Second Try

Second Try

I love you.

              "It's not a lie when those three wors drift from my lips. I've never met anyone like you in my lifetime, and I probably never will in the coming years of eternity. I still remember your soft flesh unerneath my burning touch, the mewls echoing my name from your lips like somehow it would save you. When did you find out who I really was? When you walked in and caught me with feathers protruding from my shoulder blades? Or did you always know bt not give it away?

              "Such delicacy... I'm sorry for ruining it. I wonder... when you saw that letter on my desk, were you afraid? Curious? I'm sure you regret reading it, I'm sure you regret ever agreeing to our deal. Believe me, my intentions weren't to break your heart by accepting His proposal. In the beginning you were a fun, mortal game; something to play with when I got bored of work. But hear me when I say as time went on you changed from 'a human' to mine entirely."


              A sharp inhilation of breath, fire entering the holy dark eyes of the one who sat upon his throne of atmosphere, gazing upon the cemetery hidden in the forest. The funeral was still fresh in his memory, and the male couldn't help but grit his teeth in grief as his heart clenched painfully. Resting his palm upon the flesh barrier between the dying organ and his touch, the creature turned his head to gaze with narrowed orbs upon the being who had refused his question of eternal bonding with his love. And now look at what you've done, he thought to himself in anger. However, he would not let himself be taken over by grief. This was not the time. It was getting too close to the date of launching his plan for him to fail now.

             Rubbing his shoulders he turned his attentions back to the tombstone which held his soul's title.

              "If I had one wish, one desire that could be fulfilled by Him, it would be to have you back in my arms," he stated with a softer tone of voice, eyes hardening, "yet how can I ask for that when He is the one who took you from me in the first place? He with his... his rules, those guidelines. They do not match my wants. Ever since I met you in that place, I knew you were my path. I followed you, I did, I followed you like I was supposed to, and the only one standing in my way of destiny is destiny itself. Do you remember that time, so long ago, love? It'll rack your brain, but I know you recollect the most important parts..."


              "Su-hyung!" a soft voice cried as the small child sat on the ground with a scrape on his knee and the torn cloth of his pant leg hanging from his body. His dark eyes, chocolate-caramel looking now, gazed around the play yard with a look of terror and pain. His brother was supposed to be there, hugging him and telling him everything would be alright. But since he vanished into thin air, he didn't know. Was everything alright? No! It would never be alright! He had a oo on his knee and no one was kis-

              His eyes widened. A very handsome man, or... or thing, man thing, was kneeling before him, rubbing his injury with a soft hand before those beautiful, but creepy, eyes looked into his own.

              "What's your name?" the scary person asked, and the boy trembled, whimpering a bit as his bottom lip quivered in coming tears.


              "I'm Wooyoung."


              A chuckle. "Hi."


              A soft smile carressed the angelic being's lips and he closed his eyes tight as another clenching hand encased his fading heart beat. Was it a heart beat? He wasn't human. What was this? How should I know, he thought to himself in irritation, knowing that the questions within his mind would be heard by everyone residing there, in purgatory.

              Rubbing his face with both hands, the shredded red-stained white cloth he was wearing draping over his body and conveniently concealing those parts that he wished to know reveal to anyone but his love, the gaze was for the nth time placed upon the burial site again.

              "Did it hurt?" he asked softly, touching the blood stains on his remaining covering on his shoulder, "did it hurt when he killed you?"


              Pain, like an arrow, sliced through his rib cage, and he felt himself unable to breathe. No! he cried within his mind, desperately attempting to latch onto anything invisible so he wouldn't fall to the ground with the agony wrenching throughout his entire system, No, this can't be happening!

              Saved, like so many times before, the being relaxed as he recognized the soft touch of his angel. Yes, this angel was his, and he was proud to tell anyone else to back the hell off. Though he wouldn't let them know of his lover's true identity, he was plenty comfortable with stating that this man who he found weeping above him was his.

              Lifting a hand and resting it upon the short-haired brunette's cheek, a strained smile entered his features as he felt some sort of metal-tasting liquid forming in his mouth due to him both biting his cheek and breathing the toxic fluid. He knew the time was now to confess, he knew he needed to stop the charade of 'do I or do I not love you?' and let the other know, even if it brought death faster than he was already going through.

              "Don't cry," he murmured, voice cracking as he swallowed the pain rising in his throat, "don't cry," he pleaded a bit softer, unsteadily removing a tear streaming down the other's face, "I want you to remember me not like this. I want you to remember me being... healthy, and happy, and being fun. Okay? Okay?"

              The other nodded, but he knew Wooyoung wouldn't accept this sort of fate. And it was proven when the other male began to speak hysterically.

              "I can heal you, I can cure you, please, just l-"



              "No," inhaling deeply, and coughing a bit of scarlet at the difficulty of the breath, the male continued, his consciousness growing light and dizzy, "I l-"


              The brunette hissed as he looked down from his flashback and noticed a drop of blood on his hand from clenching it in a fist too hard. But it wasn't as much as pain as what his love must have gone through, those last waking moments. He hissed again as he felt the familiar burning in his throat and eyes as his immortal body attempted to cry tears that weren't there.

              "My life's a living hell, and I'm not even alive to go through it properly-"

              Stopping himself, first because that didn't make sense at all, and second because he received an idea, the male stood and walked to the area in which He was located. Stooping to his knee, he grit his teeth in discomfort at the action when he clearly was no longer loyal, yet continued the act, "I'd like to go to Earth."

              "Mm why?"

              "I have my reasons."


              "Go to hell."

              The powerful almighty raised an eyebrow as he looked at his follower, wondering whether or not the statement was an insult or not.

              "What did you just s-"

              "If you won't let me go down there, go to hell. That's where you be-"

              Pain shot through his existence as his head fell back. He was paralyzed... No, worse, he wasn't paralyzed, he was. God damn it, what was he?! He wasn't this, he wasn't that... Irritation entered his attitude once again and he grit his teeth as he felt the floor fall beneath him. Floor, what floor... what the hell?! Feeling an impact unlike any other, he groaned and closed his eyes, feeling his flesh burning a bit at the icy floor of the stre-

              Sitting up despite his agony, he looked around himself before a broad grin overtook his features. He was here, he was back. He knew, after doing what he had done, there was no way he could go back to that place, that place above, but that was alright with him. But... if only....

              Lifting a hand up to shield his gaze from the rising sun, he took in a sharp inhalation of breath as he noticed his limbs. They looked... younger. Not too young, but younger, and he began to look at the rest of himself. Gazing around himself to check if the coast was clear, he looked underneath his shirt and then his pants, which somehow managed to cover his body, and he grinned instantly as he stood and looked around, hoody hood falling off his blonde head.

             "Hey, Junho!"

             "Dude, wait up!"

             "Slow down, will you?"

             Turning his head he found a group of guys who were attempting to catch up to- dare he say it, the same person who had stolen his heart so many years ago. Warmth swelled in his chest and tears, though unknown, fled down his face as he watched the boy move agilely through crowds and cars trying to find his way to a place where he could hide.

             Taking the chance, he flipped his hoody over his head and ran to another place, noting that he would need to work out in order to regain the stamina he had lost by the fall, and after a few breaks of short breath, he found himself in an alleyway, watching the boy press up against the brick attempting to blend in with the dark of the color.

            Grinning, he quickly removed the expression before walking over to the teen.

            "Come with me, I'll keep you safe," forever, "until they're gone."

            "How do I know I can trust a creepy guy like you?"

            Oh, sweet wit, "Because you can. Just, come on."

            Humming softly underneath his cover as he heard the boy's footsteps following his own, he couldn't help but dance a bit in his head. Step one: Get him to safety. Step two: Become friends. Hopefully he'd reach step ten: never let go.

            Humming a bit more, he sighed in content.

            This time, nothing can hurt you, be it immortal or mortal.



A/N: Jeebus, that was the worst one-shot I've ever written. Like, ever. It needs a F------- as a grade. But it's done :D And I feel happy :D And I've finally posted on here :DD I'm wondering if I should make this a series... like, go into more detail on how they met and their relationship and then Ho's death and stuff... cx If you guys like it, I will. If you don't.... then this is just a crappy one shot :P

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lurvejunho #1
Chapter 1: Hi!its me idk u wrote wooho fic.i like it very much.if u gonna write for sequel i will be happy.i have suggestion....can u put woo n junho tag for ur fic.i am sure there will a lot more will read n comment