My Knight vs. The Closet Monster

My Knight vs. The Closet Monster



"Eric, are you at home?" Hyesung asked on the phone in a quite hushed tone.

"Yeah, why are we whispering?" Eric answered in the same hushed tone as Hyesung.

"I think there's something in my closet. You need to help me." Hyesung said trembling and felt Goosebumps on his arms.

"Fine. I'll be there in a minute." And with that, Eric ended the call and ran to Hyesung's place.
As he entered, he was shocked at what greeted him; It was Hyesung, wrapped only in a towel on his waist with wet hair, holding a broom as if it were a sword, shouting "WHO'S THERE?!".

"What the hell, Hyesung." Eric retorted as he approached Hyesung, taking the broom out of his grasp and throwing it on the floor. He then went to Hyesung's room to check out his closet. As he was about to open it, he was stopped by yet another shout from Hyesung and a hug from behind. "WAIT!! You have to be careful. What if you get hurt and.." And for some odd reason, Hyesung started to cry.

"What in the world is wrong with you?!" Eric asked in a loud voice and turned around to the tear-stained face of Hyesung. Hyesung just covered his face and cried his eyes out. Eric firmly held both of Hyesung's shoulders in his hands. "Look at me." Hyesung shook his head and refused to face his boyfriend. Since Eric knew that Hyesung wouldn't comply, he just hugged Hyesung instead and rubbed his back to reassure him. "You watched another scary movie with Andy again, didn't you?"

Hyesung hugged Eric back. "I'm sorry.." and Hyesung started crying even more.

"Shh, no, it's okay. You don't have to cry. I'm here now." Eric just held his cute boyfriend in his arms as he waited for the cries to die down.

"I'm sorry, Eric. I know I promised you that I wouldn't watch another scary movie. I really thought I could handle it now but.." Hyesung tried to explain then buried his head between Eric's neck and shoulder.

"Don't worry. At times like these, I'll always be your knight in shining armor." Eric smiled as Hyesung looked at him, smiling back, and gave him a peck on the lips. Eric looked at his shirtless boyfriend in front of him and said, "Is that the only prize I get for saving you from your closet monster?".

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MizzPeel0007 #1
Chapter 1: LOL that was so funny at first I thought someone was inside the apartment for real, good thing he has a knight to take of him at a time like this.
Chapter 1: hahahaha this was cute and hilarious!
LiDy_1029 #3
Chapter 1: So sweet! A beautiful fic, really! :) ~<3
shintahahaha #4
Chapter 1: This totally made my day.. ^^
Chapter 1: would u continue what will happened next? :3
jan2kay #6
Chapter 1:'s funny!!! More stories please..^^
Chapter 1: Puaahahaha Hyesungie is such cutie pie kkkk...