Love at first sight

Love at first sight

You stood by the curtains ready to open them for the next group to perform "Aah work is so boring" you sigh, watching as a girl with the voice of a donkey stalks off the stage shoving you to the side as she passes you, as you stumble you know someone is by your side in an instant "you alright?"

He whispers letting go of you once you had regained your feet. You nod and smile, he's the only one who cares about you around here, maybe you think I should just walk out on stage and perform "  open the curtains there's the next lot " your friend calls, "Thanks Mir " you call as he simply nods  turning to the machine used to sort all the music.

Curtains open you turn to watch the next performers. "Hi" one of the group steps forward "Im Onew and I am the leader of the group" he smiles bashfully " "And what's your group called?" one of the judges asks leaning on her hand, "we're called Shinee" Onew replied still smiling before looking at the rest of his group and nodding "Annyeonghaseo Shinee Imnida" they chorused before  individually introducing themselves but for some reason your eyes never strayed from the leader.

As they sang you watched in interest, they were good you had to admit, you smiled as they bowed and walked off stage, as they walked towards you, you squeezed your eyes shut waiting for the shove but it never came, opening one eye you saw the group staring at you "You alright?"

Onew asked placing a hand on your shoulder you nodded and realized that was the second time someone had asked you that, you bit your lip and moved back slightly "Thank you for your concern" you say before bowing politely, moving to get ready for the next act when you suddenly felt someone's hand on your shoulder again "Wait" Onew said turning you back to face him "Ummm can I ask your name?" he asked as a light blush covered his cheeks.

He looked at you expectantly as you stared at him confused "My name's you" you say, trying your best to turn away but as you did so his grip tightened "Umm..." he started "If you're not busy" you raised an eyebrow "How would you like to hang out, we could go for chicken or something..." he blinked at you with puppy dog eyes, turning away you knew you were bright red "Why me?" you whispered inaudibly "Well?" he asked still looking at you, he grinned as you turned back nodding your head slightly "Great!" 

He grinned grabbing your hand "I'll see you at the pub down the street and we'll go from there" he looked at you excitedly as you nod your head again still trying to process the situation, this wasn't the first time someone had asked you out recently although you had t admit they were not as good-looking, couldn't sing as well and certainly were not as kind as Onew seemed.


It was 7:30 and you were beginning to freak out, Onew hadn't specified what time you'd be meeting or even if you had to dress up or something. You were currently rushing around like headless-chicken, which you thought you were possibly going to be eating later...wait, that was not a thought you wanted in your head especially when you saw Mir devouring the remnants of your fridge.

"I don't know what to wear!" you cried, begging for Mir to get off his lazy and help you, you allowed a somewhat grateful smile as he averted his eyes from the TV to you, you waved the outfits in front of his face. One of them was a figure hugging dress which honestly left nothing to the imagination, while the other was a more casual t-shirt and skinny jeans.

Mirs face broke out into a smile before he started laughing, for a minute you looked at him confused, was there something wrong with the outfits? would you look weird if you wore them? you thought a look of panic on your face, until you realized he wasn't looking at the outfits but at your hair that was currently rolled up in curlers and was falling all over the place.

You scrunched your eyes up in what was meant to be a hateful glare but that only made him laugh more, you stormed out of the room and heard him laugh harder still as you did so. "Great... now it's 7:48 and I'm still not ready" you sulked, still pondering over the disaster at hand as you ran your fingers through your hair. 

you started to pace around the room when you saw Mir standing at the door a smile still on his face, seeing yours he waled over and placed his hands on your shoulders "Sit down you and I'll help you" his smile was now sweet as he sat you down on your bed and crawled behind you "Right just relax and let the master go to work" he smirked moving his hands over your hair.

You leant back slightly as he completly transformed your hair into perfection, getting up to looked in the mirror and smiled, it looked perfect you turned to look over at Mir who was now curled up on your bed smiling contently in his sleep.

You smiled again, you had to thank him later you thought opting for the jeans but instead of your normal t-shirt you went for one that was slightly tighter when you heard your phone ring. You scanned the room looking for your phone and hitting the answer button "Hello?" you asked looking at the number it displayed 'UNKNOWN NUMBER' "Hi" the voice called happily "I'm of Onew's friends" he continued "Onew wanted to know..." he started before you interupted and yelled "how the HELL did you get my number?" 

You stared at the phone in horror waiting for Key's reply "Uhh...your friend gave it to me...Mir?" he replied, you sighed taking back your comment, no thank you for him you thought to yourself "you-sshi? you still there?" Key asked carefully "Yeah I am" you said closing your eyes "What did Onew want to know?"  "HE just wanted to know what kind of chicken you wanted " he chuckled "Just tell him any kind" you reply as you slipped on your shoes "I'm just leaving now I'll be up at the pub in a few minutes" you finished hanging up the phone as you walked out the door and down the road.

As you reached the pub you saw Onew standing in front, hands in his pockets, he looked over as he heard you walking up and waved "Hi you you look beautiful" he called as you looked up at him and smiled "You clean up well yourself" you grin remembering the ripped jeans and baggy shirt from the audition, he grinned and grabbed your hand "Why thank you my Lady~" he smirked as he started walking, never letting go of your hand and dragging you to a specialized restaurant at which you sat in a private booth and enjoyed the evening.

Onew walked you home and stood at the door as you fumbled with the keys "Hey you, I had had a great time tonight" he said quietly watching you, you turned to him and smiled "So did I" you  still smiled as you found the right key and put it in the lock "Ummm" Onew began all confidence lest him and he looked down inaudibly mumbling something, you leant closer "What?" you asked almost leaning right into him "Can I kiss you?" He whispered allowing you to hear this time.

You blinked as you stared at him blankly "Kiss? you whispered back, he nodded and you  continued to stare as he moved in closer "It was love at first sight" he whispered before closing the distance between you, his lips touching yours in an innocent kiss.

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Chapter 1: aw, this was so adorbs! it reads like a scene in a cute drama, and i would love to see it as such, hehe...
Chapter 1: Awwwwwh cute story.. gotta love Onew and his obsession with chicken :p
Who is the leader of Shinee? MBLAQ?