyeon smiled..Thanks for everything,Sehun.
She went her eyes all over on the place.
Is Doojoon read the letter??Is he going to stop me?
Hyoyeon shook her head.
"You are crazy for thinking that Doojoon will going to stop you..".She whispered to herself as her tears fall.She quickly wipes it and she get inside of the airport.
Goodbye,Doojoon..I love you.
|Doojoon's POV|
     Doojoon quickly get off on his car.He ran as he saw a girl who has blonde hair and she will now going inside of that airport.
"Hyoyeon!".He called her name as he abruptly get her arms to face to him.
"Yah!".The girl annoyingly shouts to him as she pulled back her arms harshly and she get inside on the airprot.
He thought it was Hyoyeon.
Damn!Maybe,she was now inside.
He fall a line.He was sure that the security guard will not going to agree to enter himself inside of that airport.He should do something.
"Goodafternoon,sir..".The security guard."Where's your passport?".
"".Doojoon is thinking what he'll gonna do."Look!There's a penguin!".
The security guard abruptly looked on his back.Doojoon quickly escaped from him.
"Yah!".The security guard shouts."There's a troublemaker!".He shouts again.
The other people were now curiously and surprisingly looked to him as he was running to go upstairs.
"Yah!Stop!".The other securities shouting to his way.
He quickly ran on the left and back on the passenger's lounge again.He saw Hyoyeon there.But she stood up and walks away.
"Hyoyeon!".He shouts."Hyoyeon!".
She didn't look back as he was keep calling her name.She was now wearing headphones.
"Gotcha!".The security said as he caught his arms.
"This is the guy..sir.".The other one said.
And he saw an oldman who has wearing a security guard uniform.Maybe,he was the head of the security.
"Bring him on the cabin.".He commaned.
And they all surprised when Doojoon begged and looked to the old man."Please..sir.Let me just get in and take back my beloved one...".He started as his tears fall."She was now going to leave me.She don't have any idea how much I love her from the day that I  offered myself to be her protector,bestfriend and her only family.She don't have any idea why I didn't go on our secret place.And she don't have idea..that I remember her now.All my memories that I forgot back then,we're now completely back in me.That I remember her..I remember every part of hers..".He said longingly.
Then,a minute later.He felt someone patts his shoulder."You should get her back.I guess,she deserves to know it and you deserve to be happy...".He heard the old man said to him.
Doojoon looked to him surprisingly.
"Don't be like me,son..because I am still in love to the same lady but she never get know what my true feelings towards to her."The old man said."Man, get back your girl or else I'm going to put you on a jail for being a fool and a jerk because you hurt her for not remembering her.That was a serious case.".The old man said seriously.
Happiness written all over on Doojoon's face as he heard old man said that to him.He quickly get up and ran to where Hyoyeon went in.He saw Hyoyeon walking right there.He ran and abruptly pulled her arms to face on him.
Hyoyeon gasped and eyes widened as she saw him.Standing on her front."D-Doojoon?".She called his name shockingly.
"Why you were going to leave me!?".He asked curiously.
Hyoyeon's brain couldn't handle the situation right now.All her brain cells can function normally.She was now only know that Doojoon is here--right on her fornt.
Why the hell Doojoon is here?
Why the hell he's asking that to her?
And how did he knew that she was here?
"Dammit!I can take that you were afar from me not even a bit!I'm going to get mad on myself if I let you leave me. Goodness!I didn't get a chance to see you that night,back December,21,2002,because Tim and Seunhe blocked my way and they tried to kill me.Good thing!It never happened.".He explained.
Hyoyeon shocks.Tim and Seunhe were known for being a gangster on their school.They were always on different troubles,either inside of their school or on the outside.And they were the one whose bulliying her before.
"I-I'm sorry to hear that.".She said.But that was not the words he wanted to say to her.But she quickly looked to his face surprisingly because she thought of something.
Doojoon cupped her face."Listen to me..Yes!I already remember you.The way you talks,smiles,laughs and even the way you walks.Every part of you.As I'm reading my notes that was attached on those wrappers of lollipops that I'd collected..they all flashback to me.All the time that we spent together..from the day that I saved you on our schoolmates to for not come in you that night.And you were the teenage girl who's bugging me in my dreams every night or every time I'm going to closed my eyes.You were the owner of that beautidul face.I'm sorry for causing you heartaches Kim don't have any idea how much I love you even before.".He explained seriously.
Hyoyeon looked to his eyes.She knew that those words coming from him were all true.Her tears gained as she remember Min.
"But you were in a relationdhip with Mi--".
Doojoon abruptly gave her a qucik kissed on her lips that's why she stopped what she's saying."Min and I were just friends.That's it/I don't know why she's always acting my girlfriend.".He irritatingly said."What about you?You have your fianc--".
Hyoyeon gave him a quick kissed."Sehun and I were bestfriends.That's it.And I don't know where did you get that,huh?".
Doojoon's face lightened."Crystal clear.".He said."I love you,Hyoyeon.And that's even the reason why I told you to go on our secret place.I was going to confess my true feelings to you.".He revealed.
Hyoyeon surprised as she heard that.
Doojoon loves her too?
A three words that her heart  beats eratically and she couldn't catched her breath after she heard that.Her tears fall automatically.
Doojoon become worried when she saw Hyoyeon tears fell."Damn!What happened?Did I say something wrong,didn't I?".
Hyoyeon quickly shook her head and smiled as she wiped her tears away."Don't mind it..I guessed it was tears of joy..".
Doojoon smiled too.He pace backward.Hyoyeon frowned.He get something on his pocket.And he present something to her.It was a necklace with lollipop pendant.
Hyoyeon looked to her surprisingly.
Doojoon walks on her back and he put it on her neck."Kim Hyoyeon..Again,.......I love you.".
Hyoyeon smiled."I love you too..".
As they eyes magnet to each other..Doojoon's face slowly get down and after a bit,their lips met.As the airplane that Hyoyeon supposed to ride on flies away.
Deep in my the future.I will never get tired loning you Doojoon..

Done! ^^.

Kyaaaaa~! Thanks for your long wait to this fic? :'>.

I truly appreciates all your support..:))

To all new subscribers?Hello there!:D.


Thanks again!*bows* :).



(Consider that all of these gifs that they are doing it in real XD)
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I just edit the 'foreword part'..Mianhada >.


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August8 #1
Chapter 2: my fav pairings ever !! Doohyo ! <3 good job. I love it ^^
This_heart10 #2
Chapter 1: Doohyo<3 i love it please update soon:)
smartzy #3
Chapter 1: Aww hyo! please update soon!!!
Chapter 1: ilove it please update
August8 #5
Chapter 1: I love doohyo .. <3 update soon !
i am doohyo shipper. update soon ya!
I love this pair too! Updated really really soon, please
1st comment!
its been a long time tho..
update more..