Too innocent (OneShot)


Sometimes Kai is way too innocent and doesn't know what the others are talking about, which leads into a confusion. This time it lead into a chaos.


Aoi, Ruki, Uruha and Kai were in Reita's apartment, waiting for him to return. They were sitting in the living room and they had somehow ended up talking about how Reita's zipper was always open during the comments.

"It's weird. I mean, how come he forgets it so often?" Aoi said. Reita didn't forget the zipper down only in the comments, you see, he forgot it very often. Well, not that often.

"You know... I once heard him doing it before we recorded a comment. Maybe it's because of it", Ruki answered and grinned.

"Eeeeh? But that would mean he'd be doing it all the time..." Uruha pointed out.

"He once told me he has a crush on someone, it wouldn't be that surprising then", Aoi commented wisely. Poor Kai didn't know what they were talking about, and he asked: "What? What does he do all the time? Does he pee a lot?"

Others looked at the innocent male, who was more like a 10-year old at the moment. Ruki sighed and started explaining. "You see, Kai, when a man- " "NO!" Uruha suddenly interrupted him.

"What?" Ruki asked in confusion.

"He's the only cute, innocent member we have left! We can't ruin him like this!" the blonde answered worriedly.

"That's true... Uruha has lost his innocence so Kai is the only one left. If we lose him too... It would be terrifying", Aoi said and shuddered at the thought.

"What're you talking about? Tell meeee~" Kai whined and gave the cutest pout ever. Uruha bit his lip. It was hard to resist such cuteness, but they had to. For sake of Kai...

"Kai, you wouldn't understand. You wouldn't want to understand", Aoi said and smiled soothingly at the younger male. Aoi's smile did make him feel calmer, but he still wouldn't stop. "I'd understand! I'm not a little kid!"

"That's what you say..." Ruki muttered bluntly.

"You're younger than me!" Kai said.

"But I don't act like a little child", Ruki snapped. Kai pouted and huffed in disappointment. He really wanted to know...

It didn't take long for Reita to come back, and Kai was about to dash to him to ask what the others were talking about. Luckily Aoi and Ruki were able to hold him back and Uruha put his hand on his mouth so he wouldn't be able to speak.

"What the hell's going on...?" Reita asked as he saw their position. Uruha laughed nervously and replied: "Nothing! Nothing at all! Say, Kai, how about the two of us go make some dinner?"

Kai figured it would be the best way to get away from Aoi's and Ruki's grip, so he nodded. The others moved away from him, but before he could say anything to Reita, he was dragged to the kitchen.

"You will not say a word to Reita, okay?" Uruha hissed.

"Why?" Kai asked and folded his arms like a child who did not get what he wanted. Uruha sighed and explained: "You see, if Reita found out we talked about that, he'd get mad. You don't want him to get mad, don't you?"

Kai hated when Reita was mad, but he was not giving up. "So you were talking bad about him behind his back?"

"No, nothing like that! It's just not... proper", Uruha answered and smiled.

"Well... If you tell me what exactly you were talking about, I'll consider not telling him", Kai said.

"You don't want to know", Uruha warned, but saw from Kai's expression that the latter wouldn't give up. Sometimes he could be as stubborn as Reita. Uruha sighed again. Here we go then...


"Waaaaaah! Reitaaaaaa~!" Kai cried and rushed into the bassist's arms. Reita looked at him curiously and asked what was wrong.

"Uruha's being a ert~" Kai complained.

"I'm not!" yelled Uruha, who came quickly from the kitchen. Reita's eyes narrowed and he said angrily: "You were molesting him? God, Uruha, he's the same thing as an innocent child! How could you?"

"What?! I didn't molest him! He asked for it!" Uruha said. Ooops... Wrong choice of words...

"For what?!" Reita asked and tried calming Kai down. Uruha tried to come up with some words as Aoi and Ruki stared calmly at the situation, wondering what would happen next. Ruki sipped some cola from the glass he had gotten and whispered something into Aoi's ear, making the raven laugh.

"This is a serious situation!" Reita snapped. "And Uruha, if you did anything you'll regret, I'll make sure to- "

"I didn't do anything to him! Do you seriously think I'd go molesting someone like him?! It's me who gets molested by Aoi", Uruha yelled, making the mentioned guitarist choke on his drink.

"Hey! It's not molesting if you beg for me to do it!" Aoi corrected. "And besides, did you have to mention it to everybody?"

"Aw c'mon, Aoi-chan, everyone already knew anyway. It's friggin' obvious!" Ruki said and waved his hand, forgetting the cola that was in it and accidentally threw it at Uruha, who was now dripping lemonade to the floor.

"Kai... Let's talk in private. This place is a chaos", Reita sighed and pulled Kai to his bedroom. "So, what did Uruha do?"

"He... he told me things..." Kai sobbed and tried to forget the terrifying memory. Reita figured he'd get no more information from Kai, so he went back to the living room to get Uruha. Unfortunately the latter was on the floor, making out with Aoi, as Ruki watched them and whistled as Uruha's shirt started coming off.

Before Reita could yell at them, Kai had stepped next to him and looked at the two in shock. Reita noticed this and tried calming Kai. "No, no, no, it's not what it looks like! Well, actually it is, but don't get bothered by it! Go back to my room, I'll be there soon."

Kai nodded with the most adorable puppy eyes and almost ran back to the bedroom. Aoi and Uruha had noticed nothing, they just continued. Reita was worried of Kai hearing all those moans and other stuff, so he yelled at them as loud as he could.

"What the hell?!"

You could easily imagine it. Aoi quickly withdrew from panting Uruha and stared at Reita in horror. Uruha stared too, he even more scared, and tried covering his bare chest.

"Uhm... sorry?" Aoi tried, but only made Reita even angrier. "He saw that, you know! Do you have any idea how badly you're ruining his innocence by doing this?! God, at least go somewhere else when you're making out!"

"Hey, don't blame Uruha! It was me who got !" Aoi yelled in anger.

"He started this in the first place by telling Kai about all that!" Reita replied.

"It was Ruki who came up with the topic of conversation!" Aoi snapped.

"Hey, don't drag me into this!" Ruki said from the couch, where he had been enjoying the view that was now ruined.

"So it's your fault?" Reita asked, ready to punch the out of the shorter male.

"It's your fault! You're the one who leaves their zipper open for 'unknown' reasons!" Ruki joined the argument.



Finally Reita somehow managed to explain to Kai that Uruha had came up with all that in his head and that Reita would never do such thing, even though he did.

Aoi and Uruha? They ended up having in Reita's bathroom without the blonde knowing, while Ruki watching them from the key-hole.

So in the end, Kai didn't lose his innocence and no one had to suffer. Except for Ruki when Aoi found out he had been watching, but that's all different story.

I guess I was a little mean to Ruki-chan in the end... And maybe to Kai too...

What do you think? It was a bit short since I've never really written a long oneshot, but I don't think this even should be that long. Poor Kai... He's way too innocent and has to suffer because of it xD


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yukiraphantom #1
Kai doing pouty is the most cutest thing ever! And the band overprotecting he is so cute <3
Really cute :3
Hellia #2
"while Ruki watching them from the key-hole."
Haha, that line really cracked me up! Ruki's such a <3

I really liked it, it was really cute :)