
just the way you are.
Yixing was having a ing awful day.

First, his peaceful sleep was interrupted by the clamor in the apartment that butted up against his bed room. Drowsily he had half crawled to his front door to crack it open and peek out into the hallway. All he saw as a sea of cardboard boxes being carted by 3 different men. A pink hued blonde that bounced, the round cheek apartment manager, and a mountain of an Asian man. Just what he needed to clutter his simple, lonesome life. A new neighbor that would undoubtedly come to introduce himself with some awful baked good or off brand tea set.

Second, he slept late into the evening and had to skip his routine coffee stop on his way into the radio station studio. He glimpsed the creepy, troll Chen waving at him with wiggling fingers as he ran passed the store front. Damn it. How was he suppose to make it through four hours of late night conversations with the city's weirdos without his caffeine boost?

Last but certainly not ing least. The new intern, some gangly nerd named Tao, had erased Yixing's playlist for the night. The cherry on top of his disastrous day/night.

"I am s-s-s-so sorry," Tao stuttered out for about the fifty second time before it was even his time slot.

"Don't worry," Yixing chose to be the good guy this time and not throw the tantrum that was pulling at his nerve endings in invitation.

He was known for being always cool, calm, and collected. He was the a lid back DJ that brought in ratings as high as the popular morning show. Sure, he was something close to a recluse that had his set ways, but surprisingly all of his listeners were able to connect with him emotionally. And that is why he continued to do his job night after night.

"I will fre hand the opening thirty then pull in requests for the next half. After that let's start that segment we discussed at the last meeting. Just keep up."

Tao gaped in awe before sputtering agreements close to 'yes master' while staring at the dimple in his right cheek that appeared suddenly.

By the time requests started, Xing had found his usual pace. Smile even though no one coulse see. chuckle huskily at the ahjummas and coo at the teenage girls that fushed over his ' voice'. He had even forgiven the intern when he placed his usual triple shot whole caramel vanilla chai in front of him.

"Are you ready for the special segment," the sound producer asked through his headset.

Yixing nodded as the last strains of Lana Del Ray's Dark Paradise died down. Taking a sip of his magically concocted elixir, he mentally counted down to the second he was on air.

"Now we have a special segment, Blind Confessions Anyone can call in and tell your secret. Whether it be simply personal or of the romantic nature," Yixing let out a breathy laugh at just the right moment. "Call in and spill it all over the air. Trust me, I can keep a secret."

It took all of four seconds for his switchboard to light up with filtered callers.

"Caller 1, what is your confession," Yixing murmured while absentmindedly twining a random cord around his finger.

"I'm in love with my sister's boyfriend," came a timid female voice.

"That is a difficult predicament indeed, sweetheart. Why don't you pretend that I am him and unload your feelings?"

Yixing had to fight the urge to vomit as the girl droned on like badly written Hallmark card. His second confession was another woman proclaiming love. The third was an elderly woman admitting to stealing a garden gnome.

"Okay, this our last confession of the night. What do you wish to say?"

"Uhm," Yixing perked up at the sound of an unmistakeable male voice. It was surprising since only 15% of his demographic was male.

"Go ahead," he coaxed in interest.

"I am drowning." A pause. Clearing of throat. "I mean, there are all these people around me but I keep sinking to the bottom. Does that even make any sense?"

Yixing was frozen. He zoned out, barely aware of Tao waving his arms around frantically in the silence. But he couldn't pull out of his memories.

Flashes of smiles, then sneering pointed fingers. Blank stares burning into his stripped skin. Strobe lights dipping him into heart seizures. An abusing touch, an apologizing smear of lips on dirty bruised flesh.

"You just have to breath," he croaked out of character to the caller.

"But it hurts," came the softest of replies.

"Healing isn't free."

The line crackles light static.

"Thank you."

When he finally drags into the hallway of his floor, Yixing is damp in mid panic attack. He locks his door and buries himself in his blankets. Before he drifts to sleep hours later, he spares the caller another thought.

"It never gets easier. Trust me, I know."

a/n: Okay, here is the kind of prologue thingy. This just really opens up important things that will come into play later on, and of course introduces around Yixing. The next chapter will launch us off into the land of no return. Le gasp.

Go ahead and tell me how unsatisfying this chapter is. I know, even I am frustrated with myself but I just felt bad for leaving you lovely guys hanging for so long. Please, read on. I promise this story will not all be gloomy. Just wait until we meet Luhan, one on one. The fuzzy little ball of fluffy cuteness. Okay, seriously, I am gonna stop while I am ahead. <3
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Pandaaelaine #1
Ehhhhh author I was really anticipating this story back in 2013 :c still have hope that someday you'll update
bookworm206 #2
Chapter 1: This has to be one of the best intros for a layhan fic.... Update soon!
Chapter 1: this was of my favorite story settings is falling in love with the next door neighborhood in an apartment complex, i really hope you decide to continue this story, because i would greatly appreciate it!

Your writing style is incredibly captivating - a few grammatical errors here and there, but nothing that can't be fixed. What definitely sold me was Yixing's reaction to his male caller. It adds a very intriguing mysterious aura to your story that I think makes it wry unique.

I'm definitely looking forward to an update from you! I have a feeling that this will become a masterpiece indeed.
Chapter 1: OMFG~~~ I'm excited for this.. LayHan is my new OTP addiction.

Chapter 1: I cry.,, I am just here reading all you stories AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE OF THISS~
TheBlueDuck #7
OMFG I REALLY WANT ANOTHER CHAPTER. thank you for writing~ its beautiful :DD
Chapter 1: Whoa. Now I'm really, really, really looking forward to YiXing's back story.. Of course. You just HAD to offer us a glimpse. You're evil! T-T More please. :D

And as a bit 'gloomy' as the first chapter was, I enjoyed it. And I'm excited to read his interactions with the bouncy pink-hued blonde. :D

Thanks for updating and including all the necessary trolls and pandas. lol. Good luck with your next chapter! ^_^
InMyDreams #9
Chapter 1: /flails-wildly/ I LOVE YOU! \♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥/
I normally don't like intro's, because I'm a very impatient person, and intro's are like the worst sort of teasing (;A;), but omg, I loved this! Ofc, I totally wouldn't have minded if it had been a whole chapter (*cough*orthewholestoryrightaway*cough* though that never happens xD ;;), but this actually wasn't an awful tease. It was ... a good tease? xD >< Forgot what I was going to say to describe it, but it was awesome \;A;/ And now I'm so intrigued about the rest of the story ;AAA; But I'm gonna wait patiently for further updates, because this story is so worth it \♥/ (Oh, and I'm /totally/ in love with your writing, btw ♥ ... just so you know? \(a)/ ~)
KrazyK #10
Chapter 1: Wow! What a great intro. I really want to know whast happened to poor Yixing to make him have panic attacks. Thanks for keeping me interested.