A Hottie's Hot Tea

Hot Tea With a Hottie


Tap. Tap. Tap.
His already tired point finger obviously moving against the wooden desk, tapping the hard surface not to patiently for the umpteenth time. Yes, even a 60 years old chimpanzee would've known that he was waiting... well the more suitable word here's looking, for someone.
He narrowed his eyes, letting out a soft sighed as he began to pick up his guitar again. Skillful fingers began to move on their own, dancing gracefully on the nylon strings until the six of them produced a new melody that made him statistied, almost. It would be more perfect if the person he was looking for were sitting in front him, listening to the sounds that he made for that special one.
After a few minutes of struggling with his guitar, that's if forty five minutes could be described as few, he ducked his head down and picked his not so beautiful notebook on the floor. God, he didn't even realise it fell off from the table earlier. Focus is good, but everything too much is not.
The sharpener that he bought from the shop across the street deserved to be yelled at. He needed his pencil to be sharp enough to write those new notes he produced earlier but that lovely sharpener just didn't want to cooperate with him right now. Hell, what's wrong with him, being over sensitive like a middle-aged women.
Must be because he had not seen that gorgeous smile yet for over 3 days. Three whole torturing days.
Desperately writing with that blunt-tipped pencil, his free hand searching blindly for a cup of hot jasmine tea that he abandoned for the last ten minutes. . He exhaled one long relaxed breath as soon as the delicious, comforting hot liquid went down his throat. This is why he adored hot tea so much, just like that person. A stress reliever.
Taking a last sip from the heavenly taste of the hot tea, he slumped his tired body backward, leaning on a not-to-comfortable cafe's chair. He closed his eyes and brought the two of his arms behind head, crossing them well as his head could rest better.
He recalled the first time he saw those deep, yet warm and kind dark brown orbs looked worried because the cafetaria was full, no empty table left. His looked so soft hands full of his stuff and somekind of materials he probably use for his assignment. His eyes scanning around the jumble mess of the cafe, searching for an empty seat when he spotted there's one. And it was the one on his table.
He remembered how the face of the gorgeous man lit up, eyes shining bright, how he ran towards his glorious table, and with that pleading face and voice he said...
"Ca-can I sit here? Please?"
He snapped his eyes opened and that beautiful, pleading face came to his sight. Just like the last time. But this time was different. His soft hands didn't seem to be full; he didn't bring the materials that he used for assignment... But two cups of hot tea. Hot jasmine tea.
He could always recgonise the scent of it anywhere, everywhere.
"Uhh... Yes, yes you can."
He said in a hurried voice afraid that he would lost the chance of being so close with the man that he adored so much for the past 4 months.
"Thank you. Y-you're Jiyong, right?", came out a trembling voice from the man, his cheeks looked so soft and cute with that glimpse of crimson red painted on it.
"Yeah. How do you know?", he eyed the man carefully, and he almost died.
Both of his soft hands clasped tight on one of the hot tea cup, pink bottom lip perfectly positioned between his pearly teeth that moving slowly on the soft flesh, and the most beautiful eyes looking at him shyly through that pretty long fringes. God, what kind of test is this.
"I saw you on the university's charity event, you're the one playing a guitar. And-and if you remember, I sat with you when the cafe's full. Oh, you forget about it, right. I know, but... Um, I always wanted to talk to you.", he said the last part in nothing more than a soft whisper.
He sipped his not too hot tea, glad that the cup wasn't empty, if so, he wouldn't have the strength to talk to this hottie right now. Hell, he was surprised that this man was even revealing his true side to him. And one thing, how could he forget that beautiful one day when he first saw him.
For the last four months, the last 4 months he had been called a stalker by his two stupid best friend, Youngbae and Seungri, for he always observing the man who was sitting in front of him now. He looked so cheerful and goofy outside, fooling around with his friends that standing too close to him for Jiyong's like. That was a childish jealousy.
He even had to bit back his laugh on one particular sunny day because the beautiful creature trying to be cool in front of his friends, but pouting almost immediately when he failed to do so. But sometimes... Sometimes when he was just with several people, who Jiyong slowly noticed to be his best friends, he really was... a shy person.
And here, that man sitting in front of him acting all shy and cute. He was going to be the death for Jiyong.
"So... Seunghyun, what brings you here to me, today?", he was trying to act cool and casual.
"Jiyong, umm, I heard from your friends that you like hot tea...", he asked shyly "I bring you this... I-I made it. Umm, I don't know if you like it, though...", he continued as he saw Jiyong nodded slowly.
And the he received it, a cup of hot tea. Not just an ordinary hot tea, but Seunghyun's hot tea. He shuddered as their hands making contact wich each other. He finally felt it. The soft, warm hand.
"Uh, thank you? I guess."
Almost at the same time they sipped the hot tea that Seunghyun made, it tastes like the same tea he'd drink before but... he could feel that Seunghyun really made an effort in the process of making it, he really felt happy. No, he felt like if he was above the clouds.
His stress and messy head from earlier relaxed immediately when he saw Seunghyun sipping his self made hot tea and red cheeks. Wait. Red? It's supposed to be pink, right when someone's drinking hot tea. Damn, but it's cute. So hot, y.
Damn, his body's shaking. Was he really sick?
He couldn't help but threw his body forward, hand reaching the red apple of Seunghyun's left cheek. Caressing the soft skin there and the high cheekbone. Doing the same action for awhile until he heard Seunghyun let out a small whimper. He realised what the hell he was doing and quickly withdraw his hand, embarrassed. He forgot that he was going to ask if Seunghyun's sick.
"Uh... Sorry, I mean, do you feel dizzy? Or... Any pain anywhere? Or what do you feel right now?"
"Umm my heart is beating so fast that it hurts... Y-you're handsome Jiyong, I like you!"
Seunghyun dashed out the cafe with cheeks burning from Jiyong's touch, leaving the cups, and a very shock Jiyong frozen in his seat while holding his favorite hot tea. A hottie's hot tea.

So yeah. Thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry if you expected something good. It didn't turn out to be as fluffy as I want. I'm nota fluff master, hiks T_T Sorry once again for grammar errors or typos or any mistake that you spotted while reading.

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Chapter 1: I'm kinda late but I'm gonna comment anyway u.u this was sooo cute ^^ I love shy Seunghyun! Thanks for sharing :3
Jeezfiction #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute. I loved how they both secretly liked each other and how adorably awkward Seunghyun was.
Chapter 1: I need a SEQUEL!!!
I loved how Seunghyun was all shy and blushing. The sight was adorable.
Chapter 1: Sequeeeell \m/
Wait, you're not going to make seunghyun to be an uke right ?? xo
Atenais #5
Chapter 1: I have a thing for cafe stories. There's something nostalgic and romantic about a couple meeting in a cafeteria.

It's nice to see Seunghyun acting so timid. Usually people writing about him being all gorgeous and confident. I enjoyed your story a lot. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 1: T.O.P is so damn cute!!!!! GD obviously fell for him already, but it's sad how T.O.P don't know about it....+T.O.P isn't a creeper because he did it in a caring and normal way!
Chapter 1: That was so cute but hell it missed a 2nd part no?! Please I'm dying for it! !!
Chapter 1: Aw! So cuute and sweet! Aww please write another part where they get together~~~
TABIlove #9
Chapter 1: Wow this story is so beatiful! I love this kind of romance.Its so cute:) i hope you will maybe continue this story?;)
anechanlovesGTOP #10
Chapter 1: so so so lovely!!! I really enjoyed reading this *_* and awww a sequel would be great if you want!! so cute seunghyun here! I'm melted with this GTOP so tender *^* thank you.