

Shouts and cursing came from their room. Maknaes’ sounds of crying can be heard from the kitchen. It’s all a mess. They didn’t know how come it can turn out to be like this. Both with flaming and hot head. They can’t be stop.



The elder one scoffed, “Accident?” he chuckled darkly.

“Yeah. Accident. It was just a kiss, why so mad… damn it.”

Sunggyu raised his head, starring at the latter blankly. “Just a kiss??... hahahaa.” he laughed mockingly, walking towards Woohyun he clenched his fist.

“IT’S A KISS.” Pushing his shoulder, “KISS ON THE LIPS. AND I’M HURT YOU HEARTLESS JERK.” And he left the room with a BAM. Woohyun was sure, he saw tears. He saw tears rolling on his cheek. He just stood there, scanning the whole room.

You can describe it with just a word, MESS. Two boys entered the room groggily. “U-uhh… I-is it o-“

“You can come in and help me clean it, hyung. “  He started to pick up some books but a hand stop him. “Me and Dongwoo hyung will clean these, just go talk to Sunggyu hyung…” Hoya patted his back, “Come on.” Dongwoo tugged Woohyun shirt and he nodded.

Dragging his legs from the room to the living room, he was greeted with the sniffing maknae with Choding and Myungsoo who’s trying to made him calm. He felt sorry; poor boy must be really scared. Sungjong is always the type who can’t stand a fight.

“… Where’s Sunggyu hyung?” Myungsoo raised his head and pointed to the door. “He just left… Sorry hyung I can’t stop him…”

“It’s okay. Sungjong-ah…” Woohyun walked towards the youngest and hugged him, “hyung is sorry, stop crying please…”

The latter sobbed. “O-okay hyung… but stop fighting again like this… please” Sungjong clenched Woohyuns’ shirt. ‘His hand is shaking… he must be pretty scared.’

“Ne…” he patted the boys’ head before heading to the front door. “Where are you going, hyung?” Sungyeol asked as he wore his cardigan and sneakers. “Where else? To find Sunggyu hyung.” He stood up, opening the door. “I’m leaving, I’ll be back later. Call me if he is here, arra?”

“Ne.” And the door closed.



I swear I saw his tears. Damn it Nam Woohyun why are you so dumb.

“Yeah. Accident. It’s just a kiss, why so mad… damn it.”

His words rang on his head. “KISS ON THE LIPS. AND I’M HURT YOU HEARTLESS JERK.”

My heart feels like someone has stabbed it. Totally hurt “Hyung… I’m really sorry…”

I really don’t know how it can turn to be like this. My friend called me from the back before I can leave, and when I turn around my lips met a girls’ lips. Well, let’s be specific here, the she is actually my ex. I went on a gathering with my old friends that evening and Sunggyu come to pick me up with Dongwoo hyung.

It all happened so quickly. He was at outside the café and stood there with a smile when he saw me and I smiled back. And when my friend called me, I turned around, the ‘accident’ happened.

When I met him outside, I can’t read his expression… It’s… I can’t describe it. The whole ride from the café till our dorm was very very uncomfortably silent. And when we reached our destination he got off from the car just like that, without saying a word to me.

I can saw Dongwoos’ frowning face but I brushed it off and walk in to the dorm, chasing after Sunggyu. When I entered, I saw Sungyeol on the couch. “Is hyung sick?”

He frowned while stuffing his mouth with some chips. Gulping it down, he then answered me, “Sick?? I don’t think so.” I tilted my head to the side before nodding.

“Thanks.”. “No problem, he is in his room I think.” Nodding once again, I went to his room.

Knocking on the door twice then entering the room. At first, it was just a small talk, and it became an argument, and a war begun. I really didn’t mean to kiss her! No feelings even a tiny bit. She is my past and…

Sunggyu is my present, and will be my future.

I sighed while messing my hair, “Hyung… Where are you??”. I start running to random places, and it popped on my head. ‘The riverside!!”




“Jerky stupid ugly Woohyun.” I mumbled while hugging my knees to my chest with the ring that he gave me on my palm. I really like this place; it reminds me of our trainee days. Thanks god it’s already this late, there’s no people. Oh, trainee days. I chuckled when all my memories hit me back.

We used to sit here and one by one we shout our promises to the world. We will shine, we will be famous and people can watch and listen to our passion.


“WE WILL MAKE A BIG HIT!!” Sungjong.





“WE- wait what Dongwoo??” Woohyun raised his brow. “And Sunggyu hyung too…” he pouted. I giggled and Dongwoo laughed. All of us laughed. It was such a good memory. I will never forget that day. Well, most of the promise is already done, including my solo album too. *giggle*

I wiped away my tears and smiled but before my smile can be longer the memory of Woohyun… kissing that girl appeared. I sobbed once again. I cried. It really hurts, watching the one you love the most lips touch with his past lips is just-

It hurts. I’m more than hurt. All of these wild questions popped on my head.

Did he do that on purpose?

Did he like it?

Did he enjoy it?

Did he still have feeling for that girl?

My head hurts with all these question and hold my head with one hand. Burying my head more on my knees. Clutching my palm more. Sobbing badly.

“Yeah. Accident. It was just a kiss, why so mad… damn it.”

Just a kiss? Stupid Woohyun, It really hurts!! I hate you, I really really hate you Nam Woohyun.


Panting hard he ran as quickly as possible. He wanted, he really wanted to hold him tight and said I’m sorry and you have to trust me. He must have been really hurt. He already promised to Sunggyu that he won’t break his heart never ever. But he broke that promise and the guiltiness is unbearable.

He finally reached his destination. “SUNGGYU HYUNG!!” He hollered, while looking around.

The other boy looked up, turned his head. ‘W-Woohyun?’

Woohyun finally spotted him and ran to his place. “Hyung!!” He hugged him tightly.

“I’m sorry I really really am. I-“ Sunggyu hit his chest and struggled away while sobbing. “Go away I hate you. *sobs*”

The younger one cupped his cheek and he felt a pang on his chest. Kim Sunggyu, his love one with red puffy eyes, Stain of tears on his cheeks, ‘Nam Woohyun look at the mess that you made. ’. He wiped away the struggling boy tears. “Ngg... Stop!! G-go away!!” Instead of letting go, Woohyun scooped him in his arms and walks away from the riverside.

“Y-yah what are you doing??!! Put me down in an instant!” He growled while kicking the air. Punching and hitting Woohyuns’ chest. While busy punching his chest he didn’t know that his ring fell. The ring that he clutched a while ago.

Still kicking the air, Woohyun finally put him down when they reach the pavement. He took the other boy wrists, “Look, I’m really sorry hyung. It really was just an accident…” he said with sincerity in his eyes but Sunggyu looked away.

It’s not that he looked away because he was mad. No, it’s because when he saw Woohyuns’ face the memory hit him back, totally. The time Woohyun smiled at him and he turned around and kissed the girl. “Hyung, Where’s your ring?”

Sunggyu blinked his tears away that threaten to fall, took his hands from Woohyun and gasped. “W-Where’s my ring?!!” He started to panicked.

“Shh…Calm down, did you took it off just now??” Sunggyu bit his lips before nodding. “Maybe it fell when you were struggling… hmm wait here okay?” Woohyun jogged to the riverside and look around. He found nothing. “Ring… ring…” he mumbled while scanning around the road.

Sunggyu bit his fingers, suddenly a wave of guiltiness and another unknown feeling washed over him. He decided to move but Woohyun asked him to stay here and went nowhere.

“Hyung! I found it!” His ears perks up he turned around. It all happened so quickly, just like the accident on the café. “WOOHYUN MOVE!!”

Tires screeched and a loud thud can be heard. Sunggyu eyes went wide. The time seemed to stop for him. His heart, he can felt his heart beating on his eardrums. It really happened so quickly. Red, the other boys’ favorite color can be seen. He can’t hear his screaming of agony. It was just the two of them and no one is there to help them. He desperately searched for his phone and called Dongwoo.

“HELP ME!! WOOHYUN- CAR- HE- RIVERSIDE- QUICK PLEASE HELP US!!” and he ignored the phone to the side. He scooped Woohyuns’ body on his embraced. Crying and screaming on top of his lungs.

Woohyuns’ eyes flutter open and he saw his lover screaming and crying. He reached for the crying boy cheek and wiped his tears. “D-…don’t... cry…” he tried his best to smile yet Sunggyu kept crying.

“Hang on ple- *hiccup* -se, no, don’t die, *hiccup* don’t leave me. They- they are on their way okay?? Y-you can be save okay?” he kept blabbering. Why, why, why?

Woohyun sighed and pulled him down by his chin. He kissed his lover lips so lovingly. Oh how Sunggyu wished this can last forever. But, nothing last forever, right? Life is a anyway. Life is cruel and you can’t have a happy ending like those stupid fairy-tale.

He pulled away and once again he wiped his lover tears. He took his hand and wore him his ring. “Here… I got your ring back. You can forgive me now, right??” Woohyun gave Sunggyu his one last sweetest eye-smile ever before his eyes finally closed.

“… Sorry, I love you, Kim Sunggyu” and with that last word, his body went lifeless. Sunggyu really can’t believe this cruel reality.

“W-Woohyun wake up, okay I forgive you!” He wiped all his tears and tried his best not to cry. “See?? I’m not crying again! S-see?? Now you have to wake up!!” No. No reply from the smiling boy.

“You must wake up, come on, we haven’t done all our promise to the world… r-right? We haven’t gone to the outer space!! Dongwoo wish is not yet accomplished!!” Sunggyu hit the lifeless boy chest. Trying his best to wake him up. But no, he can’t wake Woohyun up anymore. Woohyun isn’t sleeping like all those nights and he can easily wake him up by tackling him on bed.

Woohyun is now sleeping forever; no one can wake him up. Woohyun is now gone, not around any longer. He is now at heaven and Sunggyu can’t do anything about it and can only cry while hugging his lover lifeless body. He regret it, he regret going out from the house, he regret the struggling that he made when Woohyun was holding him and it made his ring fell. He regret it all, he regret for taking off his rings.

It all already happened. Now it’s all just regret. He can’t bring him back.

JJAN~ I'M SORRY IT'S NOT A HAPPY ENDING ;A; *hides behind the tall- Choding*

Please leave a comment juseyo~ <3 ^~^

Woohyun, throw!!

NYEHAHAAHAHAA *teleports away*

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straybangfinite877 #1
Chapter 1: Stupid SungGyu, because of him our greasy Namu is death!! (T____T)
I'm crying a river right now because of this story (;____;)
Thanks for sharing!
Hamsterland_95 #3
Chapter 1: Cry cry cry QAQ omoooooo
ananano #4
Chapter 1: Ouch. It's hurt to know that woohyun died at the end. ;(