Milky Way

Fiction in Fiction

It's morning & its freezing outside. The sun slowly shines through your curtains & beamed on your lids. You moaned & coverd your head with your blanket. The blanket revieled your feet. You pulled down your blanket to cover your feet, but it slid down your face. The sunray beamed at your face again. You groaned & hid your face under the pillow.


"_________ sweetie ?! Get up." Your mom enterted your room sweeping the floor. You slowly sat up & your short straight hair was puffed up like a birds nest. Your mom looked at you, "OMO ~ ! __________ -ah go get washed & get ready ! We might be late to your uncle's wedding!" your mom said in a humorus tone.


Your dad entered the room buttoning his dress shirt up, " Yeobo, have you seen my tie?" You looked at him with a lazy eye. He fliched & chuckled, "Kuhaha. Wh-what happened to your head? Did a birds hatch on your hair?" You smirked & fell faced down on your face on the pillow. "Yah~" your mom lightly slapped your bottom with the broom, "You hear? Hurry & get washed & ready to go to your uncle's wedding." You got up & went to take a shower.


You got into the car & fasten your seatbelt. You were wearing a long vanilla dress under a blue coat with leggings & with black kid heels. You stretched out your neck to look out the window. You arrived at the wedding area at a luxurious hotel. You & your parents entered the hotel into the dining area. "_________-ah, look there's your uncle." your mom tapped your shoulder & pointed towards the direction where you uncle was greeting every other guest. "Go say hi to him." your dad walked you over to him.


"Uncle..." you gentaly pulled on his dress pant. He looked down at you & patted your head. "Ah _________ -ah. You're growning up so fast." You had a fake, friendly smile. "How old are you now?" "Five..." "Really?! Wow, well make sure you stay health & take care of your parents as you get older, okay?" You nodded. He grabbed a milk bottle from the table. He wrapped it with a sapphire blue ribbon & handed it to you, "Here, I know your favorite color is blue & you used to drink a LOT of milk." he smiled widely. You accepted it & bowed. He left to go find his bride in the dressing room.


As the wedding began, people were drinking, dancing & having a great time while you just sat alone at your table keeping you eyes on the bottle of milk. You sigh deeply & looked around for your mom. You spotted her from afar talking & drinking wine with your aunt & her friends. You walked through a forrest of people & was about to lose sight of your mother. 


"Mom !" you said pushing people's leg away. You were about to cry, "MOM ~ !!!"  You finally got to her. "Mommy, can we g..." "Honey, don...*hiccup* don't bother me right now. What do you want...?" She looked at you with a drunk expression. "Mommy can we go home now?" "What?! I can't hear you?! Go tell your dad!" Your mom shouted as loud as she can due to the music & she used hand motion to send you away.


You frowned & left. You spotted you dad in a split second. "DADDY !!!" You quickly rushed to him. He was sitting with his friends & your uncles having some beers. "Daddy !" You shook his arm. He looked at you with his druken expression also. "What...?!" You got scared & studdered, "Da-daddy, can we go home now, Mommy is already drunk too..." "MMmm, just wait I'm not done..." He took a drink out of the beer. "DADDY I WANNA GO HOME ! ! ! " You scream with a drop of tear running down your cheeks & shaking his arm. He aggresively pulled away his arm, "Just WAIT ! I'm NOT done. Go play with someone...*burps loudly*"  Laughters grew louder & louder. You started to get a headache. You covered your ears & screamed as loud as you can. Tears rushed down your cheeks & you ran outside the dining area into the lobby.


You sat near a statue water fountain with your head on your knee & your arms covering your head. A figure approached you. It touched you with your bottle of milk. You slowly looked at the bottle, then at the person. It was a boy about your age, but he was about 2 years older than you, so about 7 years old. "Aren't you gonna take it? Isn't it your's?" he asked kindly, holding & drinking his bottle of milk. You nodded & with shaky hand, you took it. 


He sat next to you. "What happened to you? Why are you crying?" he asked with a warm tone. "I don't wanna talk about it." you sniffed. "Don't worry, I had the same problem. My parents were drunk & I wanted to go home, too." You looked at him, "How did you know I had the same problem?" He looked towards the dining room, "I was asking my dad the same thing when you asked your dad." he looked at you. "Isn't that weird?" he said sarcasticly. 


You didn't know what to say, so you just nodded your head as if you understood him. Then you looked away. "Hm? What happened to your hair? Wasn't it tied up?" You felt your hair, & you started to pat everywhere through your hair for the hairtie. "NO ! Where did it go ?! It was my favorite one !" "What color was it?" he asked. "It was a bright blue hairtie with red details.  He looked at his short thin tie. He took it off & put his hand on your shoulder, "Here,"He showed you his tie, "turn around, i'll tie it for you."


"Why? It's your's I don't want y..." "It'll be a gift from me for you." he said combing your hair into a ponytail & tying your hair. He did it perfectly for a young child. He walked around you & look at you, smiling. You blushed & looked down. "Come, I want you to see how it looks." he gentaly took your hand & led you to a mirrored wall. You looked at yourself & smiled. "You can tie my hair better than I do." He smiled. You looked at him, "T-thank you..." you hugged him. He warmly hugged back.


"_________ - ah ! __________ where are you? Come on, lets go sleep at Aunie's house for tonight ?" Your 20 year old aunt & her sister called & search for you. You guys broke apart, "I have to go now." You said leaving him behind. "But..." "Jae Soon - ah ! ! ! Uncle has to take you to my house tonight, okay?!" His uncle & his wife called. "But when will I see you again?" His face sadden & walked towards you. "I don't know, not for a very, long time..." your face also saddens. "Why?!" "My mom & dad told me that me & my dad have to go to America for me to study abroad & he has to work with trasfered korean students." "But will you still remember me though ?!"


"__________ -ah?!" You turned your head & looked back at him with teary eyes, "I will, I promise." You grabbed his pinky & wrapped with yours. "Will you still remember me?" He nodded quickly. "JAE SOON - AH ! ! !" He quickly looked at his uncle & aunt walking out the door, "My name is Yong Junhyung. Don't forget it." Your expression was confused, "I thought your..." "It's not, it's Junhyung now, okay?" You quickly nodded too. You looked towards your aunts & looked back at him, "My name is _________ ________" He smiled, "Thats a pretty name that I'll always remember. 


You smiled back. You loosen your pinky, but he grabbed your wrist. You looked back at him. He leaned & kissed you on the forehead & quickly left. He turned back & looked at you once more, "I'll never forget you!" he waved. Your tears dropped, "I won't either !" you waved back. He disappeared into the darkness outside with his uncle & aunt. "_________-ah! Oh my gosh you got us worried sick about you." one of you aunt hugged you." "Are you alright?" your other aunt looked at you & placed her hand on you cheek. You nodded still looking at the direction where Junhyung left. "Come on ________, let go to our house & sleep, okay?" your aunt held your hand. "We'll spend more time before you leave." your other aunt said.You guys left the hotel.


Now in the lobby, next to the statue water fountain, the two Milk bottles remains. Of two people, who caught each other attention...

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Chapter 13: I was going through my list of subscription and I decided to reread the story ((although it is unfinished))
blastoise #2
Awesome haha
what the fudge??? that lady is a !!! damn... calmm your lady!!
@chapter 8: this chapter was a bit...everywhere and i was kind of confused during the transitions.....<br />
but it was still nice anyways =)<br />
junhyung is finally in the story after the first 2 chapters~ xx
@chapter 7: wow...she got the job? and y is it that the company calls so EARLY in the morning?!?!? normal people would call at like 9 or 10 LOL<br />
<br />
should i be worried about the last sentence? =P
@chapter6: OMG!!!!!!!! i knew that was going to HAPPPPEEEEENNNNNN!!!! ><<br />
and his brother just also happens to be minah's boyfriend rite? T.T
ForeverNeverEnd8 #8
haha, that's the whole point :) you need to read carefully :3 I'm sorry, his name is Dongwoon? sorry about that, i'll change it. yeah love at a young age is kind of yeah... lol. well, who knows, you'll find out soon :D
Whaa?? I don't get it ..... ____ is going to marry His brother?<br />
Anyways update soon~~
@chapter 4: it was his brother....O.o...<br />
hahahaha so wait, she's going to MARRY his BROTHER?!?!?!?!?<br />
O.o...<br />
and i always thought that junhyung was one of the guys that were good at maths ><<br />
btw, u misspelt dongwooN's name ^^<br />