Kim Myungsoo

The Pretty Boys




I pulled the door open. I have to get out of here.

But as I did, someone pushed on it roughly from the outside. I stumbled backwards and started to fall. Something big and hard crashed into me. 


Someone landed on top of me, my body squashed underneath them. What the... The serial killer! TT I CAN'T DIE NOT TODAY OH HELL NO I HATE THIS SCHOOL WHY IS THIS-

Suddenly, a strong wall of aroma hit me. I was being suffocated with... perfume? It smelled like a cologne shop had exploded in here.

"Cack peu fle kakk puu." Trying to spit the taste of perfume out of my mouth, I struggled to push them off of me. They finally rolled off of me and stood up.

"Please don't kill me!" I shrieked, covering my head in case they decided to attack. 

"What are you talking about, you lowlife peasant?!" A male's voice exclaimed, digust lining his voice.

"The serial killer! The person everyone is running from!" I yelled. My eyes were squeezed shut with fear. But I was a little bit uncertain about this whole situation. This is a little odd... He hasn't done anything yet...

The guy started to dust himself off. "You're crazy." He hissed. "There is no serial killer in this school. Are you stupid or what?" 

Wait... what? No serial killer? But... 

"Then who was everyone running from?!" I asked quietly, slowly opening my eyes. 

"It was probably you. I can smell your disgusting feet from all the way over here." I heard a few giggles. 

I widened my eyes and looked around. There was a huge crowd of people standing behind me, and the person that had fallen on me was standing with his arms crossed, glaring down at me accusingly.

He continued in his vicious and cruel manner. "So you're just going to keep lying there?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. "All we need is a stick and we could have a human mop here." More laughter.

What a jerk. When I get my hands on him... Still lying on the ground, I looked resentfully up at him. I began to shout.

"You insensitive excuse for a hum-"

"A talking mop. How peculiar."

"Why don't you..." I trailed off as I got a proper look at his face. My mouth dropped open.

My eyes must have popped out of my head. I completely forgot about his rude remarks. I couldn't believe what I saw.

What. The. Heck. 

He was hands down the most gorgeous male I had ever seen in my entire life. His lips were perfect: not too full, but not too thin. His nose was tall and pretty, and his jaw was sharp and v-shaped.

And his eyes... his nice, brown eyes...

Were glaring.




I finally got to my senses. I jumped up and brushed myself off. I straigtened out my skirt and attemped to fix my messy hair. Feeling flustered, I cleared my throat. 

"I am, so, so sorry. I can't believe..." I stopped. Wait. Why am I apologizing again? After all, HE was the one that crashed into ME. "Wait, uh, shouldn't you be apologizing?" I said a little challengingly, coughing again. 

He snorted. "Why. Because some girl rubbed her dirty hands all over my uniform?" I glanced down at my hands, that weren't, in my opinion, dirty at all. I narrowed my eyes, and looked back up at the guy, who apparently wasn't finished talking.

"I did absolutely nothing wrong. I was trying to enter my school when some crazed, obsessed fangirl just jumped on me." He raised his chin while shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

I was at a loss for words. I was shocked, appalled and embarrassed at the same time. "Uhh..." It suddenly seemed really cold. And quiet. Too quiet.  Wait a second... 

I looked around to see everyone that had been gathered here in this one hallway was absolutely silent, and, well, staring at me. Some of them had mouths gaping open, others were facepalming, and the rest were just watching intently. I wished the clean, waxed floors would open up underneath me and just swallow me up, and save me from this horribly embarrassing situation. 

"Umm..." Not knowing around to say, I just kept turning my head, looking from the crowd to the rude idiot. I noticed that there were six others standing behind him. How did I not see them before? 

They all had the same style, same quality. Even though they were just standing in a line, giving me weird looks, they did it with such attractiveness that I could just watch them glaring at me all day. They seemed so feminine, but in a guy-ish way. I noticed one especially pretty guy, with big eyes and full lips. Are these real people..?

"Hey," the pretty guy spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "Aren't you the cheeseman's daughter?" Everyone in the hallway gasped. 

Some people started to whisper. "Oh my God, that is her!" 

"Wow, I didn't even recognize her!" 

"Woah, she's so skinny! I thought she would be fat from all of that cheese!" 

"She's such a brat! She just totally tackled our L oppa!" Ah... so the jerk's name is... L..?

The room was full of chatter. At least now it wasn't absolutely silent in here. Although everyone was still staring at me. And now pointing.

L turned to face me, his eyes narrowed into slits. "You're the cheeseman's daughter?" He laughed. "That would explain the awful smell." 

I was so done with this guy. But I wasn't going to let myself get angry just because of an extremely good looking idiot's stupid mouth and his stupid, stupid words. Although a small part of me did want to take a whack at his perfectly shaped head. I breathed in deeply. 

"Whatever. Sorry for... whatever." I muttered, looking down at the ground.

L just snorted. "Let's go, guys."

He stalked away, the other boys following. The crowd parted to form a path for them to walk through. The loud screaming then resumed and everyone turned their attention from me to them.

"I love you L!"

"Looking good today, Hoya!"

"Woohyun! Please go out with me! I'll do your math homework!" 

I cringed as I watched them walk away. 

"Excuse me!" I turned around to see a group of short angry looking girls glaring at me.

"Umm... Can I help you?" I said uncertainly. 

"You running into our Myungsoo oppa. So uncool." A girl wearing pigtails and way too much lipgloss hissed. 

"Myungsoo..?" I asked.

The girl rolled her eyes. "L! L oppa! His real name is Myungsoo! God, don't you know anything?" I clenched my fists. I just wanted to yank one of her pigtails really, really hard. 

Myungsoo. Psh. At least it's better than L. What kind of a name is L?!

I took a deep breath. "Look, I didn't run into him, he ran int-"

"We all saw what happened!" She barked, her face turning beet red. "You can never do something like that again. Promise us that you will never hurt L oppa again!" All of the girls standing behind her made threatening faces at me. 

Are you kidding me? Why does an idiot like him have all of these fangirls? 

"Yeah. Sure. I can do that." I grunted. They all nodded with approval. "But I don't get why you all like him so much." Another girl from the crowd stepped up, her nose flaring. 

"Are you serious? How could you not like him? He's so charming, and cool... And he's so good at dancing... Not to mention his beautiful hair!" The girls all squealed. 

I turned around and starting walking away, leaving the underaged girls screaming to themselves. Calm down, people. He's just an extremely good looking flower boy. Nothing more. Not One Direction, not the Biebs, not anything. Well, actually, he is something. 

I replayed the situation that had just went down again in my head. 

He's an idiot, that's what he is. 

If only I could now find the front office and get to class. Thinking about the incident that had happened this morning with the other girl, I winced. What a bish. 

I shook my head, trying to clear my head of the dreadful thoughts. The hallway was now quite clear.

I walked towards the end of the foyer and was about to turn the corner when I was met with another huge crowd of girls. They all had the same ambitious and crazed look in their eyes. They ran past me, squishing me against the wall in the process. 

These people have problems. As the loud crowd passed, I pushed myself off of the wall and rubbed my aching cheek. Still staring at my attackers, I began to walk away when I bumped into a wall of people. 

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, but they didn't seem to notice. They just kept walking towards the front. I was curiously watching them when I was suddenly swallowed up by another group of people. They were all swarming towards the front entrance, pulling me along with them. 

"Excuse me!" I tried pushing through the crowd, but it was just too thick to penetrate. Finally, I felt it thinning and I poked my head out through a huddle of arms and took a deep breath, only to be smothered by more passerbys. The space around me tightened even more.

I pushed and pulled with all of my might, but to no avail. I couldn't see properly, and it smelled like sweating lions in here. My ears felt stuffy and it was hard to breathe. I didn't even want to know what had become of my hair. I tried to straighten out my back from my hunched position, but it was impossible with all of the bodies on top of me.

Suddenly, a hand appeared out of nowhere. "Here!" A muffled voice yelled. Thank the lord! I quickly took hold of the person's wrist with both of my hands and I felt myself being pulled through the huge huddle of people. I saw a light that grew brighter and brighter, and finally, I could breathe! 

I let go of the arm and I rubbed my forehead with the back of my hand. "Woah! Okay." 

I bent down and put my hands on my knees, still trying to catch my breath. Oh my god. These people are more dangerous than a herd of buffalos. I looked up at the kind person that had helped me. 

"Thanks! I thought I was going to die in there!" I said, glancing at the huge crowd that had now passed. I stood up properly and pushed the hair out of my face. I took one last deep breath. 

Then I laid my eyes on the guy that had helped me.

Oh. My. God.


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Chapter 7: Hi ! I know it's probably a little to late but do you think you'll continue this story one day ? The beginning was really good, ans it'll be cool if you update it one day X)
sekaibaekarelife #2
Chapter 7: please update soon!
Kat2601 #3
Chapter 7: Cant wait for the next chapter!
Kat2601 #4
Please updateee!
Chapter 6: So cute that Suzy and Baekhyun we're having an arguement. :D
karmakyungsoo #6
Chapter 6: funny the way suzy and baekhyun fight.
Amazing !!!' I just wonder where are the other chapters when it say chapter 7 ?
Chapter 5: Loveee ittt!!! <3 update soon ! =D
Chapter 5: Can this be a baekzy? Baekzy Fighting!
Chapter 5: You updated! I missss this. Hehe
Well, I do ship baekzy. Haha he just need to realize how precious suzy is. Hope suzy can survive! Thanks for this~