
Introducing his girlfriend!



She cleared , looked into the camera and began. “Good Evening Seoul! This is Kim Riyah, live from the red carpet of the 2011, MNet Asian Music Awards! We’re going to be meeting many of music’s hottest stars right here, and remember through our Twitter contest, some of you will be lucky enough to have your question answered by your favourite artist! Remember to mention the name of the artist you want your question posed to along with the hash-tag MAMA2011. Oh, here comes MBLAQ, how are you guys tonight?”

She finally took a breath while one of the MBLAQ boys spoke into the mike about how much they were enjoying themselves already. She angled her body so that the camera frame could include all the five members as well as herself, she smiled and nodded along as he spoke.

“What about Seunghosshi? Which performance are you looking forward to tonight?” She asked passing the mike on to the group leader.

Her job as a reporter for an entertainment news channel was taxing and demanding, but she enjoyed every minute of it. Tonight was no different , she was rubbing shoulders with celebrities that others could only dream of meeting. She asked the group some more questions, How was their album coming along? Which designer’s were they wearing? When would their next variety show performance be? They answered them all and sweetly bade her a good evening before moving away.

She was about to pause and take a break when the cameraman nudged her hard, “2PM! 2PM are here! Go talk to them!” he said in a rushed whisper.

The six member boyband were in fact moving along the red carpet.

“Junsusshi! Taecyeonsshi!” She called out, they turned and spotted her, the group moved towards her and smiled into the camera.

“Tell your fans about your performance tonight,” Though her lips were speaking to Junsu, her eyes were on Taecyeon. She should be more professional, but in these scenarios it’s always fun to tease that boyfriend of hers. She could hardly even hear what Junsu was saying.

“Wooyoung-sshi, tell us which artist’s performance are you waiting for.”

Wooyoung answered and she tried to look attentively at him. Her eyes kept straying to Taecyeon. She had met him at a similar event about a year ago. A month later they had begun dating and two months after that he had called her his girlfriend. Of course, they’re relationship was a secret from the media, because his boss Park JinYoung had said it might do harm to his image. She didn’t care, but he did, he told her many times about how much he wanted to be open about this. Though his bandmates, boss and family knew, he wanted something more. He wanted the world to know.

Her iPhone vibrated in her blazer pocket and she knew it was someone from the office texting her a question from one of the twitter fans, they were the only ones who would text her when she was live on TV.

“As a special treat for our twitter fans we’re posing some of their question to artists tonight,” she explained to the band. She quickly checked the text. “This question is for Ok Taecyeonsshi,” She smiled as she read the question and looked at him with a teasing glint in her eyes.

“Taecyeonsshi, @ ShizzHitTheFan, age 18 from India asks, ‘Taec, are you really dating Jessica from SNSD?’”

His expression was priceless! Stunned surprise mixed with sheer embarrassment. The rest of the band all covered their faces to hide their laughter, the irony of the situation was wasted on no one.

‘You really want to know if I’m dating Jessica?” Taecyeon asked, looking not into the camera, but right at her.

“Your fans want to know Taecyeonsshi.” She replied grinning.

He smirked, “Okay,” he took a step forward firmly gripped the lapel of her jacket and pulled. Before she had a chance to be surprised his lips were on hers, kissing her with a passion.

He pulled away, grinning smugly at the shocked expression on her face, his bandmates were now trying hard to control their laughter. This was live TV after all.

“Thank you for the interview Riyahsshi,” he said pointedly, “I hope my fans all know what I think of Jessica now.” Still smirking he and the rest of them moved down the red carpet.

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