Promise You


Edited, 05/07/2014, 12.30PM KST.

To set the mood, Listen to this song :)

Super Junior KRY - Promise You (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkb4-nVkU6o)

“Whoa! Easy there, hoobae-nim!” AJ, a senior, caught Eunmi just before she fell down near the drain.
Ashamed, Eunmi quickly stood still. “I-I’m sorry, sunbae-nim. Thanks for catching me just now.” With a good manner, she bowed to him. He simply smiled at her and ruffled her hair.
*What’s wrong with me? Is it because I only ate a slice of bread this morning?* Shooking her head, Eunmi went to the next class.
“Eunmi, you look pale. Are you okay?” Ricky asked as he put his palm on Eunmi's head. “You don’t have fever though… What happened?”.
“I don’t know, oppa… I felt like this since this morning…” Eunmi placed her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder.
“So that’s why you only ate a slice of bread?” He her head, without looking away from the line of words he was reading.
Nodding, Eunmi closed her eyes for a while. Suddenly, her eyes shot open. She felt a sudden bile rushed up . “Mmpf!” She clasped quickly.
Ricky automatically turned his head towards Eunmi. “W-What’s wrong?!”
Before she could answer him, Eunmi ran out of the class and went into one of the toilet stall. Luckily, it was break time. Ricky ran too, following her towards the toilet. “Aish!” He waited outside the bathroom.
Inside, Eunmi was crying while clutching her stomach. *Oh God, this is horrible. I need to go home…* She washed her hand and went outside. Ricky quickly reached for her. “Are you okay, baby?” He wiped her sweat on her face.
“I’m not okay, oppa… Can I go back home?” Eunmi softly asked as he held her tightly, worried that she might fall down.
“Okay, I’ll ask Teacher Song. But now, let me send you to class first.”
“Minsoo hyung, where are you now?” Ricky called CAP. “Oh, Changhyun! Hyung is in the school’s library. Wae?”
Ricky fastened his pace, walking quickly towards the class. “Can hyung come over to my school and fetch Eunmi and me?”
CAP straightened his back. “Hyung don’t have class after this, so hyung can fetch you now. But, why?”.
“Eunmi is sick right now. Can we go to a clinic first before going home, hyung?”.
“SICK?! Okay, hyung will come in 10 minutes! Wait for hyung, ok!” CAP hung up and quickly ran out of the library.
“Eunmi, wake up… Minsoo hyung will fetch us soon. Let’s wait for him outside.” Ricky grabbed his bag and hers while tightly held onto her.
“Kim Eunmi.” The nurse called out. Ricky dragged Eunmi into the doctor’s room. “Hi, Miss Kim. You look pale, what happened?”
The doctor started the conversation. Eunmi told her the sickness she felt few hours ago. The doctor suddenly smiled but then she frowned. “I think I know what happened, but I need to prove it right first. Miss Kim, I need to examine you. Come, follow me.”
After a few minutes, Eunmi came back with the smiling doctor. “Are you okay?” Ricky softly spoke. Nodded, she squeezed his hand. “So, how was it, doctor?” Ricky spoke.
“Congratulations! The baby inside is eight weeks old.” The doctor announced.
Eunmi's jaw dropped. *P-Pregnant?!* Instantly, she felt weaker than before. Ricky, on the other hand, was shocked. But then, he smiled widely. “Really doctor? Oh my God! I’m going to be a father!” He chuckled.
“A young father, indeed. I presumed both of you… husband and wife already?”
Both of them froze. *Not yet!* Suprisingly, Ricky plastered a smile on his face. “We’re getting married next week.” He stucked his tongue out. Eunmi stared at him with wide eyes. “Then… remember to come back for check-ups every month.” The doctor reminded.
“Thank you, doctor.” Ricky thanked her and held his hand out, waiting for Eunmi to reach his hand. She slowly grabbed his hand and walked outside of the room.
In the car, Eunmi remained silent. Ricky noticed it and asked quietly. “Wae?” Shooking her head, she looked away from him while caressing her tummy. *What’s wrong with her? I’ll ask her at home…*
L.Joe, who had gone home from school earlier, had carried Eunmi into her room. “Thanks, Byunghun oppa.” She softly thanked him with her weak voice.
“Anything for my dear dongsaeng…” He pulled the blanket over her and kissed her forehead. “Get well soon.” He whispered, showing his v-pose before closing the door.
*I’m not sick at all oppa… I’m pregnant… and it is Changhyun’s… soon-to-be-idol…* You cried.
“Hey…” Ricky shooked Eunmi's body slowly. Her eyes shot open. “Oh, oppa. Wae?” She said with a hoarse voice, still not looking at him. “Chanhee hyung made this porridge for you. Here, eat some…”
Eunmi felt hungry right now, but when the pregnancy across her mind, she lost her appetite. Shooking her head, she grabbed a pillow and put it over her face.
Ricky sighed. He placed the porridge at the bedside and grabbed the pillow, revealing your soon-crying face. “H-Hey, what’s wrong, baby?” He caressed her cheek. “I’m pregnant, oppa!” Eunmi yelled.
“Yes, I know. And I’m very happy for that.” Ricky leaned in, trying to kiss her, but she looked away. “Oppa… Are you, by any chance…wanted to keep…this?” She pointed at her tummy.
“ ’This’ you are referring to is our child… Baby, of course I want to keep- ani, I prefer the word ‘raise’. Of course I want to raise our child… with you.” Ricky slowly reached for Eunmi's hand. When he saw that she did not flinched, he then pulled her into a hug.
“B-But oppa… You are going to be an idol… How do you think your future fans would say if they knew you already had a child?” Eunmi hid her face in his neck.
“Kim Eunmi, look at me.” Ricky cupped her face, making her looked into his eyes. The eyes that once comforted you when your parents died. The same loving gaze as the one that promised you he will be with you forever.
“I don’t care what people would say. What I care about is you… my life, my other half, my… everything…” He pressed his forehead on hers. “We made the child with our love, baby. So please, don’t you ever think of aborting the child. I promise you I’ll be a good father… Hmm?”
Eunmi looked down. “What about the other oppas? What about… Andy samchon?” She gulped, imagining how angry the others will be. “Even if they were angry, they couldn’t do anything about it.” Ricky shrugged it off. He then pulled her onto the bed and cuddled.
“We’ll tell the others whenever you are ready. For now, let’s think of our soon-child’s name.” Ricky suddenly grinned. “Oppa!” Eunmi slapped his arm. He immediately pouted and did an aegyo.
“I was thinking… Yoomi for girl while Kimhyun for boy though…” He winked. "Stop doing aegyo oppa! You're going to be a father soon!" Shooking her head, Eunmi suddenly caressed her tummy.
“You won’t regret, Changhyun oppa?” He stopped twisting your hair and shooked his head. “I won’t. EVER.”
“Then… Yoomi and Kimhyun sounds great!” Eunmi snuggled against Ricky's chest. He giggled, seeing your cheerful side back.
“I love you, Yoo Changhyun. Thanks for being in my life.” Eunmi murmured. Ricky smiled, wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into a kiss.

Ricky's thought : *I wonder what is my baby doing right now... Hmmm*



Btw, I... miss Yesung oppa already :(


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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 1: Lol that baby-face boy will be a father? Heheh it will be really cute !!! :)
sunfoolfinger #2
Chapter 1: I can't imagine that little-boy will be a father;-;
Vk00kie #3
Chapter 1: Oh god. Ricky ;AAAA;
Chapter 1: Omg I liked this!
Heh Ricky is so cute~ I like how he's so caring :))
Nathypipz #5
Chapter 1: Haha.. this story is cute.. It mirrors the real Ricky.. XDD.. haha Nice one :DDD