Ragtag Bunch Of Misfits


They might be a bunch of misfits, but they're family, and they'll do anything for family.





Inspired by the One Shot MV - kinda.
B.A.P. are a neighbourhood gang, respected in the local area, but they have a number of rivals - one in particular is getting a bit above themselves and causing trouble. Theres a love story, and action, and there's probably going to be lots of randomness. I hate writing descriptions.
I would be REALLY grateful for any comments or reviews etc, they're what helps me to get better, and comments letting me know people are reading are fantastic motivation to write!
I'm still working on my Daehyun romance fic (Apartment 3B) aswell at the minute, so I'm not sure when this will be updated. I've also started a sci-fi fic based on the Power MV (We got the power). I have a few oneshots, please take a look!



Here's my quick attempt at a character chart or whatever you call it.
*I have changed some ages slightly, just to make it easier - and they're westernised ages, rather than korean*
Oldest and the leader of B.A.P. Nicknamed Bbang.
Thinks of the group as his family, and he is very protective of his family or anyone he considers under his protection, especially Lulu. Had a reputation around the neighbourhood for being fair, never excessively cruel and he's well respected. Often found sat in the background just watching over his family. A reliable leader when needed to take charge. Rarely gets angry. The whole group love him and would do anything for him, just as he would do anything for them.
Second oldest - Car expert. Nicknamed Channie and UmmaChan (teasingly)
Only younger than Bbang by a few weeks. He's the childhood friend and neighbour of Bbang and Lulu. Had a good childhood. His parents used to own the garage. Charmer and Master of sweet talk. Considered a flirt - he loves the beach because he loves girls in bikinis. He acts like the mum of the group, does the cooking, can seem slightly naggy and can get sensitive or moody sometimes, especially when ignored, but he only ever means well, since he loves his family. Not as shallow as he sometimes seems.
In charge of gathering intel and security. Nicknamed Dae
Total chatterbox. Loves food and is considered a glutton by the others. Can pull gossip out of anyone, and remembers pretty much anything he's told. Can be silent when needed. Needs constant distraction if not involved in the conversation - often found either eating or messing with something nearby. Great with locks - he can bypass pretty much any kind of security. Very close with Jae. Practically has a love affair with cheesecake, he loves it so much. Enjoys teasing everyone (in a friendly way). Often slips into a Busan accent. Has part-time work at the corner coffee shop, where he sources most of his gossip, yet noone seems to know much about his past.
Yoo Youngjae - 21
Tech expert and joint security with Dae. Nicknamed Jae or the Brain.
Complete Tech head and gadget addict. Video gamer. Genius. Can be lazy, unless he's excited, then he bounces around so much you'd think he was hyperactive. Best friends with Dae, and loves to annoy him. Slightly sarcastic. Loves playing pranks (usually planned with Zelo). Sings randomly when bored. High School friend of Himchan's. His family pretty much ignored him growing up. In love with Lulu, but knows how protective Bbang gets and is sure he wouldn't approve. Had issues with Zelo at first, but now they're close and he loves to play with him.
Moon Jongup - 20
Hand-to-hand fighting expert. Sometimes nicknamed Jonguppie or Guppie.
Always smiling. Super active, hates being lazy - unless it involves video games or Pokemon. Hand-to-hand fighter, teaches everyone self-defense. Loves to dance as exercise. He seems shy at first, but is just quiet, which hides a wickedly dark sense of humour, and he’s kind of cheeky when comfortable. Happy Virus, always cheering people up. Best friends with Zelo. Super fast reflexes. He seems slow, and the others sometimes for it, but rather than being stupid, he just thinks things over before speaking. He may not be book smart, but has a quick mind and is often the one with the solution to a problem. Raised by grandmother.
Maknae/Youngest. Lookout/scout, Intel. Nicknamed Zelo.
Loves to skateboard and rap. Dances with Jongup regularly. In final year of school. Idolises Bbang. Thinks Channie nags but is playful with him and loves to . Understand's Dae's cheesecake obsession, as he's in love with cherry tomatoes - will only share them with Dae. Prankster, masterminds pranks with Jae and since he is the innocent maknae, always gets away with it. He understands best how Jongup's sense of humour works and is closest with Jongup. Zelo's mind works quickly and is intelligent, combined with his innocence, this makes him the perfect scout. Gathers intel fast, good with cameras, and can move quickly on his skateboard - when Bbang isn't in charge of the map. Rough family history.
Nicknamed Lulu or Rinnie.
Younger than Jongup by 1 month.Grew up with Himchan and Bbang. Followed them around since she was in nappies. She treats them like older brothers. Lived with Bbang’s family since the age of 14 when her parents moved abroad. He is very protective of her and they’re very close. She is cute, and sweet, but has a fierce temper. Has Bbang wrapped around her finger and he knows it, but knows not to push too hard though. Finds Himchan naggy, and though he is family, they enjoy arguing, seems like she is the only girl able to stand up to him. She finds his attempts to charm funny.
Feeds Dae’s cheesecake obsession. Plays video games with Jongup, and shares music with Zelo. Her and Zelo are close. Youngjae is the only guy she’s ever liked, she’s in love with him, knows he feels the same, but worried about what Bbang will do when he finds out. Well loved by all the guys, though she can find their protectiveness slightly suffocating.
Sa Rang - 20
Lulu's best friend.
My laptop is kaput, along with my chapter plans. I'm struggling to find my muse again at the moment, but I haven't given up, promise. I'm sorry for the wait...


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Chapter 20: This story keeps me at the edge of my seat hahaha authornim you did a great job in the description of the whole thing! It was really detailed and im amazed omg cant wait to know what happens next T___T
enaj888 #2
Chapter 20: No! Not Daehyun.... :(
Chapter 19: Whoa, I actually feel happy that I sorta helped with the story. My suggestion really made a turn for the story, which I obviously wasn't expecting lol. The fact that you ended up making Sa Rang Daehyun's twin sister was really interesting, but I didn't get the Daesung being his hyung. Are you making Daesung's surname Jung for this story? Just asking, since I know his surname's Kang.
Chapter 17: no u didn't u sarang chink
Chapter 17: Ya know, it'd be totally interesting if Sa Rang had a sister that ends up helping Lulu. Two options could totally go down. 1 - Sa Rang ends up killing her own sister because she helped the enemy, or 2 - Lulu (being the more soft hearted person she is) helps the sister escape with her and either they go their separate ways but the sister makes appearances throughout the rest of the story, or Lulu talks Yongguk into allowing her to stay though she'll just be in the backround.

Omg sorry, just though I'd randomly say this. Not trying to tell you how to write your own story or anything >.>
elinor999 #6
Chapter 16: I'm here to stay! I personally prefer long chapters but I'll take whatever I can get ^.^
Chapter 15: This fanfic reminds me so much of Fast & Furious... And I love it btw! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 13: Nice!! If I were lulu I would kicked him where the sun don't shine lol great job with this chapter can't wait for the next one:)
Chapter 12: Oooh I can't wait to see himchan explode lol
Update soon!!!
Chapter 12: Hehehe I like how they thought they were keeping their relationship sneeky but almost everyone knows about it xD I'm anticipating Himchan's reaction to it lol :3
hehe update soon .. hopefully they don't get into trouble doing whatever they r doing...