family profiles.

✦ SUPERNOVA ↷ from exoplanet. ( preview )


                call me xiera. one two three four five

                           supernova's leader

Graphic designing and web designing are my hobby and interest ever since I was a kid. I'm not saying that I have a long experience with photoshop and coding html, but I love them. Art and music is a part of my life. My goal for Supernova is to make SN with its own style and originality. I tend to get inspiration with my favorite music and art around me. Other than that, I love EXO very much. I do love other groups like infinite and TVXQ. I'm actually quite greedy with my own bias, but I don't bite those who also like my biases. Haha xD. I'm a number one Krishan shipper. No offence.



                       call me g. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

I'm eccentric and quite random most of the time. I'm easy to talk to but it's hard for me to approach people. So if you want to talk to me, just comment :]



                  call me luisa. one two three four five

                               graphic designer

I'm usually a quiet, good student with a hobby for all the arts. I like improving in the things I do. Add kpop in, and my creativity just explodes sometimes. Add any fandom really, because I'm in many.



               call me nouchi. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Exotic fangirl with way too much time on my hands (usually).



                  call me nana. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

I find simplistic beauty endearing, and love anything pastel pink or pretty. I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge, and love cats and everything. More than anything, I enjoy designing, and occasionally lacing jumbles of words together.



               call me gellie. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Hi! I'm Gellie who is a follower of God. I love designing and studying Korean. I love having new friends and buddies here and I hope to know more of them! I love senior onions as much as I love foods! I love sports especially basketball and volleyball! I'm jolly and the happy pill in our class! A leader in class and helps her classmates who need help. Loves chocolate and ice-cream! Can be your best buddy when you talk to! Using her life wisely for a reason that we only have one life to live and we need to end it happily.



                call me edlyn. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

I'm very honest, I think. I can even make people cry because of my honesty /kekeke/ I'm also loyal and dedicated, willing to fix if it is something I did wrong. But in some aspects, I'm kind of sensitive and it's kinda hard for me to forgive ^^; all in all, I'm a normal king person with flaws. Nice to meet you! :D



              call me chullie. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Hey, I'm JMC. Kenshin Himura is my current boyfriend. I have a love-hate relationship with graphic designing and introductions aren't really my thing.



                  call me yaya. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Let's be friends and tell me what you think =)



          call me seungwon. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

14 years old. Philippine-born, but Chinese. Very lazy. Loves lasagna, math, and cows. :)



                call me esmee. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Hello, my name is Esmee. I have been a kpop fan for almost 2 years now and I've been on aff for a year now. I love designing. My speciality is animation and I also make tutorials and resources. I hope you will support SN and request from us!



                   call me ana. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Ayoo' my derpy derps. Ana here. Well I'm pretty much a simple person who's pretty dedicated to everything I do. Ummm I'm not good with these so I'm going to end it here.



            call me micaela. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Well, I'm simply someone who loves procrastinating, always lazy and sometimes busy.I have been designing since 2010, but I'm still improving. I work best at cute/happy posters, while I'm still practicing my skills on blending, which makes sad/romantic/angst my weak point. I work at requests very slowly, so I tend to take a very long time in one request. I hope you can bear with me ^.^"



                call me marie. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Well, I don't really have anything to tell about me because I have no life. I'm a weird, sarcastic bun, who loves eating and DOES get fat. My life is just depressing. The only thing that makes me happy is kpop, hanging out with my friends, and graphic designing (although I at it).



                  call me tina. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

I'm really weird and random about almost everything. I hate being serious because I think it just ruins the mood. xD I'm kind of crazy for SeLuKai because they're just so hot that I can't even OTL. Ummm yeah, that's mostly it. :D



            call me natasha. one two three four five

         layout coder & graphic designer

I am a fourteen year old singer and fashion wannabe who dedicates most of my life designing, watching and eating junk food. I used to work for forums until my friend introduced me to the magical world of kpop. Yoseob from B2ST is my forever-and-always bias(nothing will change this fact), and daydreaming about Taoris and Baekyeol is my hobby.



                 call me sachi. one two three four five

                              graphic designer

Hi, I'm 16 and I still think I'm 15 right now 'cause I almost typed that I was 15. I'm weird. I know. Haha. I'm Japanese-Filipino that lives in Japan. And I'm obsessed with... Volleyball. Jk, I'm currently obsessed with graphics. I'm in love with titanic. *_* And Ryan Higa. That's all. o_o



                  call me aly. one two three four five

         layout coder & graphic designer

Hmmmm, I'm an eighteen year old weirdo who and freak who made graphics her passion and career. I guess you could approach me so easily because I'm such an open person. Just don't make anything stupid? XDDD LOLOLOL.



                        call me sophielayout portfolio

                                    layout coder

Hey there, how's it going? Actually, don't reply to that, because then I don't have anything to say back. So I'm a full-time internet creep. I'm probably the most diverse person in terms of music. From mcr, to muse, to boyfriend, to fun., I really do listen to anything and everything. I enjoy coding, and drawing. I'm the owner of a little thing-of-a-jig called the happy express! I have tried to edit photos, but really, everything turns out at a two year-old's standard, so I'm doing you all a favor and staying away from photoshop. Anywho, I'm real friendly, I swear, so don't be afraid to talk to me! (that is, if you can stand the constant awkwardness)



                           call me rach. layout portfolio

                                  layout coder

Hi, my name is Rach, and I'm 14 years old now! I've been making layouts since the October, and I've been obsessed since.I really love making layouts, it makes me feel happy by doing what I like the most. I'm usually a very bubbly and happy person, so talking to me is no problem! Please do support SN and request! (:



                         call me jennifer. one two three

                                    layout coder

I'm currently a gigantic Exotic, and I ship Hunhan. Sehun's lisp is the new black. I have a huge obsession for volleyball, bunnies, unicorns coughlaycough, and swimming. I pretty much spend my days on social media when I'm supposed to be studying or doing homework.



                         call me nessa. layout portfolio

                                    layout coder

I'm Nessa, 12 years old and I live in Australia. I'm married to Kai c: and I love SNSD and EXO. I'm also a delusional person otl, and I can be awkward and crajee.



                                        call me xian. one two

                                    layout coder

I am a simple person meaning everything I do is simple. Unless you want something complicated. I started making layouts around October and have been working on codes ever since. I have worked at 'silent tears' before caffeineoid and have owned other shops. #rebellife



                             call me joy. layout portfolio

                                    layout coder

Hey! I'm just a normal fangirl like all of you haha c: I'm experienced in layout designing, and can do any type of layout requested~ I'm 13 years old and chinese o u o please request from me!



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