Never Getting Married

The Grooms Maid

~The Groom's Maid~



  30 minutes into the wedding rehersels, Changjo was still bored out of his mind.  Honestly, the only reason he agreed to be his Hyungs best man is because everyone else wanted the posistion so badly.  Now that he had it, he now relisead how boring it was.


"What?" He looked up when he heard someone finally talking to him, it was his hyungs fiancee, and she had on an annoyed face, he knew it was because he wasn't paying attention.

"PLEASE, stop playing the those doves." 

"They're not even real, calm down." He replaced the doves on the table and muttered.

"But they're still expensive!"

"How expensive?" He challenged.

"Expensive enough for you to replace them if you break them!" She squinted.

Changjo just let out a loud sigh, and slouched down in his chair.

"This is just like a lecture" he thought.

He doesn't really care for lectures, esspecially when it's someone telling him what to and what to not do.  Speaking of which, that's the same exact reason why his hyung didn't want to get married, but is doing exactly that! Getting married. Hmm...

"BWAH! I can't take this any more!" Changjo stuck his hands up, interrupting the reheresal.

"And he's the best man..." Niel scoffed.

After sending glares around the room, Changjo got off his chair and wandered out the room.

Eun Ji Soo

"I'm so confused." Ji Soo whispered to herself outloud as her best friend Jin Hi explained her wedding plans for the bridesmaids.

She was esspecially confused because she was chosen to be the maid of honor.  She had no clue she would have to be dragged around store to store, event to event, or else she would've pretended to be sick because there would be no way she could say no to her best friend.

"What about the baechlor party!" Chunji called, causing the guys to all laugh.

Ji Soo just sat inocently, not knowing what he meant.

"I'n fine with whatever..." Jin Hi rolled her eyes.

"Really?" L.Joe sat up "Even str- erm, dancers of the exotic decent?"

Jin Hi crossed her arms and eyed Minsoo "Hmm, I'm fine with it, because no matter how many beautiful wemon are around him, he's still marrying me."

Cap giggled a little, and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"How'd you do it Noona!" Ricky spoke up. "How'd you get CAP to marry you?"

"Yah!" LJoe knudged his shoulder.

Jin Hi just laughed. "I didn't do anything, I simply walked by and he fell hard for me like meteor."

Cap laughed at her statment and wrapped his arms around his fiancess shoulders.

"Whatever you say, Jagia." He placed a kiss on her cheek.

"EHHHHHH!!!" Ricky and Ji Soo both rebuked the public display of effection.

"Save it for your wedding unnie!" She pouted.

"Yah, don't be jelous that you don't have a husband." Jin Hi gloated squessing on to her future trophy husband.

"I'm not jelous! I have no desires to get married in the first place!" She said honestly, which was also the reason she didn't know much about weddings.

"That's what cap said!" Niel informed her.

"Yeah, he used to say it all the time!" Ricky chimed in.

"I wonder if he'll end up doing other things he said he'd never do." L.Joe crossed his arms and studied over his friend in a serious manner. "Didn't he say he wouldn't ever-"

"WAAAHHH This place's bathroom is WEIRD! The urinals have their own lights! Why would a urinal need it's own light? Is it because if the lightbulb goes out in the ceiling there will still be one in the urinal so you would know where to aim your-"

"YAH!" Cap yelled to keep the mankae from saying anything else vulgure. "THERE ARE LADIES HERE!"

"Aish, I apologize." He bows and takes his seat.

Ji soo always wondered about that guy, "whats-his-face" she called him.

Whats-his-face didn't seem exactly into this wedding thing either, which made him different from everyone else in her opinion, well, that and his dyed hair... it was like a dirty blondish color, but darker, but not even as dark as a paper bag.

"Did you wash your hands?" L.Joe said breaking the awkward silence.

"Of course! And look, they even have these little soap bars! Here you want one? I have some left from last time." The mankae took out mini soup bars from his pocket and put them on display.


Ji Soo also liked the fact that he was sort of 4D,  he'd say and do whatever he'd please and not care about somones response,....most of the time.

"Noona! There's thousands of these! They won't be used here!? I'm pretty sure they'll have more of a chance being used at my apartment than in here, esspecially at the rate Ricky eats and us-"

"YAH!" Ricky took a blow at the mankaes shoulder.


After about 20 more minutes of talking and blows to the shoulder, the mankae was finally paying attention.

"What do you MEAN dye my hair?"

"I mean, wouldn't it take attention from CAP if your hair is like that-"

"What's wrong with the way it is?" Changjo defended.

"It's .... different."

"Why don't we have CAP hyung dye his hair then if you want all the attention on him, have his hair dyed hot pink. That's an attention grabber right there, case closed."

After arguing some more with Jin Hi, he almost lost his temper.


"Yeah, Jin Hi, I like what's-his-faces hair." 

"What's-his-face" is on the list of things changjo does not liked to be called, as long with any swear words or something dealing with his weight. But he let it go this time, due to the fact he was already in one argument that held his fate.

By the end of the arguement, it was aggread that all of the grooms party had to get their hair dyed to darker colors.

"Are you happy now changjo?" Chunji growled.

"No." He spoke bluntly.

"Well, at least I have an excuse to try out dark brown." L.Joe said satisfied.

"Well, since my boys have to dye their hair, your girls should too!" Cap pointed, with a sly smile on his face.

Changjo sat up, sensing that things were getting interesting.

"WHAT!?!" The bridesmaid sat up.

"UNNIE NO! MAKE HIM STOP!" She pointed at cap childishly.

She complained that she just dyed her hair that color and it would take a long time for it to become that same color again.

Her hair was a grayish purplish blend that fell to her shoulders and was immediatly cut off.

"It's only fair." Jin Hi nodded.


"Yah, do you want to be my brides maid or not?!"

She looked like she was deeply contemplating if she wanted to be the bridesmaid or not.


"OK! OK!" She sat down. "I'll dye it black..."

"WAIT."  Changjo stood up and pointed in bridesmaids face "SHE get's a solo stage?"


"But I WAS PROMISED the solo stage!" Changjo complained.

"Who said that?" Jin hi asked confused.


Minsoo scratched the back of his neck. "I was told that-"

Jin Hi clasped her husbands mouth. "Oh, well...I'll guess we'll have to decided between the two of you."

The girl automatically locked eyes with changjo.

"It won't be hard."

Her confidence made Changjo laugh. 

"Heh, cute, she thinks she can win, who is this girl cap? I like her." 

She bounced out of her seat. "Her name is Jin Soo, you would've known if you would be paying attention."

"I only pay attention when things actually matter." He shot back.

"Hmph, what was your stage going to be anyway?" She crossed her arms and looked him up and down.

"If YOU were paying attention, you'd know I'm a dancer hince the name-"

"You're JUST dancing?" Jin Soo cut him off with a scoff.

"just.... HAVE YOU SEEN ME DANCE! I'm not conceted or anything but they don't call me dancing boy changjo for nothing!"

"We call you that because you told us to call you that." L.Joe spoke up.

"Heh, either way, my stage is better, I dance AND sing."

"Well what a coincidence, so do I." Changjo squinted. "What a match made in heaven" he said sarcastically.

"Speaking of danceing..."

Eun Ji Soo

"Speaking of danceing..." Jin hi squeezed between the two mankaes "We have some stuff to go over for the couples dance."

"Oh, so you're planning to dance with Cap?" Ji Soo smiled.

"Well, yes...but I'm talking about the bridesmaids and groomsmen dance..."

"Oh...oh...WAIT WHAT? What do you mean?" She asked getting more confused per secound.

"I was going to explain before you cut me off." Jin Hi rolled her eyes and began to explain what she meant.

"After the ceromony, and food, there will be our special dance, and then after our special dance, the bridesmaids and groomsmen will pair up and dance around us."

"Are you sure that's a traditional-"

"Shut-up L.Joe, it's not your wedding." Jin Hi dismissed his intellect.

"Like I was saying." She flipped her hair, "So you'll dance around us over there." She points at the dance floor.

"Oh, that sounds fun...wait....WAIT!" Ji Soo stood up.


"Who?" Jin Hin rose her eyebrows.


"WHOSE FACE?" Cap asked confused.

"Your umm..." She began to think "the Grooms maid!"

After a awkward silence, followed laughter throught the whole room.

"What's so funny?" Ji Soo found herself growing smaller and smaller.

"You babo, there's no such thing as a GROOMS MAID!" The bestman growled at her.

She bit her lips, adjusting herself in the room full of laughter.

"Well, was I supposed to know I'M NOT MARRIED!"

"Everyone knows what the best man is! babo!" He rolled his eyes.

She couldn't belive just a few minutes ago she was listing things she liked about this same guy who was now insulting her and challenging to steal HER special stage that she had been rehersing so hard for.


To her suprise he almost pounced on her, He was now standing one inch away from her, staring her in the eyes with a scowel on his face.

"Say that again, I dare you." He said coldly.

"You don't scare me." She said the opposite of what she felt. She really wanted to just run out the room crying, or just to simply sit back down, but she somehow fount herself with her arms folded across her chest and staring back into his eyes.

"maybe's're a woman in boys clothes." She said daringly.

"So, I am a woman in mans clothes huh?" He studied her face irratated.

"Yes." She agreed.

"A woman in a mans clothes...with this body?" He lifted the brim of his shirt revealing his lower body to the brim of his underwear.

As everyone whisled and clapped in amuesment, all Ji soo could do is gulp and glance away even with her feet still planted there.

"Hmph, what body?" She again said the opposite of what she felt.

His squint hardened. 

"the body that's making your face redden right now."


"Six year old? You just want an excuse to reveal my ert."

"YAH!" Her eyes finally met his, which caused her face to redden even more. "I am not the one who told you to lift your shirt!"

"You called me a woman."


"Really?" He said seriously.


He began to slowly pull up his shirt.

"NO!" She suprisingly pulled his shirt down herself.

His eyes widened and so did hers when she relaised what she did.

She just ended up biting her lips and sitting down, drowing in the room full of laughter.


The mankae found himself still staring at the girl who just fixed his clothes on him, the same girl who referred to him as "what's your face" and "Grooms maid" and just a woman in general.

He blinked still in shock.

"What's the matter Changjo?" L.Joe the troll spoke up.

Changjo just glanced around, and noticed that everyone had been looking at him.

He took his seat and shook his head. He thought he must've been sick or something because he forgot where he was for a breif moment when he was argueing with Ji Soo.

"I think I'm sick." He announced randomly.

"UGh, and you breathed all in my air too...." Ji Soo pouted.

He found himself doing something out of charecter by winking at her. "You're welcome."

She immediatly scoffed, which made him kind of amused inside.


Days later the group was back for another rehersal but this time it was dance rehersals.

"So the song we've decided was Together Forever by BIGBANG!" Jin Hi grinned.

"YAY!" Ji soo clapped around before anyone could even respond. "I love Taeyang Oppa!"

"I know-"

"Let's just reherese!" I suddenly bark viscously.

"Jeez, what's up his ." Jin Hi responds.

"I don't know, I thought he'd be happy we picked Big Bang..." Cap scratched his head.

Changjo found himself aggrivated everytime Jin Hi mention Taeyang, even though that was secretly his bias.

"Alright, let's practice!" Jin Hi said from in the middle of the dancefloor. She clicked a button on the remote to turn on the stereo.

"Ohhhhh, Wanna see your face my gurl!"

"Follow my lead." He grunted, tugginig her arm.

"Who said I have to follow your lead." She grunted. 

"Shut up, babo. I don't want you to step on my feet so pay attention." He placed her hands on his shoulders.


"Baby girl you're all

That I'm thinking of"


He bit his lip a little, beging to feel a little un-easy dancing with her like this, but he didn't know why which made him irratated with himself.


"You put this feelin inside of me

It says you are the one

Yeah, the only one"


He gasped as she had began leading him.  He looked down at her and she gave him a smirk, and all he could do was squint at her and bite his lips.

"She's wants to play like that huh?" He thought to himself and smiles. "I got it."


"I couldn't help myself but put it in words

You are the sunshine in my life, girl

And you know, I'd say it over again

Nothin could ever tear us apart

Lemme tell you babe"


Changjo suddenly tripped Jin Hi leg, and suprised her with a dip.  Her loud gasp caught everyones attention, but everyones attention was oblivious to the mankae because agaiin in his head, it was only her and himself.


"All of my life I've been searchin for that one

And now that you've come to me I don't have to run

Chasin' all the girls while I'm hangin' with my crew

Now it's all about just me and my boo

Everyday 'n everynight it just goes on

That's how much love I have for you girl I'm so sprung

Baby this was meant to be, it's such a blessin'

Cuz we will be together, forever"


After smirking in her face for awhile, he tugged her into a more upright position and smiled as there face was only 2 inches apart.

"Like I said," He grinned and twirled her around into another dip "I lead."

Eun Ji Soo

"So, how are you liking your dance partners?" Jin Hi sparked a confersation with the bridesmaids.  It was the day right before the wedding ant they were having one of those get togethers, well in Ji Soo's mind, that's what it was called, she still didn't understand weddings.

The girls blabbed on and on about how well their partners where treating them, and how funny and cute they were and so on and so forth, will Ji Soo just sipped on her smoothie and listened attendivly, trying to put couples together in her head.

"What about you, Ji Soo?" One of the girls spoke up.

"Huh?" Ji Soo asked innocently.

"What about your partner, absjo." The girls began to giggle and lift the cucumbers from there eyes to look at Ji Soo.


"Changjo silly!"

"O-OH..." She comptenplaited the time he lifted his shirt which made her blush a bit. 

She stirred her smoothie a bit.

"He's a stupid jerk."

"Haha, then I'd wish i had a stupid jerk!"

"What do you mean?" She batted her eyes at one of the girls.

"The way you guys were dancing at rehersels was totally romantic!"

"HUH- Romantic?! No, you got it all wrong-"

"When he dipped you, oh my gosh...." A girl fanned herself.

"Right, and the way he was looking into your eyes was just..." another added.

"Yah!" She suddenly snapped. "Why are you guys so focused on me and changjo! You said you liked L.Joe! Stick with L.Joe, what happend to L.Joe! If I liked L.Joe you'd only see me looking at L.Joe, not running around looking at other peoples abs and what not! Changjo is not your dancing partner, L.Joe is! Keep your eyes on the prize! Really! Jeez!" 

The girls silenced and Jin Hi secretly grinnd from behind her facemask and cucumbers.

Ji Soo took another sip of her smoothie.

"Good Smoothie."


"So we're NOT going to a strip club?!" Chunji whined from the back of the limo.

"NO! I'm about to be married man!" Cap threatened chunji with a hand.

"That and his best man, and these two aren't even old enough to step foot in a strip club." Ljoe pointed to the mankae line.

Niel ignored them and began singing along with whatever song was playing in the limo, even if he didn't know what it was.

"So, we're going to a resturant!?" Ricky said excitedly.

"Yup." Cap said. "The one that just opened."

"REALLY! HYE-SUN WORKS THERE!" Niel suddenly stopped ignoring them.

The boys all smirked at niel knowingly.

"OHhhhh, niels got a crush!" Chunji knudged him.

"Ah, I'm not the only one who has a crush here right!?"

"Yah, I think cap totally has a crush on Jin Hi." Ricky laughs.

"Oh, I've been caught." Minsoo rolls his eyes at Ricky's stale joke.

"I was talking about our mankae here."

"WHA?" Changjo suddenly joins the conversation, and sets his glass of juice down.

"Your crush on the brides maid."

"I don't like that're crazy." Changjo muttered through his teeth and began to look out the window.

"Why not, whats-her-face is totally pretty." Chunji questioned.

"Ji Soo." Changjo automatically corrected.

"Look, he even knows her name." L.joe grinned.

"Of course I know her name, I have to dance with her and stuff and what not?!" The angry mankae snapped.

"what's the "what not" part hmmm?" Chunji provocted.


"The way you were dancing with her says otherwise." Niel added. "You were dipping her, and dancing awful close. And I swear you were smiling."


"So, you admit you had a connection with her?" L.joe caught on.

"What!? NO! I DON'T LOVE HER!" Changjo yelled, and everyone fell silent.

"Who said anything about love?" L.Joe rose his eyebrow.

"Aish!" The mankae deterioated banging his head against the window.

Minsoo just sighed. "He totally likes her."



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Chapter 2: update soon please, this is so cool :)
Chapter 1: update soon~ ^_^