Chapter 4

My Neighbor Is an Idol Group

You wake up from your bed,not really a good day,because your mind keep telling yourself:two days left,two days left.You hit your head with your hand,try not to think too much,but your mother is an unforgettable matter.You hurrily brush your teeth and wash your face,then tries to think about ways not to get the photos.

Maybe fetch your mother back here secretly?That seems to be the only way you can think of,and the only way you can do.But you can't let Miyeon and her mother know,so better do it at night.You are so confuse,why Miyeon wants their photos?You know they look cute and cool,but somehow Miyeon should not know about your neighbor.Maybe she follows you?No,that doesn't really make sense,if she follows you,you should have find out and move to a new place.You walk out of your door,leaning your upper body against the wall in front of your door,then some sort of weird mind appears in your brain.Are they idols?

Well,you mentally hit yourself for having such mind,but it doesn't really make sense if Miyeon wants photos from ordinary people,and if they are really idols,it would make sense that they live together! In their dorm!But you give up such mind,because even they are idols,you can't get their photos.You pray in your heart,they are not idols,just ordinary people.

Suddenly you heard the sound of your neighbor's door opening,you turn your head and see what happened.Hyuk takes out a bag of garbage coming out,when he sees you,he raises the other hand and says:"Hi."You fake a smile,greets him back:"Hi."Then turn your head back to the view outside.Hyuk comes beside you,then asks:"Anything bad happened?"You turn and see Hyuk's face,his eyes are shining,he looks straight through your eyes,try to look for the reason that makes you sad.You sort of scared,Hyuk's eyes are like arrows that could shoot through your heart,you avoid his eyes,then shake your head:"Nothing."Hyuk says again:"Don't tell lies,your nose will get long."You smirk:"That's Pinocchio,I'm not Pinocchio."Hyuk says again:"You will become a Pinocchio if you continue lie to me."It seems like Hyuk wants to know the matter that is troubling you,you know you could only tell him,your instinct tells you he can help you.

You say:"Will you help me if I tell you?"Hyuk gives a bright smile and says:"Anything I can do."To keep secret,Hyuk pulls you back to his room then on his computer.He locks the door so nobody can come in.You feel hope,because Hyuk can really help you,even though he is using a way which nobody's going to guess it out.

Hyuk sits in front of his computer then whispers:"So your stepsister wants the photos of six of us?"You startle:"Huh?Six?"Hyuk smirks then whispers again:"Yes,six of us,living in this apartment."You sit beside Hyuk then look at his computer,his hand is controlling the mouse and puts the heads of six of them at bodies of six unknown muscle man.You look at Hyuk,he's focused on the computer screen,so you look back at the computer screen again.The six heads are perfectly put on the muscle man's body,you find out three other people who you don't know,then asks Hyuk who are they.Hyuk eyes are fixed on the computer screen and just says:"The poker face is Taekwoon hyung,the cute curly black hair is Hongbin hyung,and the cool guy is Wonsik hyung."

"Why six of you live in this apartment instead of living with your parents?"Then you mentally hit yourself,what if six of them are orphans and you expose their wounds?But Hyuk just calmly answers:"You will know in the future."You relieved as Hyuk answers,because Hyuk is not angry nor sad,just answers calmly,maybe it's because of other reasons.

After a while,the printer beside Hyuk starts to print out the photos that Hyuk edited,soon six man photos are printed out.Hyuk take the photos to you then says:Here."You bow a big bow to him then says:"Thank you!! I will help you back in the future!!"When you are going out of the room,Hyuk grabs your wrist.You look back, Hyuk points his cheek.You know what that means,then gives a peck on his cheek,then goes out of his room.You go back to your house,holding the edited photos tightly.These photos are edited so real,even you yourself think that this is real.You look back their house,your heart starts to like Hyuk.

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naznew #1
Chapter 21: So sweet...
Chapter 21: Such a nice story . goodjob
Chapter 21: Such a nice story :) I love it <3
Good job, author-nim! :D
Chapter 21: This story is awesome! Soyeon really remind me of sherlock holmes with her mind XD she's like sherlock holmes girl version ^^
Chapter 21: please update i like your story! :D
KpopLoverSelina #6
Chapter 18: Update! Seems kind of.......I dunno....ummmmmm
Chapter 18: Update soon!~. ^^
KpopLoverSelina #8
Chapter 17: OMG! So many updates! So happy! Please quickly update! This is very interesting!
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaaaaaaaah LEO!!!~ SO fluff i realy love this chapter ^^ update soon!