American Songbird

Scarlet Tanager


Jonghyun looked at the bird in front of him. Now that he brought it home, he had no idea what to do with it. It wasn't even like him to care for some bird on the street. 

He poked it a bit. It was wet, but warm, proving it was still alive.

Jonghyun sighed, and set the bird on a medium sized cardboard tray he used for stuffing in scrap paper. He dumped the abandoned sheets of music out and place the birds inside. Still not know what to do, he fanned it, thinking maybe it'd dry soon. He saw the bird shudder a bit, and he stopped.

The blonde boy sat there continuing to watch the bird and rested his chin on his fists. 

Jonghyun really has never seen a bird like this before. It was a bright eye-catching red, and its wings and tails were a sleek black. Not knowing what bird it was, he took his eyes away from the animal and searched it up.

Once he got on Naver, he had a problem. What were you supposed to type in? "Red bird"? It'd probably lead him to a thousand birds with red bodies and black wings. So Jonghyun made it a bit more detailed - he typed: "red bird black tails", and hit enter.

"Red-Winged Win Baseb- what the hell? I don't want some baseball team...Scarlet Tanagers, Identification..." Jonghyun squinted at the title. Scarlet Tanagers? He read the description.

Male Scarlet Tanagers have a bright red body, with black wings and a black tail. During the mating season...

Jonghyun trailed off and clicked it. He tapped his finger lightly on his mouse, impatient for the page to load.

Once it did, Jonghyun scrolled down to see a picture of a bird looking exactly like the soaked bird in his tray looking box.

"Scarlet Tanager, huh," Jonghyun muttered. He read more on the info page.

"The Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea) is a medium-sized American songbird," he read aloud. "American songbird? American? Why is an American bird here in South Korea?" Jonghyun felt almost strange talking to himself. 

"JONGHYUN-AH. COME DOWN HERE. WE'RE HAVING DINNER RIGHT NOW. PORK!" Jonghyun hears his older sister screaming from the living room.

"I'M COMING, I'M COMING!" Jonghyun yelled back. He closed the webpage with a single click, and turned his monitor off. He ran downstairs following the smell of delicious pork. 

Back in the room, the little red and black bird twitched. It's wing fluttered, and his wing fluttered ever-so-slighty. And in the blink of an eye, a big surprise awaits Jonghyun on his small wooden computer desk. 

"Umma, I found a bird." Jonghyun spitted out, while chewing down the tasty pork. "It's in my room." 

"You have a bird in your room?" His sister, Jungri, looked at him quizzically. "I swear, you are so weird. Make sure it doesn't fly into my room and peck my face off at night."

Jonghyun looked at his sister like she was crazy. And she called him crazy!

"Jonghyun, you get rid of that bird this instant!" his mother ordered angrily.

"But why? Besides, it pretty. It's red. I Naver'ed it and they said it was American, umma." Jonghyun kept chewing.

"America? That's impossible. It won't migrate to the whole other side of the world."

Jonghyun shrugged.

"Anyway, I don't want a bird in the house. Let it out," his mother said wearily.

"I will, soon enough~" Jonghyun told her. He finished the last piece of his pork, stood up, and walked back to check on his little American bird.


Jonghyun hummed all the way up the stairs and to his door. He turned the doorknob, and pushed his door open...

A/N: The line, '"The Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea) is a medium-sized American songbird,"' is taken from;

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Hey:) nice story
Kibums #2
jongkey4evr #4
LOVE IT!!^^<br />
update soon~~!
devils-kiss #5
sounds interesting!
interesting~ update soon!!!
Locket4ever0923 #7
OOH THIS IS INTERESTING !!! love it already xD update ~~
Update soon!