Getting Better

A mistake from the start


“Syung-ah, are you feeling better?” Jinnie asked Hyesung, after he woke up from his sleep.

“A bit better.”

“Thank goodness, and you need to stop being so stubborn sung-ah!”


“You forbidden Eric to call me to inform me that you’re sick you babo.”

“Ahh..” Hyesung sighed when he suddenly remember Eric left without saying anything.

“Do you want to eat anything?”

“No!” Hyesung raised his voice; not knowing where his energy did came from. It probably came because he thought that JunJin is gonna cook for him.

“Wae? You should eat something.”

“Definitely a no if you are cooking.”

            Jinnie pouted, “Ya.. My cooking is not that bad after all.”

“Are you serious Jin-ah?”

“Of course!” JunJin nodded his head furiously, “You will be surprised if my japchae taste better than yours!”

            Hyesung pouted and slipped himself back into the blanket.

“Don’t worry~ I will go out and get food for you. So what do you want?”

“Anything that you think that I will eat~”

“That’s easy, anything that has a lot of sesame seeds and oil, but you’re sick so no~”

“You’re evil!” Hyesung covered his head with his blanket after completing his sentence.

“Merong~ I will back soon, rest well~”

            Jinnie then went out to get food for Hyesung.           

            At the same time Hyesung is drowning in his thoughts.

“Did I make the right choice?” Hyesung mumbled to himself, squeezing his eyes together tightly.

            A sound of his phone stopped him from thinking, it was a message from Eric.


From: Eric.

Kyo-ah, are you feeling better? Stop thinking so much and rest well, okies?


            After all, they know each other long enough for Eric to guess what Hyesung will be doing.


To: Eric.

Feeling much better now ^0^ I’m resting well~ But I’m not thinking of anything! :/


From: Eric.

Thank goodness~ I’m so worry about you. Is jinnie with you? Stop lying you stubborn head! ==;


To: Eric.

Are you sure that you are worry about me? O.o Nah, he went out to get food for me. I’m not! -.-


From: Eric.

Of course! You’re my lover! <3333 Are you serious, he left you alone at home? And you probably won’t eat anything isn’t it? Ya, you’re joking right? =.=”


To: Eric.

Cheesy you! Keke! It’s not like I’m gonna faint or die at home right now, I’m an adult now. Yea, Jinnie still don’t know me as well as you do. No, I’m. Stop arguing with me! I’m sick~


From: Eric.

You will never know when you, Shin Hyesung, will die! Of course! Hehe XP Okay okay~


            Hyesung heard something from the main door and he guessed that it should be Jinnie.


To: Eric.

Mian, Jinnie came back already. Text you later <3 Don’t reply.


            Hyesung ended his conversation with Eric and hid his phone under his pillow just in time before JunJin remove his blanket, which is on him.

“Hyesung-ah, go and eat now.”

“Okies~” Hyesung got up reluctantly to eat his food.



From: Jagiya~

Mian, Jinnie came back already. Text you later <3 Don’t reply.


            Eric read Hyesung’s message, he felt he’s being neglected.

“What happened Eric?” Minwoo asked after noticing Eric’s face turn sadder.

“Nothing much.”

“Stop lying. You’ve been lying ever since we met each other just now.”

“Ya Lee Minwoo. How many times do you want me to say that I’m not lying.” The older guy got irritated.

“Until you tell me the truth.”

“What do you want me to say if whatever I said was the truth?”

“Eric. I have know you long enough to judge whether you are lying or not. So don’t bother to tell lies if there is just the two of us.”

            Eric gave up, “Yes, I have been lying. Are you happy now that I said the truth?”

“Not really. Tell me, what is the truth then?”

“Do you really need to go to that extend?”

“Yes. Tell me.” Minwoo’s voice was firmed and cold.

“What do you want to know?” Eric gave up once again, knowing that he will never be able to pass Minwoo if he doesn’t say the truth.

“What happened when you are at Hyesung’s?”

“I told you that I found out he was sick last night and he refused to let me call Jinnie right?”

            Minwoo nodded his head while taking a sip of his coffee.

“Actually I only knew that he was sick this morning.”

“Then what happened during the whole night after we left?”

“I was with him. All along. I drove him home. And” Eric hesitated, worrying about Minwoo’s reaction. “We’re back together.”

“What?! Are you serious Eric Mun?” Minwoo shouted at Eric, “What about JunJin?”

“Relax Minwoo. They are not gonna break up or something.”

“Means Hyesung is gonna be with you and Jinnie at the same time?”


“I’m really speechless.” Minwoo shook his head. “When did your got back together?”

“The day I got back to Korea?”


“After you left. I had a quarrel with my parents, and he came to spoke to me. Something like that.” Eric explained himself, “I have a request.”

“What is it?”

“Please don’t tell anyone about this. Even Dongwan and Hyesung. Don’t ever let Hyesung knows that you know about it. We promised to keep it a secret.”

“Sure. As long as nothing big happens.”

“Thanks Minwoo! You’re the best, kanji!” Eric gave Minwoo a thumb up.

“Welcome, get back to your work now. You have a lot to catch up with. Call me if you need any help!” Minwoo gave the older one a smile and went back to his own office.

            After Minwoo left, Eric felt guilty to Hyesung after breaking their promise. But he just let it off first, he will deal with it when time comes.

“Time to work~” Eric encouraged himself with a cup of his favourite drink and started to work.

            As a workaholic, once Eric starts to work, he can work for one whole day.


“Ya, Eric.” Minwoo head popped in.

“Yes?” Eric replied without looking at Minwoo.

“Stop working can you?” Minwoo walked into the room and in front of Eric’s table.

“Wae? Isn’t it good that I’m working?”

“Yes. But it’s time to knock off, you have to leave the company.”

“Really?” Eric look up at Minwoo, and the younger one pointed to his watch showing the older one it is already close to 9pm.

“Oh. I’m sorry, I was too focus that I didn’t notice the time.” Eric apologized and kept his things neatly.

“Is okay, you are forever like that anyway.” Minwoo sulked.

“Ya, we can go now. What are you gonna eat?” Eric asked as he pulled Minwoo out of the room.

            When they are out of the room they saw JunJin in front of the lift.

“Ya Jin-ah!” Minwoo called.

“Oh! Annyeong hyung! You’re still here?”

“Yea, still have a lot of work to finish. So I stayed while I have to wait for this guy anyway.” Minwoo pointed to Eric, “Jin aren’t you suppose to be with Hyesung?”

“Minwoo hyung, how did you know about it?”

“Eric told me when he came back to the office.” Minwoo answered.

“Why are you here then?” Eric interrupted, “You left him alone?”

“I didn’t want to but I was sort of thrown out by him, cause I have to come to work today.” Jinnie spoke as the three of them went into the lift.

“So are you going over to his place now?” Minwoo asked.

“Nah, he won’t allow me in even if I’m right outside his house.”

“He does that to you?” Eric asking, shocked, he had never receive this kind of treatment before.

            Jinnie nodded, “He is just nothing but stubborn.”

“I can see that.” Eric confessed, “It was a hard time dealing with that guy last night.”

            The three guys chuckled together as they headed out of the lift to the car park.

“Jin-ah, do you want to come with us to have dinner?” Minwoo offered the maknae there.

“Is okay hyung~ I still have work to do, thanks!” JunJin then bid goodbye before going to his car and drive home.

“Minwoo ya, can we eat dinner another day?” Eric requested, “I forgotten that I haven’t unpack my luggage yet.”

            Minwoo sighed, “Are you really going home?”

            Eric nodded as he knows that Minwoo is suspecting him.

“Alright then, you are old enough to know what is right and wrong. I won’t interfere.”

“Thanks Minwoo! Bye!” Eric waved to Minwoo and went to his car, while Minwoo waved back. After Eric turned around he shook he head before walking towards his car.

            When Eric was walking towards his car and his phone beeped.

            Eric’s face was enlightened immediate, and it was from Hyesung.


From: Jagiya♥~

Eric-yah! Where are you? Are you home already?


To: Jagiya♥~

Nope, just ended work. Going home now.


            Eric lied to Hyesung, wanted to surprise him.


From: Jagiya♥~

Ahh~ Take care of yourself!


To: Jagiya♥~

Yes sir! I saw Jinnie just now. He said that you thrown him out of the house?


            Eric sat on the driver seat, getting ready to drive off and he received a call.

“Eric yah!” The voice over the line called.

“Yes? Why did you suddenly call?” He asked his lover.

“Can’t I call you?” Hyesung sounded sad and Eric could imagine the guy pouting like mad.

“Of course you can~ Now, I want my answer~ why did you throw Jinnie out?” He asked as his head was busy thinking on what food to get for the guy.

“I didn’t!  I just wanted him to go to work instead of staying with me.” He protested.

“Ya, he should stay with you right! You are sick!”

“I’m okay now~”

“I bet you are not. Is Jinnie going over to your house?” Eric asked even though he already knows the answer. He wants to confirm that the younger guy is not going over to Hyesung’s so that he can go over.

            Eric stopped by a shop which sells a variety of food and he was finally to decide on what to get.

“Hyesung-ah, wait for a while okay? I need the toilet.”

“Okay~” Hyesung replied and Eric left his phone in his car so that Hyesung doesn’t know what he is doing.

            He ran towards the shop and the counter to order Hyesung and his dinner.

“Ahjumma, two bibimbap please.” Eric ordered, “One of it can I have more sesame oil and seeds?”

            The ahjumma nodded and Eric paid her before going to one of the empty seats to sit and wait for the food. After a while he food was done and he went back to the car.

“Hyesung-ah, I’m back.” Eric greeted while place the food carefully on the passenger seat.

“You took such a long time!” Hyesung whined.

“Mian, have you had your dinner?”

“Not yet, I’m too lazy to cook. Hehe”

            Since the place was really near to Hyesung’s place, he took no time to reach.

“Ya Hyesung! Go get some food before you faint in your house.” Eric scolded him as he made his way to the lift with their dinner.

“How do I get food when you don’t allow me to go out of my house?”

“You can always order for delivery! That’s what you are always doing isn’t it?” Eric pressed the door bell.

“Ya, someone is my door. I think I better hang up, in case the person is Jinnie.”

“Oh okay..” Eric sounded sad on purpose.

“Mian, I will call you again later. Bye” Hyesung hang up and made his way to the door.

            Eric hid his face behind the food and Hyesung opened the door.

“Jinnie?” Hyesung spoke. He used his hand to take the food away and the guy spoke.

“It’s me syung ah!” Hyesung mouth dropped, shocked to see the older guy here.

“Ya! You came without telling! What if Jinnie is here?” Hyesung questioned as he pulled Eric into his apartment before closing the door.

“I confirmed with you Jinnie is not coming right?” Reminding Hyesung of the conversation just now.

“Ah~ so the period of time when you said you went to the toilet was actually to get the food?”

            Eric nodded and took out the food from the carrier.

“This is yours~ More sesame oil and seed.” When Hyesung heard it, he face immediate smiled happily.

“Thank you Eric-ah!” Hyesung ran to the older guy and hug his waist before giving a peck on his cheek.

“I had a bad lunch just now.”

“Waeyo?” Eric asked as he brought his hands to Hyesung’s back and it.

“Jinnie bought porridge for me, with no sesame oil or seed at all.” The guy pouted.

“Ya, you wants you to recover faster right? Don’t be like that.” Eric cheered Hyesung up and gave a kiss on his forehead.

“Let’s eat now. Enjoy your meal.” Eric pulled out the chair for Hyesung and he sat on the chair beside it.

            The both of them ate together and had little arguments here and there.

 “Wah. I’m full already.” Hyesung said satisfied after finished the whole bowl.

“Same here. This is really a lot.” Eric started to pack the rubbish threw it away.

            While Hyesung went to the sofa and watched the television, Eric joined him after throwing the rubbish.

            Hyesung snuggled into Eric’s chest while Eric embraced the younger guy into his arms.   

            The two guys hugged each other on the sofa and in end they fell asleep together until the next morning.


[To Be Continued]


Here's another chapter~

So tired recently, sorry if this chapter isn't well written. ><

Forgive me! and please give me comments even if you wrote before already~

I need some motivation! <3

Thank you~ ENJOYYY!

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Chapter 16: I hate sad Ricsyung endings..this is so sad!!! But this story is a great one with the love of both Eric and Hyesung always remaining constant for each other. No matter where they are and who they are with. I love Eric's devotion for Hyesung. It's true that he caused Hyesung great pain in the past but then when they rekindle it it was love like no other. I love that Hyesung shows a big difference of how he loves Eric as compared with how he shows his love for Junjin. Although I too am not favor of him not giving up on Junjin making him like a two timer like what Eric's father said... I love it author-nim. I love all the roller coaster of emotion this story brings. Manse! More power to you and thanks for sharing this lovely story to us!
feelgyo #2
Chapter 16: Eric?? Nooooo........ (º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀) I'm glad u finish it author-nim, but yeahh...I mean, eric and emmm...his dying is really broke my heart T^T

Anyway, thanks for the story author-nim :'D
czarheyda92 #3
Chapter 16: HE DIED....So sad...i cant believe i cried and still are..LOL..
They are not together but their love lasts sad *again
milan0613 #4
Chapter 16: so sad
Ricsyung manse!
thanks au!
wait for ur new fic
Chapter 16: Omg!!! This was perfect!!! Perfect from the start!! I...cry my eyes out. XD lol! I really am sad that Eric died!!! :(
Chapter 16: why eric has to died??? T.T
this is sad! TT.TT
shinjaejong #7
Chapter 16: Wow heartbreaking....but I really like the whole story ....thank you author -nim.

Please comeback with another Ricsyung love...
czarheyda92 #8
Chapter 15: ARGHHHH!!!! Cliffhanger....
I have a bad feeling that Ricsyung wont be together..i hope i'm wrong....
Anyway, thanks for the update...
Chapter 14: Is it just me because I want Jinsyung together :3
Chapter 14: Aaaaarrrghhh... After long time.. That was short... ㅜㅡㅜ
But thats better thsn nothing...
Cant blame you.. School thing goes first...

What happen to eric????