
Hide My Baby Girl....Where??




My leg is still aching but today is a special day and I would not missed this chance for the world. I'm going to meet one of my favourite hollywood celebrity....Mr Ali...Mr I-Robot...The men in black....I could go on but I just can't wait to get to YG building. Thank god I'm not driving coz I'm so excited I might do more damage on my leg by having an road accident. LOL



ring.....ring.....- caller baby girl.



“Dara ah....where are you?” Last time I spoke to my girlfriend last night she told me she's staying at her mum's for the night. Apparently Durami has broken up with her boyfriend and needed her sister. Ahh my poor future sister in eh?!?


“Ji I'm stuck in traffic, I'm on my way to pick Bom at the dorm first then we will go to YG straight away” she said with impatient and annoyance on her voice. Guess she will be in a foul mood when I see her later.


“Oh okey...well I'm nearly there so I guess I will see you when you get there. Drive safely and dont rush driving, I want to see you in one piece later.” using a little aegyo I tried to calm her down.


“Hahaha...araso jagiya I will try to get there as soon as I can”......we said our goodbye as I saw my manager entering YGE car park. Once I got out I saw a few cars parked I dont recognise so I assumed our guests are here already. Lovely!!



YG cafeteria


“Did you see how many bodyguards they I'm so excited!!” this is Kush hyung getting all hyper.


“Yah!! will you keep your cool man, dont you embarrass us!” Teddy hyung's warning.



As I stride along the corridors I heard our song producers and my friend laughing along. I notice that TOP, Youngbae and CL with them.


“Hey guys” I sat next to TOP who I thought will be late as usual.


“Jiyong!! Gdragon!! BigBang leader!! Whatz up!!” everyone laughing at Kush as he does he usual dorkiness.


“Can someone please give him his pills already coz this is too much” Teddy clasping his hand on his friend who is causing a ruckus already.


We were laughing so hard when Jinu hyung approach us.....


“Okey guys Hyun Suk hyung is nearly done with his meeting with our guest so I guess you can all go to Teddy's studio to meet them.” on that note without second thought we all got up and head to our destination.


Beep.....Beep.....-sns message


From: Baby girl


Just got in the dorm will change clothes quickly then me and Bom will be on our way. Xoxo



“Ready Ji.....” I heard TOP behind me..... “who's that??” peaking through my phone like a noisy little aliean that he is.


“Aist!! its only Dara letting me know she's on her way with your girlfriend. Which by the way I thought would be with you already!” I said with a little teasing.


“What!! she told me she's not coming.” he murmured to himself while dialling his phone to call his girlfriend.


As I left him in the hallway to sort out his domestic...alien wars are not pleasant esp with these two.


I can hear our guests with our president laughing. After a few introductions and greetings, Teddy and Choice37 is now showing some of there work to our guests.


“Wow....I'm impress. I guess Will.I.Am was not lying when he said you guys have pure talents” Mr Smith said with a big smile on his face.


“Yeah....I think this will be a great project dad. When shall we start!!” the young Smith enthusiastic said.


“Well if all go according to plan, I will get my boys to finalise some demo and send them to you” our president grin with delight.


“Brilliant!! I can't wait and I bet this wont be our last business together. Right Jaden!?!” as Mr Smith turned to his son who by the way is ogling our 2ne1 leader.


“Huh??” young Smith turning to his dad blushing after being caught.


Everyone tried not to laugh out load.


“Hehehe...teenagers!” Mr Smith shaking his head with his son's antics.


“That's alright. I got a handful of them in here....”our president turned to our young guest so ease his embarrasment.


“Well how about someone show young Jaden here our building while me and Mr Smith go through some business deals.” HyunSuk hyung ask around.


“I wouldn't mind if Miss Chaerin do....” Jaden partly ask and hinted.


Everyone look at the fierce 2ne1 leader questioningly with amusement. Poor little boy he doesn't know who he's dealing with.


“Sure....Youngbae oppa do you mind coming with me” CL turned to my best friend for help. As we all sigh with relief.


“No problem.” Youngbae stood up grinning but whispered to me....”Hormonal teenage boys are my speciality” and they both set off with Jaden.



20 minutes later.....


“Seriously oppa you shouldn't encourage him...if we get into trouble with sajangnim because of this I will not forgive you.” I heard CL said worriedly with Yongbae behind her.


They are back in Teddy's studio after their little tour without Jaden.....


“Look he asked so what do you expect me to say...” Yongbae retort cheekily.


“What happened now? Where is the young man anyway?” Teddy hyung asked the two


“In the toilet...” CL's short response


Then the two looedk at me and TOP first then with the rest of the people in the studio. With Youngbae laughing again....


“Jaden saw a picture of Dara and Bom noona in the hallway.....” my friend start


The mentioned of my girlfriend's name made my attention perked up. I look at TOP hyung and he too have the same curiosity in his face.


“Okey and....” TOP hyung asked


“Oppa here told him who the unnies are and that they worked here too. But that y little boy was drooling while looking alternatively on the unnies picture. Seriously it was embarrasing!!” CL exclaimed in disgust.


Me and TOP hyung look at each other, when.................. the rest of our friends, except CL, burst into laughing fit.


“Bwahaha!!! I would have love to see that” Kush started.


“Hyung....I tried to drag him from where he was standing but he wont badge.” my so called best friend added hysterically.


Another set of laughter went off but me and TOP are not very impress at all. Who would if you found out some man, or boy, are ogling on your girlfriend. I mean hell no.... thank god the two girls are not here...wait but they will be soon.


I stood up not ammused, which by the way the boys have stop laughing I think they can sense what I'm thingking at the moment.


“Ji relax you got nothing to worry about, Dara is not here and she's very shy I doubt she will say a word to the boy.” Teddy trying to reassure me.


“Dara and Bom are on their way here now....crap I probably need to watch that alien when she gets here. I dont want some boy “ogling” on my girl now” TOP exclaimed with annoyance.


“Will you two stop being paranoid, it's not like you're not used of your girls being drooled on” Yongbae said adding to my worries.


I was about to call Dara to check where she is when our young “y guest” came back with his body guard....


“I think I will like it here in Korea....I might come back again” Jaden stated while grinning


“Especially with all these beautiful korean girls around......” then right on queue my potential nightmare begins.


Bom walk in the studio first......


“Hello legs......” Oh oh why is noona wearing a dress today. Everyone turned to the fuming alien in the corner who is being hold back by Kush hyung.




“OMG!! did I just died and gone to heaven.....” Jaden then stood up and walk to my girlfriend with his mouth hanging openly. WTF!


“Are you both angels....” the little f**ker continued and even took each of Dara and Bom's hands


Dont blush baby girl....dont blush or their will be blood spilled in here right this instance. I send her a message telepathicly.


As if she heard me she look at me for help.


“Actually....they are not available anymore” I said surprisingly. What did I just said???


Everyone look at me panicky before I say anything else.


Jaden half staring out still on the girls asked...”Say that again...”


“What GD here means is that me and my fellow members are not allowed to entertain suitors or date anyone yet” saved by CL


Shacking his head and releasing the girls hands....Jaden turned to us and said


“Oh is that so....not to worry I think you will be seeing a lot more of me in the near future.” grinning once again



Oh boy....Where am I going hide my baby girl.


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I will always comeback and comeback... to feel giddy kekekeke~~
Chapter 1: Kekekeke
addeww #3
Chapter 1: hahahahhahaa.... so hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
michiru10 #4
Chapter 1: OMG. Jaden why. hahhahaha. very funny authornimmm. sankyuuuu~ <33
jepoknat #5
Chapter 1: Kyaaah this so cute and funny!!!

LMAO Jaden!!!
Chapter 1: hahaha! can't imagine Jaden being y! :))
Chapter 1: wakakaka... jiyong jealous over teen?? wakakakaka.. lol
Chapter 1: actually im wondering where in the earth is our two living goddess been roaming around when Jaden and Will smith came?
mrschoi09 #9
Chapter 1: aigoo...over protective jiyong as usual..sometimes i really wonder if he really limits dara's exposure to other people and her outfits too..
Chapter 1: ohh ottokae??? gwiyowo!~~~ :"3
Ohh how I want to be part of YG, so I would know if stuffs like this happens ahaha :)))
Kyahhhh!!! this is reallyy cute :""> :))