
The show must go on.


The phone rang for the 5th time.


“Answer the call Ji,” said Tae Yang.

“Are you kidding me?!?! He’ll kill me,” shrieked Jiyong.


 After Seunghyun had found out about his leg injury, he had called Jiyong demanding that he postpone next day’s concert. Jiyong had lied saying he would but he had no intention of doing so, “the show must go on” he had said. It didn’t take long for Seunghyun to figure out that the concert had not been postponed what with YGE’s official statement and the fact that Jiyong had been ignoring his calls.


“Ji, the more you ignore him, the angrier he’ll be,” reasoned Tae Yang. Jiyong bit his lower lip.

“Fine, I’ll call him right now.” Tae Yang nodded and left the room to give him privacy. The phone hadn’t rung twice when Seunghyun had already picked up.


“…hello? hyung?” said Jiyong nervously.


“You lied to me”. He sounded mad, obviously.


“I’m sorry hyung but the show had to go on! I couldn’t just postpone the concert, I mean think of the fans… besides, Youngbae and Daesung were there to help me so really hyung, it’s not like I needed to rest.”


Seunghyun groaned. “Why can’t you just listen to me?”


“I’ve never been one to listen”.


“Yes, I’ve noticed.” Chuckled Seunghyun. There was a pause.


“Are you mad at me?” questioned Jiyong.


“No, I’m not mad at you. I know how much these concerts mean to you, I just wish you took better care of yourself when necessary. It’s bad enough I’m not with you but now you have me worrying about you too.”


“I miss you hyung.”


“I miss you too Ji”.


“I want you here, I want you taking care of me and making me food while I lie in bed and then I want you massaging my leg and I want to cuddle and hyung! Why aren’t you here?”


 Seunghyun chuckled. “I’m sorry babe, I really wish I was.”

“It’s not fair. Remember how I took care of you when you hurt you hand?”


“Ah yes, didn’t you wear a y maid outfit at one point?” Jiyong blushed.


“Shut up hyung, it was a one-time thing.” Seunghyun laughed lightly.


“That’s too bad. Here I was thinking about repaying you by doing anything you wanted me to do. Y’know, to make up for the fact that I’m not there right now.”


“Anything I want?”


“Anything you want.”


“I can think of a couple of things.” Giggled Jiyong.


“Don’t get too worked up now, we won’t see each other for another few weeks anyways,” said Seunghyun.


“Can’t wait to see you,” sighed Jiyong. “I miss you so much.”


“I miss you more. I have to go now but don’t forget we’ll see each other in a few weeks, please don’t injure yourself until I get there. I don’t think my stress levels could handle another article about you being in the hospital.”


“I can’t promise anything hyung.” He knew Seunghyun was shaking his head.


“Bye Ji, take care,” and Seunghyun hung up.


Jiyong left the room to look for Tae Yang. He smiled as he thought about all the things he would do to Seunghyun once he saw him again.


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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 1: so so so cute!!!
:D :D :D
gtop is amazing, lol :P :P
thanks for the adorable story!!!!!
Noona787 #2
Chapter 1: lovely story
Chapter 1: aww they are so adorable ♥
Chapter 1: My teeth are rotting and falling out it'S SO FLUFFY OMG.
Chapter 1: Oh wow, this is really sweet and just a very lovely piece to read! Thankyou!
Chapter 1: Asdlkjhasdhg.
Hyung feeding him and massaging his injured leg and gtop cuddles ;_; in my mind, this is happening right now <333
So sweet and lovely. Thank you for this gorgeous piece.
Chapter 1: This is so sweet. I enjoyed so much.
Thanks for sharing ^^
seunghyunchoi #8
Chapter 1: omg.. can you make sequel of this? kkk because it's just too sweet ^^