Chapter 42

Love Fooled Me
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“Kyungsan!! Aish, you’re not suppose to talk to strangers!!” a manly voice yelled while running towards the bench.

“Sungmin!!” the two girls and little boy yelled.

“She was helping with my homework,” Kyungsan pointed to Yoona.

“Sungmin,” Yoona smiled.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” Sungmin bowed quickly. “Here’s your juice box,”

“Thank you, hyung,” Kyungsan smiled and tried to open the juice box.

“Let me help,” Sungmin said and poked the straw in for him.

“Hyung is cool,” Kyungsan said while Sungmin picked him up without looking at Sunny.

“Don’t you remember me?” Yoona asked.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t,” Sungmin said.

“She is Yoona noona,” Kyungsan said while sipping his juice in Kyungsan’s arm.

“Yoona…Im Yoona right?” Sungmin asked.

“Yeah!! Vacation two years ago!! With Sunny,” Yoona pointed.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” Sungmin bowed to Sunny.

“Hi,” Sunny said while staring at Sungmin.

“Hyung, you’re going to spill my juice,” Kyungsan pointed and jumped down.

“Who’s this?” Yoona pointed.

“I’m Cho Kyungsan,” Kyungsan said.

“You’re so cute,” Yoona pinched his cheeks.

“How do you know hyung?” Kyungsan asked while sitting next to Sunny.

“Kyungsan, what time is it?” Sungmin asked suddenly.

“You have your own watch,” Kyungsan pointed at Sungmin’s hand. “Ring!!” Kyungsan yelled and poked Sungmin’s ring.

“It’s a ring,” Sungmin laughed.

“Why do you wear it all the time?” Kyungsan asked.

“All the time?” Yoona and Sunny whispered.

“You always wear special things…” Sungmin smiled.

“Hyung, do you know them?” Kyungsan pointed at Sunny and Yoona.

“Pointing is rude,” Sungmin scolded.

“Do you?” Kyungsan asked.

“He does,” Yoona answered quickly.

“You can know him, but he doesn’t have to know you,” Kyungsan smiled.

“Let’s go to the mall…okay?” Sungmin smiled.

“The mall?” the two girls asked.

“The mall hyung? Why?” Kyungsan asked.

“To buy you some clothes,” Sungmin pinched his nose.

“Hyung, can I go play with that?” Kyungsan asked while pointing to a park nearby.

“Okay,” Sungmin said and held his hand.

“Let’s go,” Yoona said and dragged Sunny behind the two.

“Go play,” Sungmin told Kyungsan who ran to the slide.

“Sit down,” Yoona said and pushed Sunny next to Sungmin.

“Actually, I have to go help Kyungsan, sorry,” Sungmin got up.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Yoona smiled evilly and pulled him down.

“Hyung!! I don’t need you!!” Kyungsan yelled.

“Okay then, to the restroom,” Sungmin got up.

“There’s no restroom,” Yoona said.

“Hyung, let’s play hide and go seek,” Kyungsan demanded.

“Good,” Sungmin smiled.

“You go hide over there,” Kyungsan pointed to a tree.

“Then you will know where I’m hiding,” Sungmin pouted.

“Hyung I will count…hurry!!” Kyungsan ran to the bench and sat in between Yoona and Sunny.

“You’re supposed to cover your eyes,” Sunny said.

“I have a question,” Kyungsan asked.

“What is it?” Yoona asked.

“How do you know Sungmin hyung?” Kyungsan asked.

“Yoona, don’t tell,” Sunny said.

“Sunny noona…right?” Kyungsan asked with his head tilted.

“Yes?” Sunny asked.

“Why does Sungmin hyung act weird every time noon is around?” Kyungsan asked.

“It’s because we don’t know each other,” Sunny said.

“Lies…” Yoona muttered.

“You’re lying noona, because when hyung met me his wasn’t weird, he was himself,” Kyungsan smiled.

“We use to know each other,” Sunny answered.

“Then why does he say he doesn’t know you,” Kyungsan asked.

“Because, we found someone else,” Sunny said.

“What does that mean?” Kyungsan asked.

“It means they use to be two people always together, but each of them went a different way,” Yoona explained.

“Last time I saw you with the other hyung hugging and being happy,” Kyungsan said.

“That was you, right?” Sunny asked.

“Ne, and when hyung saw he dropped his ice cream,” Kyungsan told her.

“Maybe his hand slipped,” Sunny said.

“Aniyo…I don’t think so,” Kyungsan shook his head.

“Does Sungmin hang out with anyone?” Yoona asked.

“Only me,” Kyungsan pointed to himself.

“No other girls?” Yoona asked.

“Aniyo, this is my second time hanging out with him, and you’re the only girl that is with hyung…but he’s weird around you,” Kyungsan pouted.

“Do you know anything else about him?” Sunny asked.

“I know he is cool, nice, and my best friend. I never met his family or friends…only him, sometimes his friend Donghae calls but I never met that hyung before,” Kyungsan said.

“Kyungsan!! Hurry up!!” Sungmin yelled from somewhere.

“I have to go find hyung,” Kyungsan said and ran off.

“So now Sungmin is best friends with a kid?” Yoona asked confusedly.

“Seems like it…” Sunny muttered.

“What about him and Donghae? Are they not close?” Yoona asked.

“Him and Jessica are together,” Sunny said.

“Poor guy…he looks really happy with Kyungsan,” Yoona said.

“Why is he spending time with a little boy all of a sudden?” Sunny asked while looking at him push Kyungsan away.

“Hyung, you’re cheating,” the saw Kyungsan pout when Sungmin picked him up.

“We have to take you home,” Sungmin said.

“I want to go say bye to noonas,” Kyungsan jumped down and ran to the girls.

“Are you going home?” Sunny asked.

“Sungmin hyung is taking me to buy clothes and to his house,” Kyungsan said.

“Bye,” Sungmin bowed to the two girls.

“Bye,” the girls said back.

“Come on Kyungsan, say bye,” Sungmin said.

“I want noonas to come help us,” Kyungsan pointed.

“They have their own things to do,” Sungmin told him.

“Please,” Kyungsan begged.

“Sungmin is probably busy,” Sunny said.

“But we’re not,” Yoona pulled Sunny.

“Yay!! I like Yoona noona,” Kyungsan said.

“Kyungsan, come on let’s go,” Sungmin picked him up and started walking.

“Why don’t you have any friends?” Kyungsan asked.

“I do, they’re just busy with their lives,” Sungmin said.

“Hyung, please let noonas come,” Kyungsan made a puppy face.

“We can’t,” Sungmin put him down.

“Why not? They’re my friends,” Kyungsan pouted.

“Then go with them, I will go home,” Sungmin said.

“Hyung!!!” Kyungsan cried and sat on the ground.

“The ground is dirty, get up,” Sungmin told him.

“Not until noonas can come,” Kyungsan said.

“Fine,” Sungmin groaned.

“Let’s go Sunny and Yoona noona,” Kyungsan grabbed their hands.

“Player,” Sungmin chuckled.

“What’s that?” Kyungsan asked.

“Nothing,” Sungmin said seriously. They walked around the instead of going to the mall. It was quiet most of the time but Kyungsan was the only one talking.

“Hello,” the lady greeted.

“Hi,” Sungmin bowed.

“Mr. Lee,” the lady stood straight.

“Mr. Lee…why does everyone call him that?” Sunny asked.

“Just act natural,” Sungmin said.

“What can I help you with?” the lady asked. “Your mom was here this morning,”

“I need something for him,” Sungmin said and picked Kyungsan up.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Kyungsan and I am five,” Kyungsan bowed.

“What a cutie,” the lady said while taking Kyungsan’s hand. “Do you need anything Mr. Lee?”

“I will look around,” Sungmin smiled and walked towards the men department while the lady helped Kyungsan choose what he wanted.

“Do you ladies need anything?” the lady asked.

“We will look around,” Yoona smiled.

“You said you brought your dresses already,” Sunny pouted.

“But this is a nice store, I’m going to buy one for tonight,” Yoona said excitedly and zoomed off.

“Aish, this girl,” Sunny giggled and went to go see Kyungsan.

“I don’t know what to pick noona,” he said to the lady.

“Do you want your sister to help?” the lady asked while looking at Sunny.

“She’s not my sister she is just a noona,” Kyungsan said.

“I will help you,” Sunny smiled and bent down.

“I don’t know what to pick…Eomma usually picks it for me,” Kyungsan told her.

“Of course, you’re only five, let me help,” Sunny said while looking and ran across an outfit that looked like the one she bought for Sungmin two years ago, but a mini version.


“Dark blue or light blue then?”

“You choose,” Sungmin told her.

“I think dark blue looks nice, with these black slacks, and a black tie.” Sunny said. “Or do you want a bow?”

“I think a tie is good, now let’s go get some dress shoes.” Sungmin said.

“Black dress shoes...right there!” Sunny pointed. She pointed to a black dress shoe that looked suitable with the outfit, it wasn’t too young or too old for him, it was just right.

“Give me the tie, and go try your clothes on!” Sunny demanded.

A few minutes later Sungmin came walking out of the fitting room. He looked like a business man.

“You look nice,” Sunny complimented.

“I know I’m handsome,” Sungmin joked.

“Haha okay…come here, do you know how to tie a tie?” Sunny asked.

“No,” Sungmin said full of embarrassment.

“It’s okay, I will help you,” Sunny said. She started helping Sungmin with the tie.

“How did you learn how to do this?” Sungmin asked her.

“My mom taught me a long time ago,” Sunny replied.

“You still remember?” Sunny nodded. Sungmin never met a girl that was so caring. He thought she was different from the other girls; she was caring, nice, and smart. She always cares about others before her.

“When was the last time you wore a suit?” Sunny asked.

“I usually have to wear it, but I always wore a collar shirt and slacks or something, but the last time I wore a suit was probably when I was 13 or 14.” Sungmin told her.

“Wow, that’s like what 3 or 4 years ago?” Sunny asked.

“Yeah,” Sungmin was about to tell her why he never wore a suit ever since, but she finally finished tying the tie.

“There we go,” Sunny said. While taking out her phone. “I want to take a picture!”

“No, it’s okay, I mean I know I’m handsome and stuff but no cameras please.” Sungmin joked. Sunny pulled out her old phone, she was about to take a picture but the camera was broken.

“Stupid phone,” Sunny mumbled.

“Your phone looks old…no offense” Sungmin said.

“I know it is old. It’s old and broken.” Sunny told him.

“Why don’t you just get a new one?” Sungmin asked.

“Because I got Jessica a new phone for her birthday a couple months ago and phones aren’t important anyways.” Sunny explained.

“Yeah they are, what if you get in trouble or something?” Sungmin said.

“I mean, it still works it’s just,” Sunny got cut off by Sungmin. He took the phone away from her and looked at it.

“Yeah, it’s just old, broken, you can’t even see half the screen. You call this okay? What if you get into trouble or something! This phone doesn’t even have speed dial!” Sungmin yelled.

“I’m sorry…” Sunny said.

“There’s nothing you have to be sorry for. Here just take a picture on my phone and I will send it to you.” Sungmin told her.

“Ne~” Sunny agreed.. “1…2…3…say kimchi!”

“Let me see!” Sungmin shouted like a little kid. “I look awesome! Well I’m going to go change and then we can go find the other two okay?”

End of Flashback

“Noona,” Kyungsan said while shaking her. “Noona,”

“Y-Yeah what is it?” Sunny asked while shaking her head.

“I want the one you’re holding,” Kyungsan said while pointing to the outfit that she was thinking about.

“Are you sure?” Sunny asked.

“Ne…hyung!!” Kyungsan called when he saw Sungmin staring at them.

“S-Sungmin,” Sunny got up.

“Do you want this one?” Sungmin smiled while reaching for it.

“Noona chose it out,” Kyungsan pointed.

“Go try it on, do you know how?” Sungmin asked.

“Ne!!” Kyungsan said and ran into the fitting room.

“S-Sungmin,” Sunny said.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” Sungmin bowed.

“Are you working anywhere?” Sunny asked.

“No, I don’t do anything, but I have a job at this company, but I don’t work,” Sungmin said. “So I have a job, but I choose not to work,” he said while staring at the fitting room.

“S.L. Company…” Sunny started.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sungmin said coldly and walked towards the lady.

“Mr. Lee, is there anything you like?” the lady asked.

“I have a lot of suits at home already,” Sungmin told her.

“Of course you do, if you have to help your mom at the company,” the lady chuckled.

“I don’t work for her, we kind of..yeah,” Sungmin said.

“That’s why…so the rumors are true,” the lady asked.

“Just forget it…don’t talk bad about her,” Sungmin said.

“Ne,” the lady said. “She bought this suit the other day and told us to send it to you,” she said while handing him a bag.

“I already have a lot though,” Sungmin said while accepting it.

“It seems like she still cares,” the lady told him.

“Where am I supposed to wear all these?” Sungmin muttered while walking towards the fitting room.

“Hyung,” Kyungsan came out.

“You buttoned your shirt wrong,” Sungmin chuckled and walked past Sunny.

“It was hard,” Kyungsan pouted.

“There, now do you want a tie?” Sungmin asked.

“I don’t know how to put it on,” Kyungsan said.

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Love Fooled Me: Looking back...It's amazing how far I've gone and how much I improved.


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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
Chapter 10: Omo imagine sunny as a wife that always buys Sungmins clothes XD I'm not a SuJu fan, but I've heard that Sungmin is married, but it's still fine to ship them, right?
sylvia2728 #2
Chapter 53: whoaaa !!! your story is daeeebakkk !!! congrates !!! keep up good work ! hwaiting ! (^_^)
Beanies567 #3
Chapter 36: Aawwwhh, Soo sweet..... It's sooo cute
Chapter 53: Good story..
I almost cry at the sad part and mad at some part but i love the ending..
Good job!! :)
SeohyunorSica #5
Chapter 53: I cried at those sad moments.. just proves how good of a writer you are!!
_Miss_Imperfection_ #6
I pulled an all-nighter for this...Totally worth it.
Chapter 27: i have been reading this since 10 at night for 2 hours fell asleep and since i was ick i am absent and ive been reading this since 9 and now its 12:50 chappie 26, im gunna have to take a break for now
Chapter 4: Omo~ Sungmin use her for bet...BAD BOY
Chapter 53: This story was AMAZING with a capital A!! From 9 in the evening to 4 in the morning I was in my bed. And on my phone anticapating in every chapter!! Great story :)
Chapter 53: SunSun and HaeSica fighting~! This story is awesome~! ^.^