• Q&A chap1 p3

◜ • double seven [ D-7 ] — ◞ ⋮ coed group ⋮ story starts.


The two vans pull up in front of SM building and thankfully, there weren't anyone around. The members exit their vans and walk into the building, adrenaline pumping through their bodies.

"Follow me," Kyunghim leads the group of fourteen members to the third floor and they all enter a spacious dance studio. There are fourteen stainless steel stools lined up uniformly. The members put aside their belongings and sit on the stools with their backs against the mirror. The line at the back from left to right sits Minkwang, Joonshik, Seunghoon, Jaemin, Sungjin, Wonsoo and Hyunmin. The front line from left to right sits Jiyen, Jooyoung, Jaechan, Francoise, Hyunae, Gilbeom and Ryu.

"The fans are at the hall near SM building. You'll go there after you're prepared," Hanbyeol tells them. Maknae nods and glares when Jaechan calls him an idiot for no reason.

"Your glare is so cute it's giving my funny feelings," Gilbeom coos as she pinches Ryu's cheeks. The others laugh in unison when Ryu's face contorts in a weird way. Hyunmin smirks from the back and stretches his leg, swiftly kicking Ryu's stool.

"You guys are ganging up on me, no fair!" Ryu whines, his fingers wrapped around Gilbeom's wrists and he tries to get her to stop.

"Your feet aren't even touching the ground so you really have no say in this," Jaemin's lips curve into a smirk. Sungjin clicks his tongue and leans over to whisper into Jaemin's ear. The latter bursts out into laughter and Sungjin chuckles.

"What? What did you tell him?" Seunghoon's eyebrows furrow and he tries to get Jaemin to tell him whatever Sungjin told him. Sighing, Jaemin whispers into Seunghoon's ear and winks when Seunghoon grins at him.

"What are you people gossiping about?" Francoise turns around after hearing the guys behind her laughing at something.

"Sungjin said Ryu's short because he doesn't eat his bananas," Seunghoon tells her in a hushed whisper. Francoise doesn't get why that's supposed to be funny so Hyunae who's sitting next to her and overheard the conversation explains it to her.

"Baby doesn't like people calling him short and he hates bananas," Francoise snorts at this and Hyunae smiles at her. The members continue to have fun with one another with Kyunghim and Hanbyeol watching from the sidelines.

"It's nice to know they're getting along," Hanbyeol says and she glances at Kyunghim, "right, oppa?"

"They must get along and I'm glad they're doing well so far. Do you remember the first week they shared the dorm?"

"It was exhausting," Hanbyeol groans, recalling the unpleasant memory. The first week the members shared the dorm together was a huge headache for the two managers. They would receive tonnes of complaints over the phone from the members and the complaints were mostly about the others' habits. Kyunghim became fed up and he went over to the dorm himself, gathered the members and yelled at them to make things right or to get out. Eventually, this method worked and the members tried their best to get along. Hanbyeol wasn't exactly pleased with the way Kyunghim settled this because she thought he was being too harsh but since her idea of "talking things out" ended up with someone crying, she didn't really care as long as the members were living in peace.

"I'm afraid they're getting along too well," Kyunghim winces when he sees Ryu and Hyunmin playing rock paper scissors, the loser getting a slap to the face.

"That's going to need a lot of cover up," Hanbyeol whispers in horror when she sees how red Hyunmin's face is. At that exact time, the door to the studio opens and in comes the make-up artists. Kyunghim tells the members to stop playing and they let the make-up artists do their work, one of them looking bewildered as she works on Hyunmin's face. When they're done with the make-up, they go to the ground floor and get back into their vans; the girls into one and the boys into the other.

"I wonder what they'll ask us," Wonsoo asks, sighing when Minkwang pulls his hand away from his lips.

"Hyung, you really should stop peeling your lips like onions when you're unfocused," Joonshik mutters.

"Nobody will want to kiss you if you keep doing it," says Ryu mischievously.

"You're a kid, you shouldn't be talking about this," Wonsoo sounds annoyed.

"I'm a teenager!"

"So?" Wonsoo raises a brow and Ryu gives up on trying to reason with him. It isn't long before the two vans pull up by the sidewalk and the members go up the stairs and go into the hall through the backdoor. They go up to the second floor and enter the door that leads to the backstage. The members can hear the fans even from backstage and they are all awed.

"Let's do our best," Minkwang says with confidence. They all gather in a circle and cheer themselves on before going onstage. The fans start screaming when they spot their adored group members walking onstage one by one. Some of them are holding up fan signs, showing their support for the group. The members stand in two unorganized lines: Minkwang, Gilbeom, Jooyoung, Joonshik, Jiyen, Jaemin and Wonsoo in one line with Ryu, Hyunmin, Francoise, Hyunae, Seunghoon, Sungjin and Jaechan in another line.

"Double Seven, flying high! What's up, we're D-7!" The members greet in unison. If possible, the fans scream even louder and some of the members grin so widely that their faces are close to splitting into two.

"Hyung, I see a fan sign for you," Joonshik points at the crowd, talking about a girl in her school uniform holding up a sign that reads Idan oppa, I have photos of you in my diary. Minkwang grins at this. A lady runs onto the stage and hands Minkwang a mic. The leader turns it on and is about to speak into the mic when the fans start chanting his name. At this moment, Minkwang feels loved and he feels like he's about to cry happy tears.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Minkwang begins and he chuckles nervously, "Double Seven's leader, Idan imnida!" He greets with a bow and smiles at the fans. The girls scream loudly and one of them starts yelling 'Grandpa Dan' again and again. Gilbeom laughs when Minkwang splutters at this and pats his shoulder.

"I'm not old!" Minkwang speaks into the mic. The fans and the rest of the members laugh, the members being more amused at this unique nickname given to their leader. Minkwang has some more humourous interactions with the fans and then he passes down the mic to the other members.

"Anneonghaseyo, Double Seven's lead rapper Marley imnida!" Gilbeom introduces herself with a cheery smile. The male fans go crazy at this and they can hear some of them asking her to give her hand.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Double Seven's female maknae Sky imnida!" Jooyoung flashes a bright smile and she sounds cheery.

"Annyeonghaseyp, main rapper J-TRIX imnida!" Joonshik's smirk sends the fans swooning.

Jiyen straightens her dress and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, "main dancer Jiyen imnida!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, Jae imnida!" Jaemin waves with both of his hands, the mic clutched in his right hand.

"Double Seven's rapper and dancer, Wonsuk imnida!" Wonsoo lets a small smile on his lips as he waves with one hand. The people upfront takes a step behind and the members who are left go to front since it's their turn. Wonsoo hands over the mic to Jaechan and she clears before speaking.

"Your precious vocalist Chan imnida!" She says into the mic, smiling. Sungjin excitedly takes the mic from her and he introduces himself rather loudly.

"Annyeonghaseyo, main dancer Sungjin imnida!" He grins widely.

"Vocalist and rapper Shohoon imnida!" Seunghoon smiles like the gentleman he is, purposely winking into one of the fan's video camera.

"Double Seven's lead dancer Angel imnida!" Hyunae beams brightly like the true angel she is.

"Main rapper of Double Seven Frankie here!" Francoise speaks in fluent Korean, surprising some of the fans. She laughs inwardly at the confusion etched on their faces and gives the mic to Hyunmin's grabby hands.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Main vocalist of Double Seven Hwangmin imnida!" Hyunmin even does the bbuing bbuing aegyo and the fans scream at such high pitch, he's impressed the glass windows didn't break. Finally, it's time for Ryu to introduces himself and Hyunmin gives the maknae the mic.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Ryu begins unnerved, his eyes blinking really fast, "Double Seven's maknae Roo imnida!"

The introductions are done and the fans are still cheering them on. When Minkwang says that they'll start the Q&A session soon, they start to simmer down and sit down on the tiled floor. The members are now given a mic each and they remain standing so the fans at the back can have a glimpse at them.

"Who'd like to ask the first question?" Gilbeom asks, straightening out her untied hair. Hands are raised and Gilbeom picks the boy with dark brown hair and clad in his school uniform. He is handed a mic from one of the filming crew.

"What's your name?" Jaechan asks, looking at him.

"Park Sunghyun," he replies shyly, blushing a cute shade of red. Ryu notices this, smiles and tugs at Hyunmin's shirt. The latter bends down slightly and lets Ryu whisper into his ear. The fans no doubt scream loudly at this display.

"What's your question?" Jaechan asks again, this time smiling.

"What are your favourite foods?" Sunghyun murmurs into the mic. He hastily returns the mic and the members can see his peers teasing him.

"I like candy and strawberries," Jooyoung answers his question dreamily, obviously dreaming about eating the two foods.

"Fans, please buy this noona a lot of strawberries!" Hyunmin speaks into his mic. When the male fans shout out that they promise to shower Jooyoung with strawberries, the girl in question can't help but let out an amused laughter.

"Jaemin hyung likes spicy foods," Ryu tells the audience, using both of his hands to hold the mic.

"I don't understand why he likes spicy foods," Jooyoung says, "I can't stand spicy foods."

"And I can't stand sweet foods," Jaemin playfully attacks Jooyoung. The fans all make the 'ooo' sound upon hearing this.

"But sweets foods are tasty!" Francoise says from her side, "especially artificially sweet foods."

"I eat anything, really. I don't hold grudges against food, they're my babies," Seunghoon comments.

"It's true. Oppa, you're drooling!" Jaechan jokes. At the back, Gilbeom sees some of the fans taking notes and she thinks how cute.

"I enjoy instant noodles and cheese fries. Seriously, they're the best. Green tea is also my cup of tea," Joonshik lets the fans know about his favourite foods.

"Bubble tea, bubble tea," Jiyen says happily, getting excited for no reason. She chuckles when she hears a girl saying Sehun's name.

"I like white chocolate the best," Hyunae tells them, "white chocolate is good."

"I'm all about spaghetti and cheese. They also go great together! This hyung," Ryu looks at Minkwang who's behind him, "is all about healthy diets. He eats a lot of greens and he dislikes junk food. He's totally a health freak."

"As the leader, I have to set a good example," Minkwang says firmly.

"He tried feeding me carrots. Carrots terrify me," Sungjin sounds so scared and cute that the fans coo at him.

"He also tried giving me onions," Hyunmin looks at Sungjin with wide and equally frightened eyes.

"I also like spicy foods. Jaemin hyung, I guess we're really unique," Wonsoo turns to hug Jaemin, resting his head on the elder's shoulder. One particular fan in front screams incoherent words at this as she tries to get it on camera.

"I like any kinds of food but coat them in ketchup and I'll have to give them away. My most precious foods are jelly, mangoes, blueberry cheesecake and bananas," says Jaechan. When she says the last word, Ryu makes gagging motions and pretends to barf.

"Maknae doesn't like bananas so you can ignore him," Jaechan adds.

"Who in the right state of their minds would like banana!"


Here's the third part of the first Q&A session. It's a bit awkward because there's so many things to write about. If you read this and you think there's no flow, it's my fault. Anyways, here's the poll for the fanclub name. There's also the explanation for each option. Please go through the options carefully and vote.


If you're confused about the way the members introduced themselves, they're using their stage names.


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Chapter 6: otl i'm sorry for not commenting lately.
anyways, the story seems a bit messy (?)
because they're like fourteen members and it's virtually impossible to write a paragraph that focuses on them.
and the maknae line doesn't seem to interact as much as the leader line o n o;

thanks for taking the time to update!
( by the way, i've switched accounts. i was formerly visible. )
Chapter 6: i'm so sorry it took me so long to comment D:
Ryu is so cuteee!! :333 hehe i'm pretty sure i've said this before xP and omg his hatred for bananas xD
about the game Ryu and Hyunmin are playing.... ouch >< i play games like this is school, but we don't slap each other on the cheek. we'd just slap the back of the hand. haha. i pity the make-up artists xP
awww, the fansign was cute~ hehe :D lol is grandpa dan gonna become minkwang's nickname around the dorm now?? :P
hmm... are ryu and hyunmin gonna become an otp??? ^^ lol xD
"carrots terrify me" xDDDD i love this line hahhaha xD
Chapter 6: oh! and the website is cool! i like it :3
Chapter 6: i love them already :)
it does sound a bit chaotic... but i wouldn't expect everything to flow correctly with 14 different members and personalities .___. especially at the beginning.
but the fanservice! i like how jaemin is in most of those, hahahaha.
and do i need to even mention ryu and his hatred for bananas? probably not~ haha ><
Chapter 6: omg all the interaction in here is priceless
and all the fanservice my god
there's just so much to pick up on i can't even
Kairi_Rose #6
LOL!! Ryu's so cute with his hatred for bananas~
Chapter 6: This chapter is cool!!
All member have great interaction with each other.
Chapter 6: Little baby Ryu hates bananas! If he doesn't eat healthy foods, he won't get big and strong like Grandp Dan!
All the members appear to be meshing very well with each other, albeit they're a little violent with one another, but it's sort of cute in a way. They will definitely perform well together too!