It's all in the stars

Love Light


Marquita Pring’s POV

A familiar alert blast from my open laptop, I turn from doing my make up to see my best friend Jamie calling me on Skype. I flop on my messy bed covered with rejected outfits and mangled blankets. When I answered the call Jamie’s voice burst through the speakers and echoes through my room. She was having a fit about me not being ready yet and the meet up starting in less than an hour.

I wasn’t sure if I had more reason to attend the meet up past the fact that my best friend since sixth grade demanded I go with her. We both had love for interactional relationships and could spot a hot guy from a mile away but we couldn’t help but have a soft spot for Asian men.  I had even joined an online ambw site but was sadden to see that the ratio of women to men were severely uneven which made it that much more impossible to really connect with anyone. With that being said, it didn’t take long for me to have my account deleted.

I got off the bed and walked over to my mirror to apply the finishing touches of mascara and setting spray to my face while I ignored the slightly frustrated rant from Jamie. I made sure to always include an “mmhmm” and “I know” to ensure her she had my undivided attention.

“Just hurry up and finish, I’ll be at your house in five minutes.” Jamie said after a semi-silent sigh. “Wait, five minutes? How is that…? Are you on Skype through your phone?!” I burst out after really hearing the five-minute part of her (coming to an end) rant. “YES! I just said that not four seconds ago. Are you really listening to me or are you faking it?” Jamie’s voice sound stern but amused. “I am but I have to go now, bye!” I quickly hung up the call and rushed to put my pants and shoes on. It was late may so it was warm and I was taking full advantage of the flats weather. I smoothed out the wrinkles in my coral blouse (that made me look slimmer than usual) and rushed down the stairs to meet Jamie as she double-parked in front of my house. “Hurry up! I think I saw a car behind me.” Jamie’s voice reassured me that she wasn’t mad about me hanging up on her so I rushed to the passenger’s side and flopped inside.


Kim Jae Wook’s POV


This was the day I dreaded. I made up plenty of excuses as to why I could not go to the meet up but my friends saw right through them and were practically pushing me out my room. “W-why, do I have to go? I really don’t think I can do this… oooh, my stomach is starting to hurt.” I looked over to my friend Josh with my best puppy dog eyes but he shrugged and looked away. “PLEASE!” I shouted. “If I go I wont speak to anyone and I’ll feel like more of a loser than anything. I-I just want to stay home in my boxers and watch catfish.”

I was almost in tears but my friends continued to drag me out onto the front yard. “You said you were going to come, we are not letting you go back on your word man. I seriously have this feeling that today is going to be your day, it’s in the stars.” Michael pointed up at the afternoon starless sky and smiled at me. He white teeth seemed to sparkle against his brown skin. Michael was the weird guy I met in my old history of photography class that would not stop talking or smiling. I do admit that without him that four-hour class would have been unbearable. I took a deep breath coming to the realization that I was going to be taken by force if I struggled.

I got into the back seat of Josh’s car, letting my body slump down in the seat and my head rest on the half rolled down window.  Michael practically skipped over to the passenger’s door and got in. I was not sure what he was so excited for but I was more interested in what I was going to miss on the new episode of catfish. The car took off as soon as Josh saw that we were all buckled in, he is a safety weirdo and the unofficial spokesperson of “click-it-or-ticket”. On the way there Josh and Michael chitchatted about nothing while I kept quiet, my attention going from their conversation to the well dressed women outside the car window. In no time we were parking the car and getting ready to join the crowd of people attending the meet up.

I looked at my friends with a confused look as a thought ran across my mind. “Why are you guys here if this is a Black women Asian men meet up? You are both black and white!” at this point my voice was filled with confusion and hope that they would decide to go back home. “Well we came to provide support for you our Asian friend, and see if there are some ladies out here that don’t mind chocolate and vanilla.” Josh said through a full grin. Michael was giggling at Josh’s chocolate and vanilla comment and opened the door. “Remember man, it’s in the stars.” Was the last thing I heard clearly from Michael as the noise from the outside rushed into the car and mixed in with Josh and Michael’s voices. The only thing left now is to just get it over with…


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Meridith #1
Chapter 6: Omg I love this please make another chapter soon I'm dying from anticipation
SHINeeEnthusiast #2
Chapter 6: The moment I'm reading and realize they are cousins....*facepalm*
Chapter 6: Cousins?! Wow did not expect that
Rain seemed like a good guy at first but now he kind of sounds like a player, she had better watch out
niknac #4
Nice twist...
cupcakebunny #5
This is like a Jacob or Edward moment lol
I personally love both Rain (first Asian star crush) and Kim Jae Wook (y as ) but i could never pick between them. I would want to try both hahahaha
SHINeeEnthusiast #6
Oh two really hot men I hate to be in her I would love to be in her shoes
Love this! Rain and kim jaewook I cannot chose how is she gonna? o_O
Update soon!
cupcakebunny #8
To everyone who has been faithfully reading this story. The next chapter will be posted tomorrow. Watch out for it :D
xrainismx #9
I really like this story ~^^~
niknac #10
Very cute story! I'm happy i subscribed.