
Sweet Next Door Stranger




Woohyun's POV


I was in my home and a loud thud somewhere to be heard . "I was so tired and no ! I won't move from my position" I said and closed both my eyes . I though I'll sleep and forget everything . 

It such a tiring day . That's my routine . Morning , wake up , breakfast , bus , work! .Afternoon , work , work , work! Night , work , dinner , sleep! 


Another thud somewhere . "gyaaaa! why is this so ing tiring me!?" I shouted . 


End Of POV


Yeonhee's POV


I threw all of my luggage . My first day in my first house . "God Damnit! go the with your house! I'm not coming back! someday you will realize it!" I shouted . 


I was so tired with this day . Tomorrow , it gonna be my first day of working as official designer . I hope there's no no no way bad day tomorrow . 

I threw my luggage on my bed but it fell next to the bed .


"I hope not bothering anyone this night"


I got a message from someone I hate . I stared on it . As tears fell from my eyes . 


Yeonhee-ah , I miss you . That's all I want to say .. I'm sorry 



A/N: first chap!



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Chapter 1: Update~!! \(^o^)/ please :o3