100 Prompt Challenge: General View


Got the chart from Lover100, and I'll be (attempting) to complete the challenges here (because I don't actually use my LJ for anything other that reading and I want to try my hand at the other 2 tables as well sometime in the future), and yes I did get permission to do so.

I will (attempt) to fill these out in order so that the chpaters stay the same.

Even though I do complain about the various WIPs I have, I did decide to take this on. Why? I thought of the chart as more than just a writting project. To me, it's something I can do to...
a) keep practicing
b) get in some sort of creative release when I can't sit to write a full fic
c) have something to do when I have writers block for my main projects
d) try different writing styles and genres

So...yeah. Each promt is its own standalone drabble/oneshot unless otherwise noted, so ratings, developments and plots/lack-there-of don't carry over. I do like where this could go, but don't expect anything extremely grand or outstandingly amazing. Yes, I will take these prompts seriously, but this is more me finding ways to keep writing and growing as a writer without having to sit my down and work on a full length fic (and I am so sorry to my friend cause I've been working on a fic for like 6 months for her but school and stuff keeps taking my attention away T.t sorryyyyyyy)

Feel free to read or not. Some will use pairings, but others not so much. I don't see myself sticking with a single fandom, or even using a fandom in some of these because that's just how it's going to be. If I like where a particular promt goes, I might extend it into something more should I find the time, or connect it to another promt if I see them working well together.


001. Beginnings. 002. Middles. 003. Ends. 004. Firsts. 005. Friends.
006. Hours. 007. Days. 008. Weeks. 009. Months. 010. Years.
011. Lovers. 012. Strangers. 013. Love. 014. Too Much. 015. Not Enough.
016. Simple. 017. Complicated. 018. Accident. 019. Addicted. 020. Smell.
021. Sound. 022. Touch. 023. Taste. 024. Sunrise. 025. Sunset.
026. Breakfast. 027. Lunch. 028. Dinner. 029. Vacation. 030. Date.
031. Time. 032. Birthday. 033. Thanksgiving. 034. Christmas. 035. Valentine.
036. Secrets. 037. Hurt. 038. . 039. Kink. 040. Lies.
041. Passion. 042. Hidden. 043. Confession. 044. Discovery. 045. Truth.
046. Betrayal. 047. Dream. 048. Nightmare. 049. Lost. 050. Emotion.
051. Epiphany. 052. . 053. Denial. 054. Jealousy. 055. Greed.
056. Lust. 057. Hands. 058. Lips. 059. Kiss. 060. Crush.
061. Winter. 062. Spring. 063. Summer. 064. Fall. 065. Anniversaries.
066. Romantic. 067. Union. 068. Afraid. 069. Safe. 070. Protection.
071. Broken. 072. Fixed. 073. Heat. 074. Night. 075. Shade.
076. Who? 077. What? 078. Where? 079. When? 080. Why?
081. How? 082. If. 083. And. 084. He. 085. Them.
086. Choices. 087. Life. 088. Fight. 089. Work. 090. Home.
091. Peace. 092. Bedroom. 093. Gentle. 094. Independence. 095. New Year.
096. Writer‘s Choice. 097. Writer‘s Choice. 098. Writer‘s Choice. 099. Writer‘s Choice. 100. Writer‘s Choice.



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