Far Away... Young Love

Rock ur Body

''Waffles! I want to eat waffles!'' singed Ken excitedly while jumping on the chair and leaning against Leo’s body .

Leo didn’t say a thing, but a smile started to form on his face, a smile full of love and warmness… A smile that he just couldn’t hide from the world. The way Ken was talking and behaving just moved something inside Leo, and almost unconsciously Leo received Ken in his arms. But what surprised Leo the most was the warm feeling he was feeling in his chest.

''Maybe I drank the hot chocolate too fast. '' thought Leo to himself, but he still didn’t let go of Ken, who stayed comfortably in his embrace, giggling about the waffles that were yet to come.

And they just stayed there cuddling with each other, making jokes about random things and playing games, waiting for the so wanted waffles.

But then suddenly Leo heard a sound next to him that made him look to the window that was next to him. And Ken was there, on the other side of the glass. The same Ken who was still in his arms.

'' I’m hungry, Leo Hyung. Aww.. I’m hungry. '' said the Ken knocking on the window.

Leo couldn’t understand what was happening. He looked to the Ken in his arms, and then again to the Ken on the other side of the glass.

''How is this even possible!? '' thought Leo while closing is eyes.

'' I’m hungry..! Hyung.''

And with another Knock sound Leo opened his eyes again, but the coffee shop was gone.. He was now in the van.

''Hyung! ''wined Ken knocking again on the car window.

''A dream? '' questioned Leo to himself while looking at Ken, who kept knocking on the window.

But when Leo was about to open the door this three guys showed up and stood behind Ken looking at Leo with their smiling faces, that left Leo feeling uncomfortable.

The only thing he could notice was that one of them was really bulky, and even before Leo could move a muscle the boys started moving and went all inside the car.

Ken made Leo sit on the back with him and left the other three guys in the front seats.

''Leo we are going on a field trip!! '' screamed Ken excited and raising a finger in the air. ''This is Rome.'' pointing at the bulky guy ''that beside him is Siwoo, his sweetheart. And at the the very end is Kangjun. He is super funny Hyung, just like me.'' said Ken laughing while putting the seatbelt.  '' go, go, go!''

And with that Rome started driving, always smiling at Siwoo and touching him.

The first stop was the convenience store. While the other three went into the store, Leo and Ken stayed in the car cause Leo was seriously annoyed, and Ken felt a little bad for him. But Leo couldn’t show all of his annoyance, he was still thinking about the dream. He couldn’t forget that warmness he felt in it. And every time he looked at Ken it just came again.

After a while Siwoo and Rome entered the car again and started driving again.

''Wait. What about the other one?'' asked Leo with his soft and worried voice, while looking outside.

Kangjun was standing in front of the store with a really serious face. And then out of nowhere he through the snacks into the ground and, what..?

''Why the hell is he singing ken?'' asked Leo in disbelief.

''I don’t know Leo..'' said ken puzzled  ''In case what? In case you what? Did you get it?''

At that moment Rome that kept giggling with Siwoo, made a turn with the car and stopped beside Kangjun, who entered the car with an annoyed face and didn’t say a word.

Next they headed to the beach and all got of the car and started walking beside the ocean. Even Leo was feeling better. Being next to the ocean made him happier, and he even smiled once or twice at Ken’s jokes. But then something cought Ken’s attention.

''Leo, now I get it. Now I know what that was all about. Look.'' said ken with an understanging face while pointing at the boys in front.

Rome and Siwoo were laughing and hugging, while Kangjun walked behind them always looking with a sad face. His eyes never left Siwoo, who sometimes looked at him with a worried face.

''Uh.. Now it makes a little more sense.'' nodded Leo, but when he faced Ken he noticed how close he was to him, and jumped a little like a scared cat when someone touches him when he is not ready. After that, Leo just made his way to the car, and everyone decided to follow him. It was time to end the field trip and get back to their schedules.

Two weeks had passed by. Ken and Leo were on their way to the dorm when they found Kangjun sitting on the side walk ripping this poor shirt into pieces.

''Kangjun? What are you doing here? And why are you destroying that shirt? You are making a mess in the streets.'' questioned Ken with a worried expression.

''Ken-hyung. I can’t believe it! Siwoo made that jerk this shirt and he dares to do that to him!?! How could he!? How can such a low life exist!!'' Growled Kangjun continually destroying the shirt.

''What? Who did what?'' asked Leo, now also worried.

''Rome! I saw him with Maru..! How could he! How could he cheat on Siwoo. After he gave him so much!''

Ken grabbed Kangjun arm and made him stand up.

''Come. Let’s go somewhere. The car is in there. Leo you are coming too, don’t even think about getting away.'' ordered Ken with a serious face, which made Leo obey.

They all got into the car and went to the closest beach, to get some fresh air. They had parked the car and were trying to cheer up Kangjun and make his anger go away. But suddenly his phone started ringing.


''Kangjun'' Said a tearful voice in the other side- It’s to thought for me. I think Rome is cheating on me. What do I do? Can you meet me? I will be waiting in the coffee shop next to the dorm. I only have you Jun.'' and Siwoo started crying desperately.

''What’s happening? Is everything okay?'' asked ken.

''I need to meet him!''

At that moment Kangjun closed the phone, got of the car and started running like a mad man.

''Kangjun where are you going?! Get on the car! It will be faster. Don’t go by foot!'' screamed Ken, but Kangjun was not listening.

So Leo and Ken started running after him to see if nothing bad happened.

''Ken! Wait! Did you listen to that?'' said Leo stopping Ken- Someone is rapping isn’t it? Can you listen too?

''Oh.. Yes Leo I can also hear it.'' said ken doubtful.

''And all this flames!?! What is this!! AH! KEN CAREFUL.'' screamed Leo pushing Ken down saving him from being smashed by a car. ''Why the hell would a car fly from the sky! Why does this kind of things always happens when I’m with you ken!?'' said Leo annoyed and worried about Ken who was stumbling.

''Ahahahah But Leo- Hyung, isn’t this fun?'' Laughed Ken ''Let’s get in the car and find Kangjun.

''First I will call the firefighters so they can put these flames out. This is seriously dangerous. And why would flames come from the bushes!?''

''Okay, okay, let’s just go.'' Said Ken still laughing and pulling Leo.

When they got to the coffee shop Kangjun was already there, looking at Rome and Siwoo hugging right in front of him.

''Kangjun let’s go. I will take you home.'' said Ken with a motherly voice while taking Kangjun in his arms.

The three turned away from the coffee shop, and Leo and Ken looked at each other. After seeing Ken worried expression Leo put his arm around Kangjun.

''Yes. Today we will have a sleep over and eat lots of waffles. Go go go..'' - said Leo with a sweet and not very excited voice. 



Author note: Wahh! I'm so sorry!! I'm so late..*sob* I told Akira to punch me but she is such a good girl that she didn't do it. But I'm so happy that we have 14 subscribers!! YAY! It's time for the happy dance o^.^o keke

But yeah, this Mv was just pure gold, and I think I didn't get to use it to his full potential, but still I hope you like it^^ 

Now that we have such lovely subscribers if you like the story please comment I would be like super duper mega happy. >.< Give lots of love to me and Akira please. Especially Akira, cause she is next. keke So expect a lot for the next chapter. Master Akira in action :'D

Emily says bye bye ^^*  

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRQzgVIButQ <-- C-Clown MV


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Seoblove #1
Chapter 6: Love this chapter the most because of NU'EST. Hehhe. You guys should do one base on LC9 MamaBeat
Chapter 4: Lol I like this chapter. Keep on updating! Can't wait to see what else you have in store
Chapter 3: LOL Poor Leo, weird things happen when he is with Ken ♥
Thanks for writing! I'll be waiting for the next chapter!