First date


   I did not expect that my boring weekend could turn out to be fun. I was actually still alseep when i heard my bedroom door being opened. Wanting to know who it is,  i did not open my eyes. There were 2 voices and both belonged to a male. "Urusei if not you will wake her up." The two guys then came up to me and started lifting up my t-shirt. I could hear that they were their lips. Not wanting them to go ahead of what they wanted to do, i sat upright to their surprise and hit their heads. "Itai. __________ you're awake?" "How can i not be awake when the both of you tried to enter my room and lift my t-shirt up?" I stared at them angrily. "The both of you are really troublemakers." I had gotten out of my bed and pushed the two guys away while still angry. "Oh come on __________ we just wanted to wake you up." "By being like erts and lifting my shirt up?" Nino and Sho-kun was embarassed about it. Even though i acted angry, my face was going red thinking of them seeing my underclothing. Those two somehow realised it and started teasing me. "You liked it didn't you _________? You're blushing right now. Anyways, we thought that maybe you wanted to spend the day with us." "Spend the day with the both of  you? Where?" They just smiled suspiciously.

   After i got ready a few minutes later, Nino and Sho-kun were waiting for me in the living room playing with Nino's Ds. When i stood in front of them, they stopped playing and looked at me. "You look cute _________." Sho-kun said as he stood up and whispered in my ear. They told me that they would take me to the amusement park where the rest were waiting. We were then on our way to the amusement park which was kind of annoying as the two guys kept on trying to hold my hand. It was a relief that we finally got to the amusement park as i could not tolerate with both of their actions. I saw the other three as i got out of the car and i waved at them. "Ohno-kun, Aiba-chan, MatsuJun." They waved back of course. "So were the two of them bothering you? We were worried." "Yeah of course. They were on mode too." Nino and Sho-kun just put on an innocent face which make Ohno-kun smacked their heads. For the whole day, all of us bullied Sho-kun with going on the highest rides. The one i enjoyed the most was the roller coaster. Just seeing Sho-kun's priceless scared face was enjoyable too while going on the rides. "Ie ie. I refuse to go on the roller coaster no matter what. "__________ you know that i'm afraid oh heights so don't force me." He looked really pathetic. "Oh come on be an otoko will you Sho-kun. Its just one time on the ride." Sho-kun finally gave in to my pleading. On the roller coaster, Sho-kun had asked to sit beside me which i agreed cause i know that if he sat with either if the other boys, they would not help him at all. For the entire ride, Sho-kun held on to my hand looking terrified as ever as we were at the front. Everyone behind us could not contain their giggles. The next ride we went on was the ferris wheel. Even though we were sitting in a capsule, Sho-kun was still scared. "Sho-kun we're inside a capsule and we can't fall down so please don't be scared. Its nothing you know. The view outside is nice to look at too." Trying to hold in his fear, he looked outside and yes the view outside was really pretty. Sakura flowers were falling from the Sakura trees. Nino once in a while was trying to gain my attention. It worked though since i was fed up with Sho-kun's voice of wanting to get down from the ferris wheel. "Do you regret hanging out with us ___________? I mean its not like we can ever match your standards anyway." "Standards? What standards? Don't be silly Nino those rumours about me are never true."

   As the day wore on, Sho-kun's behaviour had toned down a bit as i suggested not to on any more rides that has heights. He was grateful for it that he bought candyfloss for me. "Thanks for not wanting to go on those scary rides any more ___________. I appreciate it." I blushed after seeing his smile as it was really cute. "Its nothing Sho-kun. So did you enjoy those rides." I asked him teasingly. "O..of course not. It was really scary. I hate it." All of us laughed. Nino and Sho-kun had offered to sent me home after the day was finally over. As we were about to reach my apartment, the boys stomach growled. "If you guys are hungry, drop by my apartment. I'll try to whip something up for your stomachs." They just nodded. At least there was some noodles left in my house if not i can't feed their hungry stomachs. "Arigatou ________. My stomachs full now." "You're welcome. Its getting late so don't you think you should be on your way now." I questioned them since i was worried that their manager would scold them if they didn't go back to their sharehouse on time. "Can't we stay here with you __________?" Nino asked me. They kept on begging me and i gave in almost immediately. "Oh alright." I then prepared pillows and blankets for them to sleep on. I even agreed to sleep beside them for that night only. It was a cold night and having them beside me warmed me up instantly. My days with them were spent either being happy or sad but i wasn't angry as their laughs were enough to make me smile.

I have to admit that i started liking all of Arashi as the days past by. Ohno Satoshi with his dancing skills, beautiful singing voice and rude but funny and straightforward, spoiled brat attitude. Sakurai Sho with his different expressions, rapping and fail moments. Aiba Masaki with his cheerful attitude and kiddy-like behaviour. Ninomiya Kazunari with his cute voice and bratty self. Matsumoto Jun with his popularity, sadist side and charming face. I grew to liking them even more now with each of their different personalities.  From the start Sho-kun was my ichiban and Nino was my niiban. While MatsuJun my third fave, Ohno-kun my fourth fave and Aiba-chan my fifth but now all that changed. Ohno-kun and Aiba-chan are now the same position as MatsuJun. A lot may disagree with me positioning them like that but in actual i really respect all of them from the bottom of my heart. Each have their own unique personalities and i respect it a lot. I really have to thank my friend who indirectly made me a fan of Arashi. It was due to this fandom that i learnt a lot of things, after anime of course. Arashi's bond together for these 14 years really inspired me and made me cherish the things around me like my family members and my friends. All of these are important to me and if anyone did try to hurt them, i will never forgive them. Even their songs cheered me up right away if i ever am feeling down. The songs that are my faves are Aa No Kioku, Believe, Breathless, Calling, Everything, Facedown, Happiness, Kaze No Mukou e, Kimi Wa Muteki, Meikyuu Love Song, Sakura  Sake, Truth, Troublemaker and Your Eyes. My first ever drama that i watched that had an Arashi member was Nazotoki Wa Dinner No Ato De. It was then i fell in love with Sakurai Sho's acting as Kageyama. After that i tried watching the other members dramas and movies and i simply love them. Arigatou Dinah for telling me about Arashi. Arigatou fellow Arashists for making me fall in love with them even more. Finally arigatou Arashi for being our idols and still continuing to entertain us with your songs, dramas and PV's. Please continue on being Arashi forever and ever and also like a quote from one of the Pokemon english theme songs, 'And be the best that you can be'. :D 

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Chapter 6: Eh?!~ Why oh why? I thought it would be Jun. Haha
Kuraki #2
Chapter 3: *blush so hard* (//-//)
If Jun really do that to me, I'll die...
Chapter 5: nice ending... i wish she had just chosen one though..
thank you for writing this!
Chapter 4: its not an arashi member?
but why did she kiss nino?
WHY? does she really like him too?
update soon~!!!!
Chapter 3: oh my god..
its sho!
no, its nino!
please continue! the suspense is killing me xD
good luck on your exams!!!!
I may not be able to continue the story for the next couple of days as I am having my mid-year exams. Gomennasai. I promise after I finish my mid-year exam, I'll try to complete the fanfic.