
Baby Story


*I will be there for you, no matter what*


Jongin’s POV

Kyungie’s mood swings.

There could easily be five episodes a day.

Sometimes I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. By the end of each, I was always exhausted from going through the emotional roller coaster with him. But more than anything, I would be thoroughly amused by the absurd things he would get upset about. This pregnancy had turned him into a feisty little monster that looked too cute for his own good.

There were nights when he would refuse to let me touch him at all. He would slap my hands away and say that I was so annoying and that he couldn’t stand me. By now, I had learnt to not take those words to heart. Other nights he would cuddle in my arms and fall asleep on my chest. He snapped at the other members for entering the kitchen while he was cooking. And then take a 180 degree change in mood to inviting them to come and taste his food. Or he would chew their heads off for wearing a certain type of clothing. Suho and Sehun were already accustomed to his mood swings that they just shrug off all his bad moods. Baekhyun and Chanyeol, on the other hand, were still terribly frightened by the evil Kyungie, they called it. (“Ya, and you still want to get me pregnant? Imagine when I have mood swings; I think I’ll be 100 times worse than Kyungie!”).

Besides snapping at people, a majority of his mood swings would involve tears. A lot of tears. There was once when we both went to the neighbourhood mart to get some groceries. Both of us were dressed comfortably in our T-shirts and sweatpants. We lived in a neighbourhood where mainly elderly residents resided so we were not worried about being stalked by fans. Turned out the lady who owned the neighbourhood strore had gone for a short vacation. No biggie, I thought, we could just go to the nearby HomePlus supermarket to do our shopping. Besides it was seven in the morning, so again, I wasn’t particularly worried about being out in the public. But my dear Kyungie stood in front of the closed mart and cried hysterically, demanding the store to open and that he was too under-dressed for HomePlus. We ended up having to returning back to the dormitory to get a change of clothes before leaving for HomePlus. By the time we arrived at HomePlus, he was back to his bubbly self at the prospect of doing grocery shopping, which he loved. I was pushing the cart, following him while he walked through aisle by aisle with a bright smile on his face.

“Jongin ah, what should we make for dinner tonight?” Talking about cooking never failed to put a twinkle in his eyes.

“Hmmm… I am fine with anything. What do you feel like eating?”

“Don’t “anything” me.” He pouted ever so slightly.

“Um.. Soybean paste soup?” I quickly added to prevent his mood from turning sour. Immediately the frown disappeared from his face and he grinned widely again(“Ok!”), before setting off to get the ingredients. Phew. That was close.

The next thing I knew, we were standing in front of the tofu section. We scanned through the shelves to find Kyungie’s favourite brand and realised that it was…..



Out of stock.

Uh oh.

Here we go again.

“Wahhhhhhhhhhh!” Almost instantly, Kyungie started bawling for the second time this hour.

Thank goodness HomePlus was relatively quiet and empty so there weren’t many people to witness a grown man break down for no apparent reason in the middle of the supermarket.

“Aw, Kyungie ah, we can always use this brand. Look! It says No.1 here on the label!”

“Noooooo… My soybean paste soup will taste horrible without that tofu!!!” Which technically didn’t make sense to me because tofu was well, tofu. Using a different brand of tofu was still using tofu; it would hardly change the taste. Well, I shouldn’t have said that out loud.

That just earned me a long lecture about how I didn’t know anything about cooking.


There was another morning when I was lazing in bed. Kyungsoo was standing in front of the mirror with the mirror shirtless, examining his body. His cute face frowned in concentration as he prodded his stomach region.

“Do you see a bump?”

Honestly, he looked the same to me. Still as flat as ever.

“Hmm..?” I answered groggily. I was wary to give an answer.

“I think I see a bump, Jongin ah.” He seemed pretty convinced that he was starting to show.

“Really? That’s great!”

“No... It’s not great… I’m going to be fat and big” And there goes the waterworks again.


But there was one incident beat the rest of them, hands down.


Kyungsoo’s POV

The two of us were just sitting on the couch; I could not remember what we were doing, probably cuddling as usual. But I remembered clearly that out of the blue, I started crying hard. Jongin looked up at me, startled. Then he patiently my arm and let me cry it out.

Then, I forgot what I was crying about. I started to laugh through my tears because I could imagine how funny I looked right now, crying for no reason.

Then I got my feelings hurt because I was laughing at myself for crying. And I started crying again.

I was in such a mess, unable to make up my mind on whether I felt like crying or laughing. Through the entire time, Jongin stared at me with concern, then confusion, then amusement. He later told me that it was the weirdest scene he had ever witnessed and he couldn’t stop laughing after I calmed down.

Thinking back on my mood swings, I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. After all, I did say some pretty nasty things to my members. Especially Jongin. And yet they took it in the stride and tried to understand. Especially Jongin. What would I do without him? He had been so patient with me, always by my side to offer me love and support. Not once did he get angry or irritated. But I could see the strain my emotional rides were causing him. He was always completely bushed by the end of the day and never failed to fall asleep the minute his head touched the pillow. But he always woke up fresh with a smile and a kiss on my lips. Such motivation amazed me. It was as if he looked forward to each day despite what he had to go through on a daily basis. Doing housework which he usually hates. Preparing meals. Running all over the house when I started crying. Watching me puke into the toilet bowl and cleaning me up after. Making sure I took all my pre-natal medication. Making sure I was eating well and drinking enough water. ETC ETC….

Then a thought dawned on me.

I really didn’t deserve him. I was such a burden to him.




I started crying again.

Now, watching him dashed from the computer to my side made me cry even harder.

“What is it, Kyunsoo ah? What is it?” He enveloped me with his long strong arms.




“I love you. Sorry for not being good enough for you,” I mumbled through my tears.




“That’s what you are crying about? Haha, silly boy. No, you are not “good enough” for me. You are TOO good for me. No need to apologise for that now, do we?” He tightened his arms around me, “I love you too. More than you know.”


A/N: Writing this chapter was so much fun LOL! Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as i did writing it^^

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yourdeer7 #1
Chapter 23: Well it's time to go to the sequel..
yourdeer7 #2
Chapter 19: Ah is Jongin has a little propose?
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 23: And now they're family... can't wait for sequel hehe
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 23: Wow. Amazing story. Finally the kids came.out safety same as Kyungsoo
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 22: It's true that Chen definitely bored to death while watching pororo haha
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 21: Uh oh... the babies soon coming..
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 20: Aww so sweet of Jongin...his words are the best indeed
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 19: IsnJongin gonna propose?? Hmmm
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 18: How i miss the 12 kids being togethee..
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 17: The kiddos called by kid daddh Jongin haha