
Boyish & Beauty


Rainbow Couture was saved with Joon’s help. Jaekyung is now very happy that Hyosung is now Joon’s girlfriend. As she hums happily, a person enters the shop with a huge smile on that person’s face.

“Woori ah!” jaekyung shouted excitedly seeing the short haired girl with fancy pale yellow mini dress in front of her.

“I’m back!” woori and Jaekyung shared a long hug.

Woori is Jaekyung’s best friend and their neighbour since they was a kid. Woori’s parents always help her and Hyosung when they lost their parents.

“I got a lot to tell…” woori said excitedly.

“Me too! I’ll tell Hyo about your returning.” She takes out her phone and started typing text to her sister.

“I miss her too…and that little boy who’s always sticks around with her. I wonder if they made it as a couple or not,” Woori simply said remembering the two adorable kids that can’t be separated.

“Sadly, they didn’t make it,” she sighs as she clicks the send button.

“Why? That boy already got another girl?” Woori got surprise by her statement.

“No…It’s Hyo.” she casually said putting her phone aside and take a bottle of water. “She is someone’s girlfriend now.” She smiles handing Woori the bottle.

“That kid? Wow! I really thought Hyosung and Kikwang would end up together.” Her friend said in disbelieves.

“Me too, but that Kikwang is so slow.” She sighs settling next to her friend.

“Oh well, so who is he?” Woori shows immediate interest in the guy that claims to be an item with their precious sister. “A gang leader?” she guesses. “A sportsman?” she asked again, knowing these types of people might attract to Hyosung.

“Hahaha,” she laughs at her friend’s questions making Woori to feel astounded. “He’s a businessman, very rich like a prince, gentle, sweet and very charming,” she praised Joon like he’s really a prince from a fairy tale.

“That person exists?” Woori squeals in excitement. “What is his name?” she asked, can’t hide her thrill.

“Lee Joon,” said Jaekyung but as soon as Woori heard the name, her face changes.

“Lee Joon as in the successor of Lee Company?” her face started to turn pale.

“Yeah…you know him?” jaekyung asked, frowning at her friend’s expression.

“This is bad,” said Woori standing up and freak out.

“Why? What’s wrong?” her nervousness has infected Jaekyung.

“I studied in the same university with him back in the States. He’s a player, a jerk and a total heartbreaker,” said Woori in dismay. “You know Yoonji, my friend at the States? Joon left her just like that after week.” She snaps her fingers.

Jaekyung sits on the couch and started to think over what have she done. She grabs her hair in frustration and confusion.

“I was fooled…What should I do?” her eyes caught up in tears, looking at her friend with a total blank expression.

“Get a grip Jae-ah,” said Woori holding her shoulders. “You need to fix this. Don’t get her fall in love with him; you don’t want to see Hyo cry right?” Woori smiles at her assuring that things will be fix.

This whole situation is like a mental breakdown to Jaekyung. She blame it 100% on herself. She’s the one telling that Joon is a nice guy, she’s the one persuading her to go on a date with him, she’s the one who wants her to be Joon’s girlfriend and now, she’s the one who’s gonna break her heart.




“Hey, wanna grab some ice-cream later?” Kikwang smiles at her while wiping his greasy hands.

“Uhh…” Hyosung got stunned by his presence. “Coming, Sunggyu!” she ran away from Kikwang.

“Did Sunggyu called her?” he wonders.

It’s has been since yesterday that Hyosung has been avoiding him. Every time he walks near her, she would walks away or going to the toilet suddenly. Did he make any mistakes? He can’t recall any but she sure is not angry. She is awkward all so sudden and this makes him worried.

“Of course Porsche is better than Jaguar.” She laughs along with the other boys at the workshop.

“But Jaguar’s engine is better.” Doojun tried to argue while Kikwang is watching her. How can she be all friendly with the other guys but she’s avoiding her own best friend.

“Come on…Porsche can speed really well.” Sunggyu added.

“A car is a car, it got engine and it needs gas to run. Don’t make such a fuss over it.” Gayoon joined their boys’ conversation.

“Eeyy…you’re a girl.” Doojun nudges her making her to glare. “Yeah, a car is a car. Let’s go gayoon.” He drags gayoon away.

“Hyo...” Kikwang called her.


She wanted to run away from but he manages to caught her hand and yank her away from the others. He pulls her inside a black Hyundai that Yongguk is fixing.

“What’s wrong with you?!” she yelled trying to escape from the car but Kikwang stops her.

“Me? What’s wrong with you? You’ve been running away from me the since morning like you’re guilty.” He grips on her wrist tightly, can’t take any more Tom and Jerry’s chasing game.

“I’m…I’m not!” she trembles a bit knowing how rough Kikwang can be when he’s mad.

“You can’t lie to me. Something’s wrong. Tell me!” he’s stares in her eyes.

They’ve been friends like forever, he always know when something is wrong with her and vice versa. She can’t lie, at the same time she can’t tell him that she got a boyfriend. This whole thing is troubling her all night long. Would she tell him or not that she is in a relationship with another guy.

“Tell me, Hyo…” his voice started to soften, hugging her lightly while she is still fighting with her own thoughts.

Outside of the car, the others are peeking at them behind another car beside the car that Kikwang and Hyosung are in.

“They’re hugging!” Sunggyu squeals like a fangirl.

“Is he confessing?” Yongguk said excitedly.

“She looks confuse…”

“Why is she looking at her phone?”

Back in the car, a text from Joon came in. She reads it and started to think deep in her head.


Lee Joon Sshi:

Hyomi ah, let’s have a dinner together. I’ll bring you to one of my favourite restaurant.


Hyomi? Restaurant? This whole thing doesn’t connect with her personality at all. She doesn’t even know who she is anymore.

“Hyosung?” Kikwang called her and she snaps out from her thoughts.

“it’s…” she heaved a deep sigh and smiles. “It’s about Jaekyung unnie’s boutique.” She lied, smiling assuring at him.

“What is it about?” he asked in concern.

“She got a big debt but now its fine since it was just a big misunderstanding.” She said with another smile although her pupils got shaken by lying.

“Are you okay now?” he asked, completely didn’t notice her lying.

“Yeah. Sorry for not telling you.” She hugs him.

“It’s okay…ice-cream?” he tried to perks up.

“Sure!” she grins happily and both of them get out of the car hand in hand.

Meanwhile, behind another car…

“Okay, I’m confused. They’re not a couple but their action is like a couple.” Peniel voiced out at the others.

“An old couple to be precise,” Yongguk laughs.

“They are stupid. Everybody knows that they like each other.” Sunggyu said walking away from the car back to his work.

Hyosung just can’t tell him that she is now a girlfriend to another man. The person that she always loved is Kikwang, that’s why she can’t tell him about Joon. She just can’t. Plus, Hyomi is Joon’s girlfriend, not Hyosung. Hyosung loves Kikwang.


Hyomi ♥:

I’m sorry, I got stuff to do. Next time okay?


Joon looked at the text Hyomi send and couldn’t help but to feel sad over it. It’s like she’s avoiding him. Well, maybe she is busy. He tried not to over think and keep on sipping his wine. He’s in a bar drinking all so sudden for some reason. As he about to leave, a lady sits next to him. She is crying while drinking a bottle of beer.

“Are you okay?” he asked, holding her shoulders to keep her sitting straight.

She didn’t say anything and keep on crying. A sly smile crept upon his face as he carried the lady away to a small hotel.




Hey...without even realise, i've finish the next chapter too. XD

tell me if you want double update..

Thank you for reading, subbing and commenting this story. *hugs*

To new readers, welcome. ^^ i won't bite.

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even after i finished this story..u upvoted! love love love u all. thnks for all support u gave.


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tuhangtranghieu #1
Can I use your story to translate it into Vietnamese ? Please
Chapter 15: I love the ending <3 All my shippings x3 I love you auhtornim~!!
ichiru #3
Chapter 16: omo..omo....LOVE ME,PLEASE.....gomawo dongsaeng-ah....?hihihi...
will be waiting for it...
and..its sad your boyish n beauty story already finish..but its okay,your next kisung story will up next soon...hopefully...hihihi
Chapter 15: so sad it over but i will be reding you other story
Chapter 15: OMGGGG THIS IS TOOOO MUCH ;A; MY FEELS FOR KISUNG IS OVERFLOWING AGAIN T.T OMGGG! I'm crying :"""( this is too beautiful authornim :""""""> its so perfect and so sweet :""> fighting authornim !
Chapter 14: YEY!! hooray for kisung! yey!