The Bridge

Perks of Being an

Nothing looks better empty than a large cup of delicious instant ramen.

Now that I’ve fed my good little stomach, my mind is clear and I can now give a rightful reaction. I sat on my bed, fingers fiddling with the letter. I know I shouldn’t feel this way but there is something with the letter that bothers me. It’s not the first letter I’ve received and she’s definitely not the first girl to tell me she likes me… but there’s something weird.

It’s something about the tone of the letter. I do not know if she’s serious and she just made it look like a joke or it’s all a big joke that she is seriously playing on me.

Hmmm… but I do not really think it would be the latter. After all, she just admitted being the girl who hit on me, albeit anonymously, over hundreds of ears on that clear Saturday afternoon. He he.

Gawd, I feel goose bumps on my skin just by thinking about that announcement.

“To Shim Changmin,
Please grace the university fields with your presence and complete my day.
From the lady in black”

And the dimwit of an announcer has to repeat it twice. How thoughtful of him. I felt like jumping off the building then. Especially when I saw the identical nasty grins on my friends’ faces as the speaker’s voice resonated all over the building.

And to make things better than it already was, I saw Yeonhee moving towards me with a smirk on her face. The kind of which I have been all too familiar with from the millions of times I’ve seen it.

As you see, Lee Yeonhee and I had been classmates since forever. And I’m not exaggerating with the forever. We shared the same class from kindergarten to prep-school to grade school to high school. We also attended the same university but (fortunately) she took up business and I started my love affair with chemistry. We are also cousins twice removed and that gives you an idea why I’m fed up with her existence.


I pretended not to hear her and continued listening to what Junsu was saying.

“Hey you!” She nudged me lightly before she continued her babbling. “Looks like your fangirls decided to level up!”

“Go away, Yeonhee.”

“Is that how you treat the person you grew up with?” the devil feigned hurt. I refused to answer and faced my friends instead.

“You never changed Minnie-ah. Still the same little I’ve known.” She strained the vivid veins on her feet as she tiptoed to mess my hair before walking to where her friends were waiting.

“Oh, in case you’re curious, the only “lady in black” I saw in the field today was Shinyoung-unnie. Hahaha! Best wishes!”

She simply has to add that. The rest of my friends seemed to forget Junsu’s joke as they guffawed at what she said. I shot them a death glare, completely shutting them up. Sigh, remind me again why I'm always in the company of little blockheads.

So there.

That’s exactly what happened during the last day of intrams. Darn. I still can't believe it's actually Sooyoung who ordered that announcement. I’m trying to remember what she was wearing that day. I’m pretty sure it was blue since I saw her hanging out with the Art Club members at their booth earlier that morning. All of them were wearing blue, actually. Must be their official color or something like that. She was even talking to Yeonhee when I…


Hey, wait.


I know she and Yeonhee were friends after that student volunteer thing they did and I know that they’re quite close as I often see them together and that they always have each other’s names plaguing their cyworld entries and that they even talked about (read as: bullied) me when I commented on one of Yeonhee's post that time...


Oh darn.


So if Sooyoung and Yeonhee are close friends and that they know that we know each other and it is Yeonhee who gave me this letter.


Does this mean that…?



I can almost see Yeonhee’s annoying smirk-face.



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kyungie23 #2
Chapter 5: it's new year already, can u update this story ?
I really like this
omg i hope you update soon!
TheHonestOne #4
Chapter 5: You tell him, Jung Jessica xD Im trying to feel bad for Minnie but this is all so funny. Looking forward to more :)
Hi. This is a year past 18 days already. Can readers get an update? :3 *blink blink puppy eyes*
Chapter 5: Kani pud oh. gihulatan na'kog update. :)))) #nopressure
Chapter 5: update soon please
this is so cute and funny :D