First Day



Your POV.
"But mom I hate being the new student all the time." I say as my mom is making my lunch before I leave for my first day at a new school. "I'm sorry honey but my job has me going all over the place. I promise this time we'll be here longer than 1 year" she replies. I look at the clock to see I already going to be late for school. I grab my lunch and run out the door "See you after school mom!!" I yell as I leave. I arrive at school 5 minutes late. I rush to my first class, but I run into someone. "EEK" I let a scream as I fall to the floor. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" I say picking up my backpack "Watch where the you're going". He says as he keeps running 
Kris's POV.
"Ugh what's his problem" I hear as I run down the hallway to get to class but a group of girls spot me *Oh not this again* I think to myself. A whole group of girls surround me asking me questions "I'm sorry girls but I gotta get to class" I say trying to escape the crowd of girls "Uh Oppa come on skip class and hang out with us" one of the girls say. I manage to get out of the crowd and run to class.
Your POV.
I make it to class 10 minutes late "You must be the new student." The teacher says "Yes Ma'am. Sorry I'm late. I had some troubles" I reply "It's ok. Take a seat" she says. I go take a seat next to the window "New Student aye? I'm TaeJae but my friends call me TJ" the girl next to me says "Hi, I'm __" I reply. 
*after school*
"What? 3 days???" I say in shock of what my mother says "Yes. Do you have any friends you can go stay with while I'm gone?" She asks "Yeah, I can see if I can stay at TJ's" I reply "Ok ill be back as soon as possible" she says as I walk to my room. I call TJ when I enter my room "Hey TJ, can I come stay at your house for 3 days? My mom is leaving town and I have no where else to go" I say "Yeah, I'm sure my mom won't mind" she replies "Ok well I guess see ya at school" I say "Ok Bye" 
Kris's POV.
"Who was that?" I ask my sister "It was some new girl from school I met today" she replies walking to my mom "Hey mom, my friends mom is leaving town for 3 days, can she come stay here while her moms gone?" She asks our mom "Yeah, I guess" our mother replies "Ok, I'll call her and let her know" TJ says walking off to her room "What was that about?" I ask my mom "Oh TJ is having a friend over for 3 days. Please don't mess with them, ok?" My mother asks me "Yeah yeah. Ok" I say heading to my room to go to bed.
Your POV.
*next day at school*
"Ok so I have all my stuff in my locker, my mom left this morning" I say to TJ as we walk to lunch "Ok, well ill have to warn ya, my brother is annoying and he'll probably mess with us" she replies "Wait, you have a brother?" I ask "Yeah, His name is Kris. He's 'Mr. Popular'." She replies 
*after school at TJ's house*
"Whoa you have a big house" I say to TJ as she shows me where her room is. "haha it's not that big" she replies "Ok this is my room, you don't mind sleeping in the floor, do you?" She asks "No. Not at all" I say sitting my stuff done "My mom will be home soon, That's when you can meet her" TJ says as she makes space for me to sleep in the floor *Knock Knock* someone knocks in TJ's door "Come in" TJ says. The door opens "Hey mom said she's gonna be a little late" Says TJ's brother "Oh ok." TJ replies "OH wait, Kris this is __, she's gonna be here for 3 days. Don't bother her, ok?" 
Kris's POV.
"Hey, you're the dude who doesn't watch where the he's going" Y/N says "Wait, this is the dude who ran into you?" TJ asks "Yeah. He was rude about it too. Making it sound like its my fault" Y/N says "Yeah, we'll you should watch out" I say walking out of TJ's room "Gah. Sorry about him he's a jerk" I hear walking down stairs to go cook dinner *45 minutes later* "Dinners ready" I yell "Ok we're coming" TJ yells from upstairs.
Your POV.
We rush down the stairs to go eat dinner "Whoa Bro, this smells delicious" TJ says getting me and her some food "Thank's, you better like it. I'm not making you guys anythings if you don't like it" Kris says. I just stand there in silence "Sheesh. What made you so mean?" TJ says "What's up with your friend?" Kris asks "What do you mean?" TJ says turning around to see me sitting on the ground with my head buried in her knees "Hey __, what's wrong?" TJ asks while walking over to me "Huh? Oh nothing" I say standing up like nothings wrong "You sure? You seem sad." TJ asks "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. I should go to bed" I say walking up stairs to go to bed.
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