alpha l omega


His eyes widen upon seeing you at the entrance of his house at 1 in the morning. He quickly steps out onto the porch. He zips his sweater up and then motions for you to sit on the bench to the right. You shake your head and look to your feet. You feel dumb. You almost feel bad but you want to know-no, you need to know why, why you weren’t enough.


“I’m sorry for coming. I know it’s late, but god!” You look up and meet his eyes. Your throat thickens and you feel your tears coming. “I need to know.” You let a tear fall and before you know it, you’re sobbing in front of him. You feel pathetic because it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.


But he just stares.


He stares as you wipe the continuous tears.

He stares as your breathing becomes uneven.

He stares as you start to tremble.


Why isn’t he saying anything? Why isn’t he doing anything? Why is he just watching?


You wipe what seems to be the last load of tears and nod your head.


“It wasn’t fair of you.” You take a deep breathe. “It wasn’t fair of you to play with me like that. To seem as if you want me, then showing interest in another girl… a-and even end up dating her.” You feel your heart fall. “What exactly am I to you?” You feel your anger rising and you fight the urge to raise your voice at him. So you inhale…








“I just want to know…” You close your eyes and re-open them. “I want to know why I wasn’t good enough. I want to know why it wasn’t me. Why you didn’t choose me.”


But you don’t get the answer you want.

He lightly pats the top of your head. His gaze softens and you want to punch him. You want to push him against the door and stop him from showing anymore kindness.

But you don’t.


“Go home.” He whispers. His hand moves down onto your shoulder and you shiver. “It’s late.” He squeezes your shoulder and flashes you a bright smile. “Be happy.



So just a little background story. While talking to the boy that gave me such heart-ache, there was one phrase he repeatedly told me and it was "be happy". NIGGA, YOU JUST BROKE MA HEART NNN YOU THINK IMA BE ONE HAPPY GURRRRL, HELLL NAW, BRA. Haha, but yes. Leave me some love, <3 Lee

PS. Sorry for my language, if it offends anyone. I don't mean any harm, seriously.

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