
The Gangster's One and Only Wife
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“Myungsoo-ah. We need you in the club. Something cropped up.”

Jiyeon read his message when he’s in the bathroom since he told her to do so.

“HUBBY! SUNGGYU OPPA TOLD YOU TO GO BACK TO THE CLUB BECAUSE SOMETHING CROPPED UP!” Jiyeon shouted into the bathroom while playing with his phone.

“You don’t have to shout, honey. I’m out already.” Myungsoo giggled and wiped his hair with a towel. He had another towel wrapped around his waist.

Jiyeon looked up when she heard his soft voice but only to blushed deeply and returned to her game again.

“Well well well… Blushing now are we, wifey?” Myungsoo giggled and sat down beside her, wrapping his arms around her.

Jiyeon blushed when his bare chest touched her but still, she hugged him back tightly.

“Wifey~ I need you to dress me up~” He whined like a kid and grinned.

Jiyeon frowned, “I wanted to hug you though…”

Myungsoo smiled brightly and tugged her back down to his arms, “then continue! I don’t need to dress up so fast~”

Jiyeon sighed and pushed him away before getting up to the walk-in closet, “too bad, you missed your chance, hubby~”

Myungsoo gasped and ran after her, “you better not move in there. This beast is coming!!!!!”

“AHHHHH!!!!” Jiyeon shrieked and ran about the closet but of course, he caught her almost at once.

Myungsoo smirked and pushed her against the empty wall, “now now now… Let’s have some fun~”

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Chapter 10: Even INFINITE knows !
Aha Everything is now in the hand of Yongguk :3
Secrets, actions .. He knows everything ~
She's pregnant and everyone knows now !
Myungie wants each country's baby huh :3 ♡
Chapter 9: Stoooooop everything !
Panicking Myungie aka the gangster L after Yongguk said she was his wife :3
Laughing so much, Yongguk or/and B.A.P ~
Chapter 8: She's hungry ~
Still in Yongguk's embrace ~
SISTER !!!! ~
Pregnant Ji !
Chapter 7: Junhongie is so cute, seriously :3
Still can't believe he's my oppa ..
Introducing to the hyungs ~
Aha She's Yongguk's wife now :3
Chapter 6: Myungie is restless ..
..... Why the need to use magazine's words if you sign it .. B.A.P ..
Aha Ji is talking comfortably with Zelo ~
Chapter 5: Huh, every free time will be like this huh .. :3
To the club !
Groceries time !
Kidnapping ! By B.A.P :3
Chapter 4: Poor INFINITE .. Aha
Coming all the ways here and no nice things from Myungie :3
Aha Again !
Chapter 3: Jealous Myungie is here ~
Chapter 2: Aha Myungie is so cute !
Always wants to do it with Ji :3
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey them ♡
Aha erted Myungie ~