The Third Trick

Because I Love My Pet

Because I Love My Pet
The Third Trick
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Gradually you started to feel better; the coughing was still there but it wasn't the chest tightening, forcing you to throw up type of cough; it was just an average cough. Your dizzy spells were finally gone too, which you were super happy about, but you still had to be careful with your movement.

Almost a month had passed since your dog entered your life with that silly but adorable light he often radiated, not to mention when the two began living together. He seriously knew had to make you feel better and also helped you become a bit more comfortable with people coming inside your apartment. But there was something that was bugging you as of late... Well actually there were two things that were bothering you. The first thing was that you really needed to find a new place to work because something had to pay for the bills and second...

To think that  a month had past and you had yet to learn of Bombom's real name and you also came to the conclusion that he probably didn't know your name either. Since day one, you merely called him Bombom while he happily called you Noona. Not like it seriously... No, that was a complete lie; it was bugging you that you knew this kid for over three some weeks and the both of you never learned of one another's real names. Bombom and Noona were cute... But what happens when you're trying to introduce one another to people who don't know of your... Really interesting relationship?

Turning away from the stove since you were still cooking, you coughed lightly, which caused Taemin to turn and look at you from his spot on the sofa. He was watching some weird wedding show on your television, but he quickly switched it to some child's channel when you appeared at the hall.


“Why did you change it?” you asked him when you pulled out your apron and tied it around your waist, “If you think it was going to bother me, it isn't.”


“It got boring,” he answered and waved his hand. You merely shrugged as you began to search around to see if there was anything you could fix up for you and your dog.


Flash forward to the present where you coughed again and covered the pot. Taemin got up from the couch and practically hopped over to the kitchen before he stood in front of the pot, his eyes practically glued to it as you were currently sifting through the cabinets for seasoning. Turning around, you couldn't help but flash him an off look before you ushered him away.


“What are you doing? Shoo,” you ordered. Taemin instantly moved away, but stayed super close to you and continued to eye the pot while you uncovered it and began to add the seasonings you grabbed.


“It's been over three weeks since I had Noona's wonderful cooking...” he muttered as he hugged your free arm.


“I enjoyed your cooking,” you commented as you stirred your delicious concoction slowly, “You're not that bad of a cook, Bombom~”


He grinned and began to nuzzle your arm affectionately, “That means so much to me, especially coming from Noona's lips!”


You couldn't help but smile as you covered the pot and used your free hand to pet his head gently, “Yah...”


“Mmmm?” he hummed. For some reason his hummed sounded really... Melodic, which caused you to blink.


“What's Bombom's real name...?” you questioned, almost sounded like you were afraid to ask. Looking up, Taemin stared at you for a few moments, this really weird look in his eyes before he blinked it away and smiled cutely at you.


“Bombom is Bombom to Noona~” he replied.


Liar... You instantly snorted; however, said it to yourself. Smiling awkwardly, you then returned to your cooking and just allowed him to stand there, holding onto you.


After another short while, you finished cooking and ordered him to set the table for the two of you. Of course, he happily obligated as he hopped around to and fro from the cabinets to the table and back. You merely watched as he decorated the table... Rather fancy like; which made you wonder... Who exactly was this kid and was there anything he wasn't possibly good at?


“Noona—Oof!” he called out before he tripped on his own feet.


I now stand corrected. And with a sigh, you walked over to your dog and helped him up, “Aish, be careful.”


He giggled, “Yah... My bad.”


You then smiled, your annoyance toward him completely wiped from existence as you gently took his hand and guided him to the table and ushered him to sit. Doing as you commanded, he watched with sparkling eyes as you grabbed a serving bowl and spoon filled the bowl with your meal before you made your way back to the table.


The TV was left on though, still on that child's channel as a little cartoon played. The both of you offhandedly watched it, before it switched to a commercial... Which Taemin couldn't help but freeze when a rather over familiar song began to play. When he shot up from his seat, you jumped; clearly startled by his sudden action before he dove for the sofa, grabbed the remote and once again switched channels abruptly. You stared at him for a moment, well, more like stared at his feet and legs that were hovering above him, since he had literally face dived for the remote.


“Are you okay?” you questioned as he slipped forward and landed none to comfortably on the floor, “Yah...”


“I'm fine!” he reassured as he shot up from the floor and flashed you a cheesy grin, “Sorry about that...”


“What was that all about?” you again inquired. He had been acting like this whenever that music played... May it be a radio station or the TV; he'd always get fidgety. And it wasn't just that song either; whenever that same band played, he'd either turn it off or quickly switch the channel.


“I... It's nothing,” he replied slowly as he looked at you like he was expecting you to scold him, “I just...”


You merely tilted your head slightly, your eyes beckoning him to continue what he was saying, “You...?”


“I just... Hate that band,” he finally answered, though there was this guilty feeling to his tone when he said it, “It's really nothing though; nothing to worry about.”


You were then confused and curious, but you weren't going to push it any further since you noticed that guilty hint, “You could have just said so... I don't know or even listen to that band, so if you don't want to listen to them or anything, I'm fine with that.”


His slightly pained expression suddenly brighten when you finished your little speech; his eyes, almost glittering as he practically charged up to you, yank you to him and hugged you as tightly as he possibly could. Of course, you yelped loudly; once again startled by his abrupt actions but relaxed when he pulled you into his arms. Obviously, something was bothering him but at least you managed to cheer him up with your words.


“Honestly Noona...” he whispered as he pulled you closer, if it were possible, but he did it, “You're really the best.”


Although really confused, you smiled weakly as you somehow managed to return the embrace, “You're alright Bombom... I'll always be here if you need me.”


Really... Whoever you really are... You finished mentally as you closed your eyes but then opened them once again, “Yah, we should finish eating. And I kinda want to go job hunting today.”


“Oh, right!” he exclaimed as he released you from his vice grip and literally moved all of his stuff so now he could next to you instead of across from you, “Nooooooooooooona's cooking!”


“Aish,” was all you could say, before you laughed and the two of you began to dig into the meal.


- - -


“What do you think you're doing?”


“Going out with Noona!”


“Uh... No you're you're not.”


“Eh? Why not? You asked me to go with you.”


“You're not running around with me... Especially if you plan on wearing... That.”


Taemin looked at you funny, although you couldn't really tell since he had covered his face with a pair of sunglasses and a powder blue facial mask. And if that didn't look suspicious enough, he also completed the ensemble with wearing a thick black hoodie, black super baggy pants that looked like they're just about ready to fall down and a bright red baseball cap... Let's not forget the black combat boots. Where the hell did he get all that...? A Mary Poppins bag?


“Eh...” he pouted, or so you thought since you couldn't even see his expression, “I don't like it when people stare at me.”


“You're probably gonna get stared at more if you're wearing that stupid get up,” you said as you placed you hands on your hips, “Bombom, change to something more casual at least... You can keep your silly sunglasses and the hat.”


He kinda just stood there for a moment, like he was just waiting for something. He then whirled around and made his way back to the room where he kept most of his stuff. And after five minutes, he came out looking like he actually belonged in modern day civilization and not look like some obvious stalker or something shady.


“Okay, ready~” he announced with his trademark smile. You looked him over once before you nodded and the both of you left your apartment.


Most of the time, it was just walk in, grab application and walk out. You ended up grabbing a lot at least, meaning there was something out there you can jump into. Back at you former workplace, you were nothing but an errand girl for your boss and her assistant who didn't want to do anything but kiss up to Mrs. Choi and look productive. In reality, you were Mrs. Choi's assistant... Getting her stuff in on time and sometimes early. You were also tempted to tell Mrs. Choi about the work ethnic of her assistant and how much of a lazy she was, but you had a feeling that she wouldn't believe you since her assistant was always kissing her anyway.


Deep down, you were kinda happy that you no longer working at such a hellhole. Sure, you were still angry because you were fired in front of people, but at least you didn't have to worry about that nightmare-ish place anymore.


“Aish, I'm hungry...” you sighed heavily as you plopped onto a bench. Taemin sat next to you, before he began to look around. Tilting his sunglasses forward, he then noticed a small, humble looking cafe just across the street from them.


“Noona, how about over there?” he suggested as he pointed at the little place. You followed his gaze and stared for a moment before you nodded. Taemin then stood up, taking your hand as he helped you up and guided you across the street; the both of you dashing for it before traffic started up again.


It started to rain when the both of you made your way inside. You weren't too worried since you both brought umbrellas anyway. You were then ushered to a small table for two before the hostess handed two menus for the both of you to look over.


“Oh what to get... What to get...?” you wondered out loud after the both of you ordered some drinks for yourselves.


“Noona, I'll be right back,” Taemin suddenly announced as he got up from his spot on the table and made his way to the little boys room. You couldn't help but shake your head as you returned your attention back to the menu.


Since you were so engrossed into your menu, you hardly noticed a rather handsome looking individual walking just outside the window you were sitting by. By luck would have it, he placed his cellphone against his ear and randomly decided to look through the cafe's little window thing, where his eyes briefly glanced at your direction and somewhat scanned his attention past you. However, he did a quick double take; that's when he noticed you, sitting by yourself, in a little cafe.


“_____?” he muttered out of nowhere.


“Huh? Who?” came the voice from the other side of the phone line.


Nick, I'm going to have to call you later,” he replied in English as he pulled away his cellphone and quickly turned around.


“Huh? Wait! Junki... Junki! I haven't--”


But the caller was just completely silenced when he flipped his phone closed. He quietly made his way inside before he looked around real quick and noticed you, still by yourself and looked to be engrossed in the menu.


“_____?” he called out quietly once he stood in front of you.


Looking up from your menu, you couldn't help but stare for a moment at the person before your heart skipped a few beats and you found yourself blushing, “Ah... Ah... Junki-ssi?”


The handsome individual merely laughed as he slid into the unoccupied seat across from you, “_____... Wow, it's been forever.”


You smiled awkwardly as you nodded slowly, “Yes... Yes it has, how are you? When did you return to Korea?”


“I've been well,” he answered smoothly as he folded his arms on top of the surface of the table and leaned forward, “And I actually returned just a few weeks ago. How are you?”


“I'm alright,” you swallowed, still embarrassed, “I was just... Going job hunting.”


Junki tilted his head slightly, before he rose a brow at your direction, “Eh? You're not in school anymore?”


And again, you blushed, “I uh... Super long story behind that... But kinda got myself kicked out and I dropped out since I had no means of paying for my classes.”


Junki's eyes widen slightly, “Are you serious? Do you have a place to stay? How you doing? Are you okay?”


“Oppa,” you called out, using the term you used to use back in your high school days with Lee Junki, “It's okay... I got myself a decent place, plus a job... But I ended up getting fired--”


“How'd you get fired?”


“Power outage, my alarm clock didn't go off like it was suppose to and I ended up being late.”


“I'm sorry,” he apologized before he suddenly remembered something, “Yah! Actually, you know... The place I'm working at is looking for some people, maybe you can apply there.”


You stared, “Who do you work for?”


“An agency,” he replied, “They're actually looking for some front desk receptionists and I think you can probably get the job... Won't hurt to give it a try.”


Your eyes practically sparkled when he mentioned a perfect job offer... Which was better than you last one and probably less stressful, “Yah! Thank you so much!”


He smiled and was just about to say something but his phone suddenly went off, “Okay, sorry to make this meeting short _____, but I gotta run. Here's my business card that has my cellphone number... If you need anything, please... Let me know.”


You nodded happily as you watched your high school friend/secret crush pick up his cellphone and begin talking to it as he left the little cafe. It was after he left that Taemin returned him the bathroom and slipped back to his seat... Which felt oddly warm.


“Noona,” he called out quietly, which broke you from a little trance.


“Ah, Bombom...” you smiled happily as you looked at him, “You never would guess it... But I just met up with a old friend of mine and he just gave me a job opportunity as a front desk receptionist to a company he works for.”


Taemin tilted his head to the side, “What company?”


You blinked, before taking a look at the business card Jun Ki had given you before replying, “S.M... Entertainment...?”


Taemin literally froze before he slammed his hands down on the table and shot up from his seat...



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Chapter 5: pls update!!!!!!!!!
kissme-minseok #2
i remember this!
haha this is super cute lol
Wah! i love this story from the first time i see the poster! XD
update soon~~ hwaiting! *new subscriber*
I love this story. I can't wait 'til your next update. Hwaiting! :)
All I want to know is why Taemin ranaway...
pls update soon !!!
when will you update???
Diamondcrevasse #9
Omg Taemin is so cute!!!>___< <br />
Im a silent reader and I've read your story twice already. It's amazing so please update soon!!! Please!!! Hwaiting!☆