
She Used to be Mine
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I've made my decision I'll break up with oppa tonight. I know it's too fast but I can't handle my situation anymore, Kai I don't think I like him but I think I love him already and if I will not break up with oppa I will  just hurt him more and I don't like that to happen 

"where is he?" I hug myself while walking back and forth here in the playground in the park 

I'm hoping we can still keep our friendship if not I'll kill him! I'm serious 

"Princess!" I turned my head to the direction of the voice and I found oppa while he's panting hard 

I walk towards him "sorry for waiting..." He gave me an apologetic smile I nodded my head na sheaves a big sigh 

"what are we gonna talk about?" He said still smiling at me 

I looked away and heaved another big sigh 

"oppa you want to be happy right?" He nodded 

"of course Princess's happiness is my happiness too" my heart tightens with that statement of his but no

I need to end this relationship as soon as possible 

"oppa.... Will you be hurt if I will l-leave you?" 

Shoot my mouth keep saying otherwise!

"Of course I grew up with and you grew inside of me.." He grabbed my hand and kissed

it's his habit I used to like before but not anymore my hands,lips,body and heart will be own by Kai soon

I yanked my hand and looked at him I was about to speak when 

"but if my Princess is not happy in my arms and in the castle we built together..." He sighed a big one 

"letting go is the answer.... Maybe you're not really suppose to be in my castle" I was taken aback by his answer 

sorry oppa but I think I will really leave this castle we built together..

"Then oppa..... Can I... L-leave the cas------


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vevylia #1
Chapter 15: I miss this story
Chapter 3: It's killing me inside imagining what would happen next? Maybe jessica would come and she will spend her vacation getting to know Onew. Update soon and take care!
I am listening to Let me be the one then I thought of this story. Aww my heart is breaking for Onew :(((
lwyCarmen #4
Chapter 15: T.T Jinki don't cry!
Chapter 15: This chapter breaks my heart. </3
Jessica where are you now?
By the way heesica long time no comment on your story.Take care always and continue writing!
Good luck on your school and I will be your unnie if you need someone to talk with^^
arianijongyujungli #6
Chapter 14: KRYSTAL I HATE YOU REALLY!!!! :'((((((((((((( why do you do that to my Prince?!! *ups* sorry cant control my emotion when i reading this fic. good job authornim. please, make krystal regret everything that she did to my Jinki :(
leejinki07 #7
Chapter 14: warghhhhhhh stupid eyes of mine keep flowing of tears .i cant see onew hurting it hurts me also hahahahahah even it not real good job authornim u make the readers feel real
Chapter 14: I cried reading this.To see Onew having a hard time :((
You did great on this chapter it really shows the emotion needed in the story
Chapter 13: ohmy so sad.. i love both of them i dont know..........
I missed this story haha :))