
Truth or Dare?

Sonny was standing on the street right outside his house. Thanks to a game of truth and dare, she was now about to go up to the house of her crush and tell him how she felt. Sonny turned around and saw her friends in the car giving thumbs ups. After fixing her long and black hair, she went up to the door and knock. Fear filled her upon hearing the loud knock. Sonny wanted to run away before he could get to the door.  The door opened and she saw Sungyeol standing there with his glasses on. Sonny's friends didn't see what her reason was for loving Sungyeol, especially when he had glasses on. She just had a soft spot for guys with glasses. Sonny thought they were cuter. 

"Hello Sungyeol." she nervously greeted and bowed. 

"Hi Sonny, what brings you here?" Sunyeol asked just as nervous.

Looking behind Sungyeol she saw his friends in the background. Sonny was already nervous enough, now she had an audience.

"I'm here because I need to tell you something." Sonny tried to ignore his friends in the background. 

"what is it?"

Sonny had rehearsed what to say in the car. Now that she was standing in front of Sungyeol she could only focus on his eyes and glasses. She was barely able to speak. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy.  Sonny stood there not knowing what to say. She felt like "I like you" wouldn't be enough. Sungyeol looked behind him then stepped outside and closed the door. Sonny mentally freaked at him coming closer.

"I'm guessing the audience is bothering you." Sungyeol said.

Sonny nodded. She was sure she was head over heals for him. So caring. 

"Sungyeol, the thing is that I-" Sonny made the mistake of looking him in the eye. She froze speechless.  "The thing..." sonny said trying to say it. 

She sighed with frustration and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Sungyeol, I like you!" she yelled out.

Sonny covered . The dare had been done and she thought of leaving but she didn't want to leave him. 

"You like me?" he asked. 

Sonny saw a smile appear on his face. She gave a nod. Hearing that gave Sungyeol confidence.

"That's great because I like you too." 

For a second Sonny couldn't remember how to breath.

"Y- you do?" she asked.

Sungyeol gave a nod then took a step forward. He grabbed her hand and brought her close to his face so their noses were touching. Sonny stood their breathless and shocked. 

"Is this a dare?" he asked.

Sonny didn't know how he knew.

"No. I mean yes. I mean- I do like you. The dare was for me to admit my feelings."

"Funny. MY dare is to give you a kiss." 

*His dare?* Sonny thought. She then remembered how his friends were over. Then it dawned on her. Kiss.

 "It- it is?" Sonny asked. She was trying to stay calm but couldn't. 

"It is." Sonny then shared a kiss with Sungyeol. Her first kiss. 

"We should get back to our friends." Sungyeol said. Sonny didn't want to but agreed and went back to the car.

"Looks like the dare went well." one of her friends said.

"Yes so let's continue." Sonny who was not up for the game before, now loved it. She owed one to her friends.


isn't that picture of Sungyeol just the best? :) I just adore him with glasses on! <3

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ehehehe84 #1
lmao. Sonny is my nickname. Cute story. :)))
CarmenL #2
Yeolie~~>U< OMG~<br />
I didn't know dare can be so fun=P<br />
Sweet and cute one shot of Sungyeol~<3<3
nice storyyyyyy~~~!!! ^^<br />
love Yeol very much~~! xixixixii~
lethargic #4
Sungyeol is cool while wearing that glasses XD anyway nice story!
Ohh, Sungyeol! He's hawt on glasses! Anyway, great story! <3
Aww gosh! I love Sungyeol with glasses too! This fic was making me nervous too while reading.
Maybe I should try this game with my friends some time. xD<br />
Nonetheless, great story you have here! xD