First day at school



First Day of School-

            “Appa~ Appa~” Sammie called from her bedroom. I looked up as I tucked Kyon’s shirt in, and grabbed his backpack. Mir walked over to a half-dressed-for-school Sammie.

            “What’s wrong?” He asked her, as he bent down to her height. Sammie did nothing, but point at her untied shoes. Mir laughed, and happily tied his daughter’s shoes- humming as he did so. Watching the sight made me smile. It was a sight I had always dreamed of seeing, while dating Mir; not that dream was a reality.

            “Ready, Appa~” I grinned at him, as I picked up Kyon. Mir smiled, focusing on his work. Finally finished, he picked up Sammie and smiled.

            “Ready, and so is my little princess.” He said, tickling the 5 year old in his arms.

            Together, the four of us left the house, ready for the first day of school.

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Chapter 2: C:
but cute.