Where am I staying?

It all started with a quarrel.



"Hara-Ah!You have to wake up now,you have to-"


But Jiyoung continued shaking me to wake me up.

"Hara-ah,you have to wake up now to pack up your stuffs for the flight to Korea tomorrow..." Jiyoung told me.

I jump out of my bed and shouted "WHAT THIS IS IT NOW?"

"It's 11.42AM now and you have to wake up now to pack your luggage for your flight to Korea tomorrow." Jiyoung repeated what she said.

*Did I really sleep for so long?* I thought as I slowly got up from my bed .

"Jiyoung ah,could you go help me get my luggage?i need to wash up now..." I ask Jiyoung.


"I took your luggage up already,it's here." Jiyoung replied and she show me 2 light pink luggages that were at the door.


"Alright Jinnie,I'll go wash up first,you wanna eat breakfast with me?i'm kinda hungry..."I told Jiyoung 


"Mrs.Goo instructed me that you can only have your breakfast AFTER you are done packing your luggages." Jiyoung replied me.


*Does mum even know how much cloths I have?How can she let her own daughter starve to death just because of a stupid flight to Korea?* I groaned from anger as I ruffled my own hair.


I slowly walk to my bathroom that was located at the extreme left of my room and when I saw my reflection in the mirror,I look pale and my hair nearly covered half of my face. *WHO THE HELL IS THAT SHE IS SOOOO SCARY!!!* I literrally screamed but realized it was me myself so I calmed myself down and make my way to the basin to brush my teeth and wash my face.




"Jiyoung ah....can you help me?I have too much cloths and other stuffs I am dying!" I whined and did aegyo.


"Hara ah,I have already folded and your cloths and took at all the stuffs that belongs to you,is that enough?Or do you need more help?I'll be glad to help you!" Jiyoung told me as she flash me that lovely smile of hers.


 "that will be enough,I'll do the packing myself,Thank you for taking out all my stuffs and folding all my cloths anyway,you're great help!" I replied Jiyoung and I flash her a reassuring smile.


"then I'll be going to do my daily chores,if you need help just scream my name and I'll be there!" Jiyoung told me and she slowly and gently close the door of my room.


*The amount of cloths I have is terribly horrible,why do I have so much?" I ask myself and I look at the pile of folded cloths I have that have already occupied the whole of my King Size bed and I signed.




"YESSSSSS!All done!" I praised myself and I look at my room that is extremely empty,completely proud of my hard work,ALL paid of.I slowly walked down the stairs towards the kitchen to eat my late breakfast or let's just say my lunch.when walking toward the kitchen I walked pass the living room amd spotted my mother,reading a newspaper while drinking coffee again,so I walked towards her.

"Mum!Drinking too much coffee isn't good for your health,you just drank a cup yesterday!" I told her as I seat directly opposite of her wanting a nice chat with my mum about my flight to Korea tomorrow.


"Just drank it once in a while,just having more work problems nowadays and coffee makes mu feel better." My mum replied me


I nodded my head and asked her "Mum I was just wondering...when I go Korea,where will I be staying at?"


That question caught her attention,I can tell. "ouh...that.You'll be staying at Mrs.Kim's house.Do you remember mrs.Kim?" My mum ask,I just shook my head."maybe you have forgotten her but she is one of my true friends that why we last until now." My mum told me.I just simply nodded my head and continue asking her more questions.


"So mum,Does that mean if I move to Korea to stay at Mrs.Kim's house,I'll be alone with Mrs and Mr Kim only?" I ask my mum.


"Well.no.Mrs.Kim has a son so maybe you can get along with him.But Mmrs.Kim tole me that her son is a little arrogant."my mum replied me.


"I see...What time will I be leaving tomorrow?"I ask the last question. "You are leaving at 8AM." My mum replied me.I nodded my head and was about to make my way to the kitchen when my mum suddenly grab my wrist and call me to sit down again.I obediently sat down and she just told me this.


"Before I forget,Mrs and Mr Kim will be on a business trip for 4 months so that means you will be living with their son only." Mum mum told me.My eyes widen in surprise.


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harayoon26 #1
Chapter 2: update pls:))
Chapter 2: update soon!!it's is a really interesting story
LovelyHara #3
Chapter 2: omo! hara need to stay with himchan for 4 months!!!!
can't wait >-<
Letterofspring #4
hates queenka group SECRET. aigooo.. okay.
but I actually, I love this word. because I also not so into SECRET.
Chapter 1: update soon...^^
Chapter 1: Update soon^^
LovelyHara #7
update soonn^^