
Baby Story


*I will follow you to the depths of earth*



Kyungsoo’s POV

In a recording room in SM building

“Kyungsoo ah. Hold the last note a little longer and push it a little higher.” I signaled ok to the music director before singing the verse again.

“That was good. Why don’t you take a break?”

I nodded and walked out of the recording studio to the other side of the glass window. The music director played the verse for me to hear as I sat down beside him. Jongin was seated comfortably in the couch behind me, nodding away. Aish, this kid was up all night last night chatting with Yongguk hyung that he hardly got to sleep a wink. And yet he insisted on coming into the recording studio with me today instead of sleeping in..

“What do you think?” The music director asked as he replayed the verse once more.

“Hmm… Sounds a little off. Maybe I can still do a little higher.”

“Or how about we add some sound effects in. Like this.” With that, he typed in some commands into the computer and replayed the verse.

“That could work. Sounds good.”

Just then, Manager Hyung walked into the room.

“Kyungsoo ah, Jongin ah… Jongin, wake up. The CEO wants to see the two of you.”


Jongin’s POV

Sleeping on the couch in the recording room

“Huh? What?” I was awoken from my sweet slumber, “What’s going on?” I automatically sat up straight and my eyes immediately searched for Kyungie. Ok, he was safe. I now turned my attention to Manager hyung.

“Come on, don’t make me say it twice. The CEO wants to see you two.” He pulled me up from the coach and pulled me towards the door. I gently shook free and walked back to grab Kyungsoo’s hand. His hands had turned cold so I gave him a little squeeze before following Manager hyung with Kyungsoo in toll.

Sitting in the CEO’s office was nerve-wrecking. The dark coloured walls did nothing to ease the tension. The lighting of the room was dim and the curtains were not drawn. The CEO was finishing up another meeting and his secretary said he would join us shortly. Kyungsoo was now frozen in his seat so I reached over to squeeze his thigh in encouragement.

“Don’t worry. He is on our side, remember?”

And the CEO entered the office.

“Good afternoon, boys.” He walked across the room in three long strides and drew the curtains in one swift move. Sunlight flooded the dark room and all my nerves just disappeared. I could see Kyungsoo relaxing a little bit. The CEO then sat behind the desk and leaned forward, placing in hands on the table.

“So, I asked to meet you guys today because we need to discuss some important details about the pregnancy. First things first, have your families been informed?” At the mention of family, Kyungsoo’s face hardened.

“Yes.” He answered tersely.

Yes, indeed. We did tell our families two weeks after finding out about the pregnancy. My family members were shocked at first but they soon became supportive of our decision to keep the baby. They had been well aware of my relationship with Kyungsoo and approved entirely of him so telling them about the pregnancy went pretty smoothly.

I wished I could say the same for Kyungsoo’s family.

Unlike my family, Kyungsoo’s family had no idea we were in a relationship, let alone the fact that Kyungsoo was ually active. Since the beginning of our relationship, Kyungsoo had been adamantly refusing to introduce me to his parents. They knew me simply as a fellow trainee and a friend. Nothing more. Being very conservative, they found extremely difficult to accept when we told them that we were dating and pregnant. To be it mildly, they felt that the relationship and pregnancy were going to derail his career as a singer. It resulted in shouts, screams and lots of broken dishes on the floor. It also resulted in Kyungsoo being kicked out of his house and disowned by his parents.

Noticing the change in Kyungsoo’s face, the CEO paused for a while and took a loaded look at Kyungsoo’s face, before moving on.

“Ok. The baby. What do you have planned for and after the birth?”

“We are aiming for a natural hospital birth but we have yet to discuss with our gynaecologist. In fact, we have an appointment tomorrow and we are planning to bring the issue up with her then. After the birth, we are hoping to raise our child ourselves in the dormitory. My mother will be helping out whenever we have schedules or activities to go to,” I answered.

Kyungsoo and I had been discussing a lot about the future lately and thus far, this was the best option we could think of. After all, it worked well for Himchan hyung and Yongguk hyung.

“You do understand that it is not easy to care for newborn, right?”

“Yes, sir. We are well aware.”

We went on to discuss about what will happen with our futures and careers for the next hour. It brought up issues that I hadn’t thought about so this talk with the CEO was definitely useful to better prepare for the future ahead. What was going to happen to our studies? Were we going to give up on university studies? Would we be able to care for the child while actively promoting? What if the child fell ill suddenly? What about the child’s education? Seemed like we had a lot of planning to do.

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“Um, I do have one, sir. Why did you do it? Why did you support us that day in the board meeting?” Kyungsoo asked timidly.

The CEO just smiled sadly and leaned back in his chair.

“I’ve been married to the love of my life for twenty years now and we have always wanted to have children. So when my wife found out that she was pregnant about ten years ago, we were ecstatic. But four months into the pregnancy, she miscarried. The miscarriage ended up damaging her uterus and we were told she would never be able to get pregnant again. In other words, she became sterile. It was the darkest period of our lives as we mourned for the child that we lost in the miscarriage as well as the other children that we would never be able to have. Why did I take your side on that day? Because I understood how precious every life is. Because I knew what it feels like to be able to create a child together. Because I didn’t want the two of you to go through what I went through. This pregnancy is a gift from the heavens to the both of you. It is something to be rejoiced about, something to treasure, to protect and to love.”

“Thank you,” Kyungsoo whispered as a single tear slid down his face.


Kyungsoo’s POV

Morning, the next day

“Definitely a bump.” I mumbled to myself as I stood in front of the mirror, lifting my shirt up to expose my tummy. This was starting to become a habit, standing here every morning examining my stomach. I looked back at the sleeping Jongin on the bed. Last night, we stayed up all night, talking about everything and anything. After the talk with the CEO , we felt rather uncertain and frightened about what the future held for us. Talking it out yesterday did help us ease some of the stress off. I smiled at the memory of last night. Even though there was still so much uncertainty in my life right now, at least I had Jongin. My other half. My pillar of strength. As if he could feel me watching him, he started to stir and sat up on the bed.

“Hey, beautiful.”

Ha, what a playboy, even when he just woke up.

“Jongin ah, I feel a bump here. Do you see it?” I walked to his side of the bed and stood there for him to see. He frowned and stared hard.

“I… I think so?”

“Feel it.”

I lifted his hand and placed it on my tummy. His eyebrows shot up in shock.

“Wow. It’s kind of hard. Now that you’ve mentioned it, I think there is a small bump.”

“Isn’t it weird? Himchan hyung said that I should only be showing at four and a half months. I’m only fifteen weeks now.” But before I could go on further, Jongin pulled me back onto the bed and wrapped his arms and legs around me.

“Haha! Be careful!” I jokingly smacked his arm. He nuzzled his nose into the crock of my neck and started kissing my collarbones. My back arched in response as he turned his attention to my earlobes, nibbling them between his teeth.

“Ya! We have an appointment to go to! Stop…. Jongin…Let’s…Let’s go.”


Jongin’s POV


It was too early to be awake. Let alone be sitting in the doctor’s office.

I struggled to keep my eyes open as Kyungie discussed the birth plan with her. The moment she mentioned that natural birth was possible I zoned out. I was not that I wasn’t interested. I was! Just that I was too tired and my eyelids were not cooperating with me.

Suddenly Kyungie swatted my arm, causing me to jolt up in my seat.

“Ya! Listen! I was just telling her about the bump.” He looked at me pointedly.

“Oh right, I felt it today. It seems like Kyungie had started showing a little.”

The doctor pondered on that for a second before asking, “You said your friend started showing at four and a half months?” Kyungie nodded. She pointed to the huge poster showing the belly growth in a normal pregnancy and said, “Well, since we are not dealing with a normal pregnancy here, it’s hard to compare to the scale that we have. If you have started showing, we may have to start doing the routine check-ups in your house to avoid you being seen in public. Hmm… Why don’t we go to the ultrasound and check it out as well as check whether the baby is doing well.”

We moved to the ultrasound room where Kyungie laid down and lifted his shirt up. Our gynaecologist took one look and said, “Hmm. Definitely a bump. A small one.” With that she rubbed some gel on his belly and placed the probe on the gel. A black and white image came onto the small monitor and she started pointing out the baby to us.

“See? This is the arm and over here is the baby’s head.” Kyungie’s eyes lit up with excitement and I was grinning like a crazy proud dad. Our baby! This was the first time we were seeing Miracle. Well, there wasn’t much to see but to us, it was felt like we were finally meeting the person that we both created together. The more the doctor talked about the fuzzy image on the screen, the more excited and proud we felt. I clenched Kyungie’s hands tightly in mine and we grinned widely when we caught each other’s eyes. Then the doctor frowned a little and leaned closer to the screen as if wanting to get a clearer look.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly.

“Hang on a second.” She replied as she typed rapidly on the keyboard.

I looked over at Kyungie and worry clouded his handsome features. His eyes were starting to water and his lips were quivering. My heart was pounding so fast I could hardly breathe. What if something was wrong with Miracle?

“What is it?” Kyungie asked again.









“I am picking up two heartbeats at the moment.”


A/N: Over 50 Subbies! I honestly never expected that.

BIG hug to all of you! \(^0^)/

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yourdeer7 #1
Chapter 23: Well it's time to go to the sequel..
yourdeer7 #2
Chapter 19: Ah is Jongin has a little propose?
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 23: And now they're family... can't wait for sequel hehe
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 23: Wow. Amazing story. Finally the kids came.out safety same as Kyungsoo
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 22: It's true that Chen definitely bored to death while watching pororo haha
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 21: Uh oh... the babies soon coming..
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 20: Aww so sweet of Jongin...his words are the best indeed
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 19: IsnJongin gonna propose?? Hmmm
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 18: How i miss the 12 kids being togethee..
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 17: The kiddos called by kid daddh Jongin haha