no more secrets

My blood love thirst

High school isn’t much of a big deal for me. I have gone to a total of ten schools and graduated them without a problem. However for the first time in my life I have fallen in love with someone. It’s troublesome for me to love a human. Normally I wouldn’t care about having a love life. I could have had anyone I wanted in a matter of seconds. But he was special. He was the first to break through my mind control my only barrier that protected me; he was the first to see how weak I truly was. And I didn’t like it that much.  But I still felt attracted to him and wanted him

“Yo Ren why so quiet”

“What do you want Baekho?”

“Cold as always I see.”

God he gets me irritated sometimes. Why of all people is it him?

 “Ren do you got any plans after school?”

“Yea, why?”

“Me and some friend are gonna go grab at bit at a new store we found.”

“Sorry I won’t be able to go.” I have to feed too.

“Oh that’s too bad” He said with a sigh

What’s with him, just two weeks ago he barely knew I existed.

“Okay class take a seat!”

Ugh history, it’s as if they never let the past go, learning the same thing over and over.

After school I go to the usual place to grab a bit. It’s located underground that only some humans know about, because it’s meant for vampires anyway. But they go to volunteer and give vampires their blood. I never token the blood of a human, I prefer to take artificial blood pills. It kinda sickens me the idea to take blood from a stranger. Well whatever.

“Yo Ren you back!” Aron says with a huge grin on his face. He comes here regularly. Unlike me he’s taken blood from many human girls that volunteer here.

“Yeah, yeah I just came to take some blood pills.”

“Dude why not try the real thing, it’s better than those pills.”

He hands me three pills. And I put them in my water and take a sip.

“Cuz I don’t wanna.”

“Well whatever, oh did you hear we’re getting fresh meat here.”

What new people here. Great more lowlifes coming here to get their blood . I swear If I were them I would do better things with my blood.

“Oh here they come, they’re a bunch of high school kids that discovered this place a week ago. They brought along two more with them.”

“Huh, like I car……”

I can’t believe it! What is he doing here? Wasn’t he out with some of his friends? You gotta be kidding me. The last person I wanted to see was him. Baekho.

“Wow what a scary looking place dude” he said looking at one of his friends.

I chug down my drink and jump of my seat, walking towards the exit in the back. But it was too late he stopped me half way.

“YO, REN! What you doing here?”

“I should be asking that to you? Do you even know what this place is?”

“Well I don’t really know, my friends brought me here saying it would be fun”

Fun, fun this isn’t a place for fun. Just how dense can he get. He doesn’t even know that this place is for vampires.

“Yo fresh meat, welcome to our castle” Aron says with his big grin as always.

“What castle are you talking about, you drunk.” I say as he approaches us.

“Aww come on don’t be so cruel, treat our guest more friendly.” Maybe he was drunk.

“Ren you work here?” Baekho ask, you can tell he’s a little confused.

“Let me introduce us, I’m Aron and he’s Ren as you already know. And we both are Vampire’s”

This idiot what is he saying. I swear I’m about to kill him.


God why did this have to happen today of all days. I guess my secret is out. This can't can get any worse right.



This is my first fanfic I written in a while, so dont judge. i had a cool idea about a fanfic last night so i just wrote it. This is still the first chapter so comments will help alot. Feel free to give some ideas. Well see ya ;)


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Chapter 1: omo love your fanfic chingu ....psanna