Puppy Feels and Blonde Haired Baristas

Puppy Feels and Blonde Haired Baristas


Bright lights spilt through the large windows of the small café, managing to blend in during the late evening as everyone was on their way home from work. Not many people occupied the tiny little piece of heaven Jonghyun had been so lucky to find all those weeks back. It was all part of its charm, from the cozy couches littered with pillows to the funky art that decorated dark walls. It had become like a second home to him, a daily pit stop after work, clear skies or not. Though as much as he’d like to say it was the atmosphere or delicious coffee that kept him coming back, well that would be a complete lie. Yes the shop was relaxing and the drinks were of the best quality, but it was a certain blonde haired barista that kept him strolling through the heavy door every day, seven-oh five sharp.

Pulling open the heavy wooden door had it releasing a loud ding above him, while the sound of soft piano played throughout the store. His arrival had the familiar blonde popping up from behind the counter, feline eyes lighting up as a bright smile painted the younger males face.

“Ah, Jonghyun hyung, is it that time already?” Without any other question’s the blonde went ahead with making his drink, humming a small tune under his breath as he did so.

“Well hello to you too Key, it must have been busy today if you didn’t even know the time.” Jonghyun spoke as he took his usual seat along the polished mahogany bar. He kept his round eyes firmly locked on the blondes form, taking in the form fitting black slacks that always occupied the man’s legs. It’d been love at first sight when he first set eyes on the blonde in his uniform. White button up, small black vest, tight black slacks and of course his little black bowtie, it was absolute perfection. He’d never been one for men in uniform of any sort but Key was on a whole other level. The boy had stolen his heart the very first day he had the pleasure of receiving the younger’s heart melting smile.  

“It was but as always it died down just before you got here. To be quite honest I’m starting to think you scare them away.” A teasing smile played along Key’s cupid bow shaped lips, giving a soft shine from his strawberry flavoured lip balm, or at least that’s what Jonghyun liked to assume they tasted like.

“How could you say that about your favourite customer? Besides how could they be scared of me if they’ve never even met me?” A small pout slipped onto his face as the younger brought his drink over, sliding the white ceramic mug in place before leaning against the counter. Warm cocoa coloured eyes seemed to sparkle beneath soft blonde bangs, his chin coming to sit in his palm as he eyed him with a cheeky glint.

“Aigoo, my hyung is so full of himself, aren’t you?” Releasing a rather indignant huff Jonghyun glanced down at his mug, pausing mid speech as he took in the swirled foam. There before him sat the face of a cute little puppy, two small hearts floating on either side of the chibi like pooch.

“How can I not be full of myself when you blatantly express your love for me?” This time his words had the young barista rolling his eyes before sweeping a fingertip along the design of the foam. Effectively destroying the adorable puppy he’d created only to smear it along Jonghyun’s cheek, leaving him blinking dumbly in shock as the blonde burst into laughter.

“That’s what you get for saying stuff like that.”

A firm pout was in place on Jonghyun’s face after that, it was like this every night with the blonde, he never got sick of teasing him. This was all part of it as well, he knew just how effective his sad puppy face had on the younger and soon enough he’d give in and apologize. It was all so light hearted and sweet, the sort of sweet that sent your heart beating a mile a minute and made your mind feel all fuzzy. Or maybe that was just Jonghyun, it seemed he’d become addicted to the man’s affection. For sure if he could taste his own feelings for the other they’d taste like cotton candy, dripping with tooth decaying sweetness that he couldn’t get enough of.

“Hyung your face is gonna stay like that if you don’t stop.” Ignoring the blonde he said absolutely nothing, instead taking a quiet sip of his latte. He was unable to stop from letting out a small hum as he relished in the delicate warmth that began to fill him. When he opened his eyes he came to view Key giving his head a good shake, a small smile on pink lips that Jonghyun constantly dreamt about tasting like strawberries.

“Such a mess.” Key’s voice came out soft, seeming to drip with such syrupy affection that Jonghyun had to wonder if the blonde’s heart beat the same erratic rhythm his did. Yet his mind really didn’t get to think on the idea because the blonde was leaning over the counter and his thumb was approaching his mouth. Without thinking he gave the slim appendage a light nip, making feline eyes widen in shock as a bright pink hue began to stain Key’s milk cheeks.

“I-Idiot, what was that for, I was just trying to clean the foam off your face because you’re such a messy puppy!”

Giving his top lip a quick swipe he quickly understood that the blonde had in fact been trying to clean up his mess. It really wasn’t his fault though, putting his cute little fingers in front of his mouth like that he was just asking for trouble. He was sure if he told the blonde that though he’d for sure be hit.

“I was just giving my most favourite barista a little love bite is all.” Jonghyun told the younger with a rather innocent tone and he watched as the boys cheeks seemed to darken even more. He’d never been a fan of the colour pink, but he couldn’t help but think that the shade that filled the blonde’s cheeks was one of his most favourite colours ever. Reaching over he the counter he managed to wiggle the younger’s hand free and into his, bringing it close to his face to give the thumb a thorough inspection before giving it a small kiss. Glancing up he gave Key a small smile, the blonde was now busy worrying his bottom lip between his perfect teeth. Feline eyes looked all too bashful and once again he felt his heart skip a few beats. Without another thought he brought his lips over the back of Key’s hand, eyes remaining locked with the blonde’s as he slipped their fingers together, fitting like pieces of a puzzle.

“Stupid puppy, I’m your only barista.” It was Key’s turn to wear an adorable pout, cocoa coloured eyes now trained on anything but Jonghyun though he made no move to pull his hand back. It had a wide smile slipping onto the elders face and he released a content sigh. Yes, this was surely his most favourite coffee shop mainly for one reason, one that filled his insides with sugary, artery clogging feels and one day he would certainly find out just how sweet those pretty lips tasted.  


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Chapter 1: Omo this fic is so, so, soooo cute! JongKey interaction is sweeter than hot cocoa with whipped cream for sure! >///<
Jonghyun is a sappy, lovely, head over heels puppy for his cute barista, I like him a lot! *_*
Chapter 1: OMG... The ridiculous amount of sweetness in this drabble... It killed me... I swear it did *_* Jonghyun and Key are too freaking adorable, my heart can't handle it... I'm so madly in love with cliche cuteness it's not even funny <333 Thanks so much for writing this, author-nim... I'd love to see a sequel xD
Chapter 1: This is so cute .-. awwww
GardenOfDestruction #4
Chapter 1: Ahwwww my heart ♡♡
Chapter 1: AUW... so cute and fluffy and rainbow and everything...
i cant feel my teeth anymore
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness! This was soooo adorable! My favourite part has to be where Jonghyun lightly nipped at Key. So cute!!!
Chapter 1: Omigsoh this is so fluffyyyy! I was in such desperate need of some fluffy Jongkey goodness because of Jjong's recent absence and I'm so glad I found your fic! Thank you for the wonderful story! ^^
Chapter 1: Oh god that was the must fluffycutesweetcandy!!! /sobs/
Make a sequel please~~~~~*^*
Chapter 1: OHMYGLOB~ SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!
Sweetboy #10
Chapter 1: Ahhhh!!! This is just so perfect and well written
It made me fanboy!~ x3